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WWI Facts & Figures ________________ ________________ Over 15 million dead Over 15 million dead ________________ ________________ Causes hatred, resentment,

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2 WWI Facts & Figures ________________ ________________ Over 15 million dead Over 15 million dead ________________ ________________ Causes hatred, resentment, economic depression, and extreme nationalism Causes hatred, resentment, economic depression, and extreme nationalism

3 Causes of WWI Nationalism – the belief that _______ Nationalism – the belief that _______ _______________ is superior to all others. Example - ______ Example - ______ __________, Slavs living in Austria- Hungary want to be part of Serbia.

4 Causes of WWI Imperialism – countries competing to build overseas empires, arguing over land in Europe. Imperialism – countries competing to build overseas empires, arguing over land in Europe. Example – ______ Example – ______ _______________ __________ called Alsace-Lorraine

5 Causes of WWI Militarism – policy of ________________ ________________. Militarism – policy of ________________ ________________. Example – ________________ ________________ built largest armies and navies ever. Example – ________________ ________________ built largest armies and navies ever. Why? Why?

6 Causes of WWI Alliance System – In late 1800s European countries began to form alliances to __________________ Alliance System – In late 1800s European countries began to form alliances to _____________________________________________. Balance of Power – a situation in which the ____________________ Balance of Power – a situation in which the ________________________________________________. Examples Examples Triple Alliance Triple Alliance Triple Entente Triple Entente

7 ___________________

8 __________________

9 Causes of WWI The Balkans is a _____________. The Balkans is a _____________. The spark that ignites it is the _____________ The spark that ignites it is the __________________________ ___________ of Austria-Hungary. 19-year-old _______________ being dragged away by police after killing Franz Ferdinand.

10 Whos Got Our Backs? ____________ declares war on Serbia. ________ declares war on _____________ _________declares war on _____________ ___________ declares war on __________ The Great War has begun!

11 Triple Alliance becomes ____________. Bulgaria and Ottoman Empire join Germ and AH. Triple Alliance becomes ____________. Bulgaria and Ottoman Empire join Germ and AH. Triple Entente becomes ____________. Britain, France, Russia joined by Italy. Triple Entente becomes ____________. Britain, France, Russia joined by Italy.

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