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Social Communication Module 5 Delivering of presentation Body language.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Communication Module 5 Delivering of presentation Body language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Communication Module 5 Delivering of presentation Body language

2 Delivering of presentation

3 ature=related How is it wrong

4 Nonverbal communications, Body language is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages. communicationwordless the process of communicating what you are feeling or thinking by the way you place and move your body rather than by words

5 Facial expression, eye contact First impression, contact with auditorium You express your emotions

6 Gestures role in communication, conventionalization of gesture, integration of gesture and speech, and the evolution of language t_of_gestures t_of_gestures h?v=Mi6h8zktO1s&feature=re lated h?v=Mi6h8zktO1s&feature=re lated

7 Gestures Types of gestures in our speech Gestures of quality, quantity, Demonstrating gestures Not controlled gestures Source of emotions

8 Gestures and culture, and social intelligence

9 Positions - posturology 4Pc&feature=related Mr. Bean 4Pc&feature=related

10 Positions Standing Sitting Lying Kneeling hanging

11 Positions by negotiation, by presentation

12 Space Edward Hall - reaction bubbels Intimate distance Personal distance Social distance Public distance Distance by presentation

13 Clothing, hairstyles

14 Paralangue

15 Summary use NVC: using notes only you have to stand up ware an official cloth to ware a tie ? eye contact - look at the audience, at the different people Guard gestures ntLGOyHw4&feature=fvw steve jobs ntLGOyHw4&feature=fvw

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