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Presentation on theme: "JUSTICE AND HUMAN RELATIONS IN SAID NURSIS WORK AS SEEN FROM A COMMUNICATION PERSPECTIVE Andi Faisal Bakti Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University,Jakarta,"— Presentation transcript:

1 JUSTICE AND HUMAN RELATIONS IN SAID NURSIS WORK AS SEEN FROM A COMMUNICATION PERSPECTIVE Andi Faisal Bakti Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University,Jakarta, Indonesia.

2 I. Introduction A. Questions: - How does Said Nursi discuss in his work the idea of justice? - How does he define justice? - What are his interpretations of adalah in the Quran and how are these interpretations relevant to the modern tradition? B. Statement : adalah (Qur an) - God: Planets, Animated entities, Human beings - God s encouragement to human beings to be just - Rulers/leaders to be just - Judges to be fair C. Metodologi/theory: - Inter textualities - Indexicalities

3 II. Justice in Communication Every one accepts and knows that the others accept the same principles of justice Social institution satisfy and are known to satisfy their principles

4 III. Said Nursis Treatment of Justice Affirmative: giving and deserving his rights Negative: chastising the unjust wrong doers their due: - Requital - Punishment

5 IV. Gods Justice Gods wisdom/ mercy/ balancing of the universe. Surah al-Rahman 7-9: mention 4 times: balance! (Wassamaa rafaaha wawadhaa al-miizan. Alla tatghaw fiil miizan. Waaqimul wazna bil qisti walaa tukhsiru al-miizan) Sharia: The core of justice Illustrious Sharia : - Mutual consultation - Restriction of power to the law - Make the authority apply justice

6 Two examples of Sharia: - Inheritance - Cutting hand Good deeds Unbelievers good deed; still put in Hell Unbeliever = 1000 murders 1 minutes murder = 15 years (nearly 8 million minutes) of imprisonment (Hell). 1 minutes disbelieve = nearly 8 billion minutes 1 year of disbelieve = 2.880 billion minutes

7 V. Rulers Justice The companions of the Prophet Muhammad The Rightly-guided Caliphs - Caliphs - Presidents The 10 Promised Paradise Kings / rulers (many unjust practices): - Bourgeoisie Vs Proletariat - Racialism Vs nationalism

8 VI. Peoples Justice Criminals are sinful in the view truths Western civilization is not based on truth but on:- Force - Conflict - Aggression - Evil of civilization

9 VII. Conclusion Gods Justice : a perfect balance and equilibrium Humanity: - Good deeds Paradise - Bad deeds Hell Sharia on Vs Western tradition on - Inheritance 2:1- Inheritance 1:1 - Stealing = cutting hand - Thief = Imprisonment Emulation of -- Prophet Muhammad His family members - His Rightly Guided Caliphs - The 10 Promised with paradise

10 Nursi is critical of any kind of - Oppression; umayyads/abbasids - Injustice of… Except: Umar bin Abdul Aziz Turkey court practices are unjust/ unfair Nationalism & Radicalism; sources of injustice Supports Communitarian Islam; Ummah General population are to be defended from; - Oppression - Tyranny - Corrupt Good deeds of Westerners are not based on Sharia! Practices

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