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Graphing in Science (Tues 09.09.2008) Catalyst: Name and draw as many types of graphs as you can!

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Presentation on theme: "Graphing in Science (Tues 09.09.2008) Catalyst: Name and draw as many types of graphs as you can!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphing in Science (Tues 09.09.2008) Catalyst: Name and draw as many types of graphs as you can!

2 Agenda Reminders Graphing in Science Graphing Practice

3 Reminders Homework Packet #4 due Friday Quiz #4 on Friday

4 Objective SWBAT (1) Communicate data through tables and graphs. (1) Communicate data through tables and graphs. (2) Create appropriate graphs based on data.

5 Graphing in Science 09.09.2008..

6 What are the parts of a graph?

7 Title X-axis Y-axis

8 Graphing in Science 09.09.2008 Graph Parts Title Y-Axis | | |__________________________ X-axis

9 What are the parts of a graph? X-axis = IV

10 What are the parts of a graph? X-axis = IV Y-axis = DV

11 What are the parts of a graph? X-axis = IV Y-axis = DV Title = DV vs. IV Title = DV vs. IV

12 Graphing in Science 09.09.2008 Graph Parts Title Y-Axis | | |__________________________ X-axis - X-axis = IV (ex: Day #) - Y-axis = DV (ex: Amount of Rain in cm) - Title = DV vs. IV (ex: Amount of Rain vs. Day #)

13 Example Average Weekly Television Watching in Hours % Students Turning in HW 398 480 5.460 7.540 820

14 What is the IV? Average Weekly Television Watching in Hours % Students Turning in HW 398 480 5.460 7.540 820

15 What is the DV? Average Weekly Television Watching in Hours % Students Turning in HW 398 480 5.460 7.540 820

16 What would the title of the graph be? Average Weekly Television Watching in Hours % Students Turning in HW 398 480 5.460 7.540 820

17 Example Average Weekly Television Watching in Hours % Students Turning in HW 398 480 5.460 7.540 820

18 Graph list 1.Data in correct location 2.Axes labeled with units (cm, L, s, kg, etc.) 3.Axes evenly spaced out 4.Accurate title 5.Correct graph type

19 Graphing in Science 09.09.2008 Graph List 1.Data in correct location 2.Axes labeled with units (cm, L, s, kg, etc.) 3.Axes evenly spaced out 4.Accurate title 5.Correct graph type

20 Quick Practice (Left Page) Copy this table down and create a line graph for it! Fertilizer Amount in (mg) - IV Plant Height in (cm) - DV 510 13 15 20

21 Quick Practice (Left Page) Fertilizer Amount in (mg) - IV Plant Height in (cm) - DV 510 13 15 20

22 Graph Types Vs.

23 Line Graph - Use when the IV changes amount (day #, amount of fertilizer, etc)

24 Graphing in Science 09.09.2008 Graph Types - Line Graph - Use when the IV changes amount (day #, amount of fertilizer, etc)

25 Graph Types Bar Graph - Use when the IV changes type (person name, color of flower, etc.)

26 Graphing in Science 09.09.2008 Graph Types -Line Graph - Use when the IV changes amount (day #, amount of fertilizer, etc) -Bar Graph - Use when the IV changes type (person name, color of flower, etc.)

27 Summary Take 3 minutes to write a summary of todays notes! Be prepared to do a short lab!

28 Graphing Practice You will be at four different stations. For each station, create a table and an appropriate graph!

29 Reminders Homework Packet #4 due Friday Quiz #4 on Friday

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