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Strengthen Your Career by Effectively Marketing Your Credentials Cheyene Haase BC Management, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Strengthen Your Career by Effectively Marketing Your Credentials Cheyene Haase BC Management, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengthen Your Career by Effectively Marketing Your Credentials Cheyene Haase BC Management, Inc.

2 Topics of Presentation Evolution of the Business Continuity Field. Hiring Trends. Credentials in Demand by Employers. Increase Your Marketability. What is Your Fair Market Value? When Should You Change Jobs? Final Tips.

3 The Evolving Business Continuity Field Contingency planning is becoming an enterprise focus. Corporations are combining business and information technology under one umbrella. Where should the BC program report?

4 Hiring Trends in Business Continuity Budgetary constraints → less jobs and combining jobs within a company. Less jobs and a greater candidate pool → selective hiring decisions. The hiring process slowed down in 2001 – 2003. Recently the job market has been picking up. Companies are shying away from relocating candidates with or without assistance.

5 What Credentials are in Demand? Certified professionals (CBCP, CISSP, CEM, PMP, etc.). Degreed professionals (Bachelor required, prefer Masters). Strong understanding of both business and technology issues in contingency planning. Previous experience developing global contingency programs. A wide array of skills from contingency planning, information security, emergency response and risk management. Strong soft skills.

6 Soft Skills are in Demand Polished presentation skills to CXO level and executive board members. Strong Project Management skills. Training expertise. The ability to engage all employees from users to CXO level. The ability to make a business case for an enterprise contingency program. The ability to understand what type of contingency program fits the company culture.

7 Increase Your Marketability Brand yourself. Become certified or dual certified. Earn an advanced degree. Improve your presentation skills – take a public speaking class. Sharpen your business or technology knowledge. Sharpen your expertise in other tangent fields (information security, emergency management or risk management). Be an expert in the BC field – serve on a board, become published, and take on public speaking.

8 What Determines Your Salary? Years of Work & Field Experience Job Title – Where do you report within an organization? Geographic Location Technical Expertise Certification Advanced Degree Industry Specialty Percentage of Travel Project Management & People Management Experience Work History




12 Average Total Compensation by Certification



15 Indicators for a Job Change Lack of Challenge Lack of Career Growth Direction of Company is Questionable Lack of Support Salary

16 Final Tips to Strengthen Your Career Always strengthen your skills. Always be networking with colleagues. Brand Yourself. Do not wait until a job search to increase your marketability. Changing jobs may not help your career in the long run.

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