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What’s a Pass-By Trip? Shopping Center Destination Origin.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s a Pass-By Trip? Shopping Center Destination Origin."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s a Pass-By Trip? Shopping Center Destination Origin

2 Pass-By Trips Definition: Trips that would have traveled on a street adjacent to a Retail Center even if the retail was not constructed Applied only to retail-oriented land uses –Shopping centers –Convenience markets –Gas stations –Fast-food restaurants –Drive-in banks Results in reduction of new trips added to network attributable to retail center

3 From ITE Handbook Pass-by for Shopping Centers 20%

4 Pass-By Trips ITE Provides guidance on appropriate percentages –Shopping center percentages based on: size of retail space volume of adjacent street traffic (10% max)

5 Pass-by Reasonableness Checks The number of pass-by trips should not exceed 10 percent of the adjacent street traffic during peak hour Strong justification must be provided to document pass-by rates greater than 25 percent of the total external trip generation for the developments retail portions –Ensure proposed development displays ideal characteristics to generate pass-by trips

6 10% of Adjacent Street Traffic Represents maximum number of trip ends that can be subtracted from base trip generation for pass-by analysis. Common misuse: –Adjacent street traffic = 1000 –10% = 100 –Those 100 vehicles enter the project, then exit the project for a total reduction of 200 from the trip generation

7 Driveway Traffic Will Include All Of The Pass By Traffic 1000 1,000 Beware when analyzing driveways: analysis must include pass- by trips in driveway volumes.

8 Pass-by Trips Example Total Trip Generation = External Trips = External Trips New to the System - Pass-by Percent - Internal Capture Office Apartment Retail

9 31037407454795 261962107 524213107 786175214 23236796704581 0%20%0% 07360 16.1% 2322943670 3845 External Trips Worksheet Total Trip Generation Office Apartment Retail 31037407454795 Exiting Internal Capture 264362131 Entering Internal Capture 526613131 Total Internal Capture 7810975262 TOTAL

10 31037407454795 261962107 524213107 786175214 23236796704581 0%20%0% 07360 16.1% 2322943670 3845 External Trips Worksheet Total Trip Generation Office Apartment Retail 31037407454795 Exiting Internal Capture 264362131 Entering Internal Capture 526613131 - Total Internal Capture 7810975262 External Trips 23236316704533 TOTAL Pass-by Trips 07360 -

11 Pass-by Trips Example Pass-by Percent Office Apartment Retail 20 1000 Shopping Center Pass-by Trips Weekday, P.M. Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic 20%

12 31037407454795 261962107 524213107 786175214 23236796704581 0%20%0% 07360 16.1% 2322943670 3845 Pass-by Trips Worksheet Total Trip Generation Office Apartment Retail 31037407454795 Exiting Internal Capture 264362131 Entering Internal Capture 526613131 Total Internal Capture 7810975262 External Trips 23236316704533 Pass-by Percent 0%20%0% Pass-by Trips 07260 External Trips New to System 2322905670 3807 TOTAL

13 Pass-by Check

14 Apartment Shopping Office Total + + = Apartment Shopping Office Total + + = Apartment Shopping Office Total + + = Apartment Shopping Office Total + + = Total Driveway Volume 19 287 306 265 139 304 19 39 354 382 393 1543 540 ApartmentShopping OfficeTotal + + = ApartmentShopping OfficeTotal + + = ApartmentShopping OfficeTotal + + = ApartmentShopping OfficeTotal + + = Total Driveway Volume ApartmentShopping OfficeTotal + + = ApartmentShopping OfficeTotal + + = Total Driveway Volume Apartment Shopping Office Total + + = Apartment Shopping Office Total + + = Total Driveway Volume 167 23+28 51 218 23 957 980 15 287 302 4788334 964 265296 2542 83+84 167 23 190 31 A B CD Pass-by Check 690 524 Background Traffic 810 616 Background Traffic N 690+524+810+616=2,640 total background 2,640 x 10%=264 max pass-by

15 Pass-by Check 264 Max. Pass- by Trips N Potential Pass-by Trips 726 690 524 Background Traffic 810 616 Background Traffic Retail 10% OF BACKGROUND Total Allowable Pass-by Trips 264

16 31037407454795 261962107 524213107 786175214 23236796704581 0%20%0% 07360 16.1% 2322943670 3845 Pass-by Trips Worksheet Total Trip Generation Office Apartment Retail 31037407454795 Exiting Internal Capture 264362131 Entering Internal Capture 526613131 Total Internal Capture 7810975262 External Trips 232363167045330%10% backgrd 0% Pass-by Trips 02640 Actual Pass-by % of Retail 7.3% External Trips New to System 2323367670 4269 TOTAL 264 / 3631 = Pass-by Percent (background)

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