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Guideline for the Development of Information System Supporting North Eastern University Learning Phantawut Chantaramongkol Wanwisa Wannapipat North Eastern.

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Presentation on theme: "Guideline for the Development of Information System Supporting North Eastern University Learning Phantawut Chantaramongkol Wanwisa Wannapipat North Eastern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guideline for the Development of Information System Supporting North Eastern University Learning Phantawut Chantaramongkol Wanwisa Wannapipat North Eastern University *research funding granted by North Eastern University, 2013

2 Presented Topics North Eastern University, 2014 1. Rational and Background 6. Research Methodology 5. Keyword and Definitions 2. Research Purposes 3. Research Area 4. Expected Outcomes 7. Research Results 8. Discussion 9. Recommendation

3 1. Rational and Background North Eastern University, 2014 Information System Quality Assurance (Office of Higher Education Commission, 2014) A Guideline for Development of Information System Supporting North-Eastern University Learning to support the quality of learning system school be the professional university Information and computers in daily life

4 2. Research Purposes North Eastern University, 2014 2.1) to study the situation towards the information system using by the students in North Eastern University 2.2) to study the problems and recommendations towards the information system using by the students in North Eastern University 2.3) to purpose the guideline for the development of information system supporting of North Eastern University learning

5 3. Research Area North Eastern University, 2014 3.1) Research area: North Eastern University 3.2) Variables 3.2.1 Independent Variable Problem levels towards the information system using 1) registration system 2) academic resource center system 3) network system 4) media and technology 3.2.2 Dependent Variable the guideline for the development of information system supporting North Eastern University learning 3.3) Sample group 3.3.1 The sample group in this study was the 367 undergraduate students of North Eastern University selected by Random Sampling from Taro Yamane

6 4. Expected Outcomes North Eastern University, 2014 4.1) the information system of North Eastern University has the stability and readiness for the fostering of learning support. 4.2) the divisions related to information system working can improve and develop the system in order to foster the learning of the students. 4.3) the students can develop their learning process by using the developed information system supporting North Eastern University learning.

7 5. Keyword and Definition the guideline for the development the implementation plans for the development of information system of North Eastern University North Eastern University, 2014 the learning information system the information system for supporting learning the system which the computers are used to collect, store, and manage to be the good information and can be used then in decision making fast and correctly. The system consisted of the implementation plans for the development of information system of North Eastern University the knowledge providing to students inside and outside classrooms Registration System means the system which the computers are used in registration system as collect, store, and use in the future Academic Resource Center System means the system which the computers are used to collect the document, textbooks, books, and other learning tools Network System means the system which the computers are used to communicate through data and information Media and Technology means the up to date technology which used with learning media including other processes of learning tools applying; for example, internet used for learning 1 3 2 4

8 6. Research Methodology 6.1 Research type 6.2 Population and Sample group 6.3 Research instruments 6.4 Data collection 6.5 Data analysis North Eastern University, 2014

9 6.1 Research type the Developmental Research Type II (Richey et. Al, 2004; Richey and Klien, 2007) Phase 1: Guideline Development consisted of Document Analysis and Survey methods North Eastern University, 2014

10 6.2 Population and sample group The population in this study was the 4,324 undergraduate students of North Eastern University (Registration office of North Eastern University, 2014) The sample group in this study was the 367 undergraduate students of North Eastern University selected by Random Sampling from Taro Yamane North Eastern University, 2014

11 6.3 Research instruments the questionnaires and interviewing forms were partially divided into three parts as the following: Part 1 General information consisted of 6 questions Part 2 Opinions towards the implementation level of the information system to support learning in NEU -consisted of 42 questions to measure the opinions by using Rating Scale of Likert method -the questionnaire consisted of 5 levels of scores criteria: Level 5 means highest level of operating Level 4 means high level of operating Level 3 means moderated level of operating Level 2 means low level of operating Level 1 means lowest level of operating Part 3 Problems and Recommendations North Eastern University, 2014

12 6.4 Data collection The data is collected from the sample group by using the completed 380 questionnaires in the duration of 2 months. North Eastern University, 2014

13 6.5 Data analysis The quantitative data was analyzed by mean, average, and percentage The qualitative data was analyzed by interpreting the answer from the interviewing forms North Eastern University, 2014

14 7. Research Results North Eastern University, 2014 Phase I the Guideline for the development of information system supporting of North Eastern University learning means the implementation plans for the development of information system of North Eastern University whereas the computers are used to collect, store, and manage to be the good information and can be used then in decision making fast and correctly. the information system consisted of these 4 aspects: the information system consisted of these 4 aspects: Registration System means the system which the computers are used in registration system as collect, store, and use in the future Academic Resource Center System means the system which the computers are used to collect the document, textbooks, books, and other learning tools Network System means the system which the computers are used to communicate through data and information Media and Technology means the up to date technology which used with learning media including other processes of learning tools applying; for example, internet used for learning

15 7. Research Results North Eastern University, 2014 The information system aspects to be improved Network system Academic Resource Center Registration system Media and Technology The stability of network The network signal is all around the university The sufficiency of installed programs The stability of the system The sufficiency of media and technology Officers’ services for the users The system notification for errors Officers’ recommendations and suggestions for users Officers’ working time Graphic designed, easy to understand The ‘Every time-Everywhere’ of data surfing Simple steps of searching procedures System notification for backup data searching The system performance time

16 8. Discussion 1.Regards this development research phase 1, found that the information system consisted of (1) Registration System (2) Academic Resource Center System (3) Network System (4) Media and Technology based on the policy of quality assurance of the higher education schools by the indicator of 2.5- to support the quality of learning system of staff and students (Office of Higher Education Commission, 2014). 2.the guideline for the development of information system supporting of North Eastern University learning consisted of Document analysis and Survey methods by conveying (1) theories study (2) context study (3) research framework synthesizing and (4) information system design and development for all the data from the questionnaires North Eastern University, 2014

17 8. Discussion North Eastern University, 2014 3.The levels of opinions for the system operation towards each aspects of the information system Found that the Network system most needed to find the implementation plans for the development, and then Media and Technology, Registration System, and Academic Resource Center System respectively. the information system The levels of opinions for the system operation Range meanS.D. Operating level 1. Registration System3.10940.74670moderate2 2. Academic Resource Center System 3.11920.78370moderate1 3. Network System 3.04630.84939moderate4 4. Media and Technology 3.08670.85205moderate3 average3.09040.72748

18 8. Discussion 3. The results from the questionnaires were categorized and hierarchized by the levels of system implementation of the sample group, shown as the following: which the data was then discussed by the experts in Focus Group to create and propose the guideline for development of information system supporting North-Eastern University learning North Eastern University, 2014

19 9. Recommendations 9.1) the recommendations for the further study: other sample groups as lecturers or staffs should be studied in order to have the data for designing and developing the guideline for other aspect of information system supporting for learning. 9.2) the recommendations for other research applying: the guideline should be used and applied depends on the context of users, schools, and appropriated media attributes. North Eastern University, 2014

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