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Indicative Data Entry Requirements for UNFPA The below shows UNFPA’s current system for data entry of financial audit reports according to current UNFPA.

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Presentation on theme: "Indicative Data Entry Requirements for UNFPA The below shows UNFPA’s current system for data entry of financial audit reports according to current UNFPA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indicative Data Entry Requirements for UNFPA The below shows UNFPA’s current system for data entry of financial audit reports according to current UNFPA ToR 1

2 2013 NEX REPORTS - Dashboard In the AUDIT REPORTS module, the NEX Audit Reports sub-tab allows you to upload reports for the IPs that have been selected for audit For illustration purposes only 2 click on the IP name (The “Audit Report Status” indicates whether a report is “Pending Data Entry”, “Pending Finalization” or “Finalized” Once the report is uploaded and saved, a date will appear in the “Report Finalized” column Audit Reports/ 2013 NEX Audit Reports

3 2013 NEX REPORTS – Upload Window Clicking on an IP in the 2013 NEX Audit Reports dashboard gives you access to an upload window with 5 different tabs. For illustration purposes only 3 You will enter information into 5 different tabs: -Audit Opinion -OFA Opinion -Observations -Forms -Complete Audit Report Your have to complete and save the first tab (Audit Opinion) before you can access the other three Each window is prepopulated for the specific IP on which you clicked

4 2013 NEX REPORTS – Audit Opinion Audit Opinion is the first tab that needs to be populated and saved before accessing the other tabs. (1/2) For illustration purposes only 4 Each window is prepopulated for the specific IP on which you clicked The amount audited need to be specified by project: it will be automatically be prepopulated if the amount audited matches the CDR for Audit (if exceptionally this is not the case, the No box needs to be checked and the proper amount manually entered, with the corresponding justification

5 2013 NEX REPORTS – Audit Opinion Audit Opinion is the first tab that needs to be populated and saved before accessing the other tabs. (2/2) For illustration purposes only 5 The total audited amount gets added automatically The Opinion stated by the Audit Report should be selected from the drop-down menu (Unqualified, Qualified, Disclaimer, Adverse) Justification comments and the body of the report need to be entered in the corresponding windows Then the Opinion must be saved before proceeding to the following tabs

6 2013 NEX REPORTS – OFA Opinion Opinion on OFA balance and Advances will be summarized on this tab The OFA balance needs to be specified by project: it will be automatically prepopulated if the OFA in FACE matched OFA in Atlas (if exceptionally this is not the case, the No box needs to be checked and the proper amount manually entered, with the corresponding justification) The OFA Advances need to be specified by project: it will be automatically prepopulated if OFA Advances in FACE matched OFA advances in Atlas (if exceptionally this is not the case, the No box needs to be checked and the proper amount manually entered, with the corresponding justification) 6

7 2013 NEX REPORTS – Observations Observations is the third tab that needs to be populated with Observations, Recommendations and Unsupported Amounts. (1/3) For illustration purposes only 7 Observations and related unsupported amounts will then be summarized on this tab Recommendations can be views by clicking on the relevant “View Recommendation” Observations can be Edited or Removed by clicking on the relevant icon Clicking on the “Add Observation” text next to the “+” allows to add Observations through a new window

8 2013 NEX REPORTS – Observations Add Observation window will allow to capture observations, recommendations and unsupported amounts. (2/3) For illustration purposes only 8 Observation category and type have to be selected through the drop down menus Observations can be entered and formatted in the text box If/when applicable, Unsupported amounts can be entered, in Local Currency (a drop-down menu allows selection of the currency – the translation in USD is automatic, based on average annual UN exchange rate) The observation need to be Saved

9 2013 NEX REPORTS – Observations Once an Observation is saved, an Add Recommendation becomes available at the bottom of the page, giving Access to a recommendation window. (3/3) For illustration purposes only 9 Clicking on ADD RECOMMENDATION allows to add one or several recommendations Text can be entered and formatted in the pop up windows, and needs to be saved

10 2013 NEX REPORTS – Forms The third tab Forms allows the upload of required forms For illustration purposes only 10 Forms have to be uploaded in a PDF format, below 6MB Compulsory uploads will be indicated by a red “*” If for some reason that document is not available, a N/A box can be checked, but a comment is then mandatory (the system will not allow saving otherwise) A “SAVE” button is available at the bottom of the page – please note that all documents should be uploaded at the same time, or the N/A boxes checked appropriately in order to save (otherwise the application will not keep the documents if there is an error)

11 2013 NEX REPORTS – Complete Audit Report The last tab Complete Audit Reports summarizes the information entered and allows finalization For illustration purposes only 11 All the information saved in the previous tabs is automatically reported on this tab At the bottom of the page there is an upload functionality: “Upload Scanned Audit Report File” (required to allow finalization) Below is the “Finalize and Submit to HQ” button

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