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Advance is a school-based program for young people to volunteer in their community. It is a partnership between the Department of Human Services, Victorian.

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Presentation on theme: "Advance is a school-based program for young people to volunteer in their community. It is a partnership between the Department of Human Services, Victorian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advance is a school-based program for young people to volunteer in their community. It is a partnership between the Department of Human Services, Victorian Government secondary schools and community organisations. Through Advance, young people, schools and community organisations develop networks of relationships while achieving shared goals. The program also encourages communities to support and recognise young people’s participation and positive role in society. Advance gives young people a chance to do something great in their community based on their choice. Young people are able to plan projects, meet new people, build skills and make a difference in their community. This Basic On-line Training Program of 20 questions has been developed to assist in the delivery of professional development to all those involved in co- ordinating the Advance Program.

2 Question 1 Goals and Spirit Advance’s goal is to enable young people’s participation and volunteering in community life, and is part of the Government’s commitment to valuing the contributions of young people, listening to their views and providing them with genuine opportunities for involvement in their communities. The essential elements of Advance are that… A B C D young people DO something with their family, they do it in PARTNERSHIP with their school and that it includes young people’s CHOICE. young people DO something with their community, they do it in PARTNERSHIP with a community organisation and that it includes young people’s CHOICE. young people DO something with their lives, they do it in PARTNERSHIP with a community organisation and that it includes parent CHOICE. young people DO something with their school, they do it in PARTNERSHIP with a family member and that it includes young people’s CHOICE.

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4 Question 2 Eligibility Through Advance, young people identify issues of concern or interest in their communities, and work in partnership with suitable community organisations to develop and deliver a community based project or series of activities. While Advance is funded annually, it is a flexible program that may be delivered in a range of ways, and is available to… A B C D Victorian Local Councils. Victorian Government secondary school campuses. Victorian secondary school campuses. Victorian Community Organisations.

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6 Question 3 A Youth Development Approach Advance uses a youth development approach to encourage young people to participate more fully in community life. The program framework allows for maximum decision-making in the local delivery of Advance and associated activities. The youth development practices that underpin the principles of Advance are… A B C D Respect, Diversity, Involvement and Sustainability. Understanding, Diversity, Involvement and Sustainability. Respect, Diversity, Involvement and Loyalty. Respect, Diversity, Harmony and Sustainability.

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8 Question 4 Program Framework Schools have ultimate responsibility in ensuring the Advance components are met. These components, which are built on the best practice principles of youth participation, are… A B C D Learning Modules, Recognised Training, Community Project(s), Celebration and recognition of young people’s achievements and young people involved in decision-making. Learning Modules, Community Project(s), Risk Management, Community Awareness and Event Management. Learning Modules, Community Project(s), Celebration and recognition of young people’s achievements and young people involved in decision-making. Recognised Training, Community Project(s), Project Management, Communication and young people involved in decision-making.

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10 Question 5 Learning Modules 1, 2 and 3 Schools must be able to demonstrate that young people have satisfactorily achieved the learning outcomes contained in Learning Modules 1, 2 and 3. The three Learning Modules of Advance are… A B C D Community, Communication and Project Management. First Aid, Risk Management and Community. Public Speaking, Project Management and Recognised Training. Community, Report Writing and Safety.

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12 Question 6 Recognised Training Schools must be able to demonstrate that young people have satisfactorily completed recognised training. Recognised training courses are those that: i) Have national accreditation, such as Certificate 1 in Volunteering or a Certificate 1 in First Aid; or ii) Are recognised by the community as developing knowledge and skills for participation in particular activities A recognised training course will usually… A B C D result in the development of a new skill, have a certificate awarded at the end of the program and be delivered and/or assessed by someone other than school staff. require young people to enrol at a TAFE and be linked to the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning. result in the development of a new skill, be delivered during school hours and require the completion of a complete course. have a certificate awarded at the end of the program that has been approved by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and the Department of Human Services.

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14 Question 7 Community Project Or Series Of Volunteer Activities A key component of Advance is the development of a partnership between young people, the school and a community organisation to deliver one or more community projects or a series of volunteering activities. Community projects or volunteering activities can take a variety of forms including, taking part in existing volunteering opportunities, planning and implementing an information campaign, developing, implementing and evaluating a community event or producing a resource for the community. Schools must be able to demonstrate that there has been engagement between………… to deliver a community project or series of volunteering activities. A B C D young people and their teachers teachers and one or more community organisations teachers and parents young people and one or more community organisations

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16 Question 8 Celebration and Recognition of Young People’s Achievements Celebrating and recognising personal and group achievements is an important and positive component of any project or partnership and encourages continued effort and commitment. Recognition and celebration can range from informal acknowledgements that take place within the group, to formal public events incorporated throughout the program rather than only at the conclusion. Examples include… A B C D all of the above. a lunch, barbeque or public demonstrations or exhibitions. undertaking an activity the young people choose. articles and photos in local papers or school newsletters.

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18 Question 9 Young People Involved in Decision-Making It is essential that young people have opportunities to participate in planning and decision-making at the local level. It is expected that teachers and community partners will provide opportunities for young people to take a more central role in planning and decision-making as the program develops and participants’ skills and experience increase. Opportunities for involvement include… A B C D accepting teacher decisions regarding the project to be undertaken and being allowed to attend excursions. being able to attend Advance activities during school time and being able to apply to participate in a pre- determined program. being told by teachers and community organisations when activities will take place, who they will work with in a team and what recognised training will be undertaken. deciding the type of project or series of activities that is undertaken, contributing to decisions about which recognised training course is undertaken and participating in decisions about how the program funding is used.

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20 Question 10 Reporting and Evaluation Evaluation provides information that allows effort to be recognised and achievement to be properly acknowledged. Schools delivering Advance are responsible for formal reporting to the Department of Human Services. Community organisations, as partners, are encouraged to be aware of the required reporting process and to contribute as appropriate. Schools must lodge monitoring and evaluation information, including detailed reporting on the expenditure of funding to… A B C D the Department of Human Services. the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. the Australian Taxation Office. the Local Learning and Employment Network.

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22 Question 11 Flexibility – Different Program Delivery Models Advance’s flexible framework has been developed to allow for maximum local decision-making by the people who are delivering the program. The most common model is of partnership formed between a school and a community organisation to deliver a single community project or a series of volunteer activities for the entire class. A school may also choose to… A B C D work in partnership with multiple community organisations to best meet the needs of the young people involved in Advance. not work with any community organisations if they deliver the program over two years. work in partnership with multiple community organisations to ensure all funding is spent. work only in partnership with corporate organisations so that the school can establish sponsorship arrangements.

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24 Question 12 The Level of Community Organisation Involvement A key focus of Advance is young people working in partnership with community organisations. A community organisation’s involvement in an Advance partnership provides a learning environment and an opportunity to support young people. Community organisations may partner with young people and schools in a variety of ways, however… A B C D the young people, the school coordinator and the community organisation should negotiate the level of involvement. they may only work with one school delivering Advance per region in any given year. this must not be altered once an agreement has been made. community organisations must provide full-time staff to work with young people on their project(s) or series of volunteering activities.

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26 Question 13 Monitoring and Reporting Timelines Generally, the order of administrative and reporting requirements by the Department of Human Services of schools participating in Advance throughout the year are… A B C D Signed Funding Agreement > Confirmation of Student Numbers Form > School Community Partnership Notification Form > End of Year Report. School Community Partnership Notification Form > Confirmation of Student Numbers Form > End of Year Report > Signed Funding Agreement. School Community Partnership Notification Form > Signed Funding Agreement > End of Year Report > Confirmation of Student Numbers Form. Signed Funding Agreement > End of Year Report > Confirmation of Student Numbers Form > School Community Partnership Notification Form.

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28 Question 14 Duty of Care and Legal Issues The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development School Policy & Advisory Guide outlines the responsibility, authority and accountability for the management, administration and operation of schools. Ultimate responsibility for the Advance program rests with… A B C D the school. the parents of participating young people. the community organisations. the young people involved in the program.

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30 Question 15 Funding amount available Eligible Victorian Government secondary school campuses receive up to $________ for a minimum of 21 students. To cater for schools with low student enrolment, schools that enrol less than 21 students will be funded proportionately. Of the funding available, up to $1,000 may be used for Casual Relief Teacher expenses relating to Advance activities, while $800 can be used to provide professional development for teachers involved in Advance. A B C D $7,295 $9,725. $2,975. $9,275.

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32 Question 16 Use of Funding Schools are required to acquit the funding granted against expenditure, and demonstrate how the use of the funds has met program accountabilities. The allocation includes funds to purchase or hire: Services from community organisations Equipment directly related to the community project or series of activities Venues and cover associated costs Training materials Access to recognised training courses Transport Off-site activities Photocopying, printing and telephone costs directly related to the delivery of Advance Uniforms required for OH&S purposes. Funding MUST NOT be used to… A B C D employ a teacher to coordinate the program or to purchase assets for the school. produce certificates of recognition or purchase gifts of thanks for volunteers involved with the program. cover catering costs for morning or afternoon teas for Advance functions. purchase movie tickets, gift vouchers or other forms of celebratory items for young people involved in the program..

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34 Question 17 Community Partnerships The opportunity for young people to extend their networks and build partnerships with known and trusted adults in community organisations is central to Advance. These partnerships aim to assist young people to become __________, __________, __________ and __________ members of their community. Entering a partnership with a school is an exciting and rewarding opportunity for a community organisation and its members. Like any partnership, it is important to establish a solid base and a strong understanding of both parties’ expectations and requirements for beneficial partnership. A B C D confident, skilled, competent, active. casual, stable, confident, agile. confident, scared, competent, active. careless, selfish, casual, angry.

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36 Question 18 Involving Young People In Volunteering One way of introducing and/or encouraging young people to learn and contribute further to their community is through volunteering; hence, a key goal of Advance is promoting and valuing young people volunteering. In Advance, young people will be working as volunteers and working with volunteers. Before beginning any volunteer activities, young people should be aware of… A B C D their rights and responsibilities as volunteers. their rights and responsibilities as consumers. their rights and responsibilities as students. their rights and responsibilities as members of the workforce.

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38 Question 19 Promoting Advance There are a number of audiences for promotion and providing information about Advance including: The School Principal The School Council The school staff Other young people Parents Community organisations members including management boards, members and volunteers The local community. The Department of Human Services website has promotion tips, media release templates and other resources relating to Advance that can be found at:....... An on-line forum for Advance co-ordinators is also available at: A B C D

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40 Question 20 Planning For Program Sustainability The ongoing viability of Advance in each school depends on: Adequate planning and preparation Adherence to the principles of good practice in youth development An adequate resource base A succession plan Evaluation, monitoring and reporting A strong support base in the school and community and… A B C D Maintenance of quality and innovation within the program. Stockpiling of finances and equipment from the program. Creation of checklists, spreadsheets and templates. Utilisation of recycled materials.

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42 Congratulations! You have successfully completed the Advance Basic On-line Training Program. Further support to co-ordinators is provide via: * The Department of Human Services website; * The Advance On-line Forum; * Emailing the Advance Team; or * By calling (03) 9096 3349.The Department of Human Services websiteThe Advance On-line ForumEmailing the Advance Team Click to receive your certificate. Don’t forget to include your name and school campus.

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