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Curriculum Issues in PE. Issues Assignment Groups of 2 Research half of an issue (X: coed v. same gender)). Present your half of the argument to the class.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Issues in PE. Issues Assignment Groups of 2 Research half of an issue (X: coed v. same gender)). Present your half of the argument to the class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Issues in PE

2 Issues Assignment Groups of 2 Research half of an issue (X: coed v. same gender)). Present your half of the argument to the class in 3 minutes. Try and convince them your position is the correct one! You do not need to agree with your position to argue it. Use factual data and examples (must use two references during your presentation) You must incorporate a closure You may use a cheat sheet, do not read your argument Be prepared so you dont fumble through it The class will vote following each issue Go after the issue! Have some fun. To turn in: Outline of your presentation and 2 APA references on letter size paper. If unsure of APA, research it on the net (Dont use MLA)

3 Controversial issues 1. Student Centered (productive) v. Teacher Centered Learning Styles (reproductive) 2. Coed v. Same-sex Classes 3. Depth of Coverage v. Breadth of Coverage 4. Cross-curricular (esp. reading/math) v. PE Content Only 5. Standards Based Instruction v. Teacher Autonomy 6. Competitive Classroom v. Cooperative Classroom 7. Full Inclusion v. Least Restrictive Environment 8. Three Domain Assessment v. Attendance and Participation 9. Require PE Clothes v. Optional PE Clothes 10. Focus on Disciplinary Mastery (Psychomotor) v. Focus on Self-Actualization (Affective) 11. PE Exemptions for Athletes v. No Exemptions 12. Create Your Own

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