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58 years, 10 Presidents both Republican and Democrat, throughout WARS and Economic downturn. Take a look at their individual records for monthly Job Growth.

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2 58 years, 10 Presidents both Republican and Democrat, throughout WARS and Economic downturn. Take a look at their individual records for monthly Job Growth as provided by the Minority House Staff Appropriations Committee Over the past 58 years we have had positive Job Growth Until Now

3 Job Growth by President (Average Monthly Growth in Employment During Presidency) Source Minority Staff office House Appropriations Committee Truman 1 World War II ended and thousands were laid off from defense plants all over the country. Even with this down turn President Truman was able to average 60,000 new jobs per month during his first term in office.

4 Truman 2 The Korean War broke out in his second term and with the help of increased defense work, he averaged 113,000 new jobs per month. Job Growth by President (Average Monthly Growth in Employment During Presidency)

5 Source Minority Staff office House Appropriations Committee Eisenhower 1 The Korean War ended and the Cold War had begun and “Ike” averaged 58,000 new jobs per month. Job Growth by President (Average Monthly Growth in Employment During Presidency)

6 Source Minority Staff office House Appropriations Committee Eisenhower 2 In the second term he began the Interstate Highway system and was able to create 15,000 new jobs per month. Many of these jobs were family wage union jobs. Job Growth by President (Average Monthly Growth in Employment During Presidency)

7 Source Minority Staff office House Appropriations Committee Kennedy The Cold War almost became Armageddon with the Cuban Missile crisis. John F Kennedy declared that the United States would place a man on the moon and safely return him to earth before the end of the decade. He averaged 122,000 jobs per month, many of which were in Aerospace. Job Growth by President (Average Monthly Growth in Employment During Presidency)

8 Source Minority Staff office House Appropriations Committee Johnson Many defense jobs created due to the Viet Nam war with an average of 206,000 new jobs per month. Job Growth by President (Average Monthly Growth in Employment During Presidency)

9 Source Minority Staff office House Appropriations Committee Nixon 1 The war ended. Nixon went to China to lay the groundwork for opening Chinese markets. He instituted wage and price controls to stem the growth of inflation (only the wages were frozen). He still created 129,000 new jobs per month. Job Growth by President (Average Monthly Growth in Employment During Presidency)

10 Source Minority Staff office House Appropriations Committee Nixon / Ford President Ford assumed office after the Watergate fiasco and averaged 105,000 new jobs per month. Job Growth by President (Average Monthly Growth in Employment During Presidency)

11 Source Minority Staff office House Appropriations Committee Carter President Carter had the Iranian hostage situation to deal with during his term in office. His lack of responsiveness to the Labor movement, kept him from being elected to a second term. Remember “ABC”; anybody but Carter? Even so he averaged 218,000 new jobs per month. Job Growth by President (Average Monthly Growth in Employment During Presidency)

12 Source Minority Staff office House Appropriations Committee Reagan 1 One of his first acts in office was to fire the striking Air Traffic Controllers whose Union, PATCO, had endorsed him for President less than one year earlier. His opponent in the primary, George Bush, denounced Reagan’s “Trickle Down” economic plan as, “Voodoo economics”. He was at least able to average 109,000 new jobs per month. Job Growth by President (Average Monthly Growth in Employment During Presidency)

13 Source Minority Staff office House Appropriations Committee Reagan 2 In his second term he averaged a record 224,000 new jobs each month. Job Growth by President (Average Monthly Growth in Employment During Presidency)

14 Source Minority Staff office House Appropriations Committee Bush Sr. Former Vice President, former CIA Director, founder of the “New World Order” and then President Bush, could only muster 52,000 new jobs per month. Lower than any President other than Eisenhower in his second term. (It is important to note that our Nation had 100 million fewer citizens when Eisenhower was President.) Desert Storm did not produce jobs to the degree past wars had because by now, a lot of what is needed to fight a war is produced offshore. Job Growth by President (Average Monthly Growth in Employment During Presidency)

15 Source Minority Staff office House Appropriations Committee Job Growth by President (Average Monthly Growth in Employment During Presidency) Clinton 1

16 Source Minority Staff office House Appropriations Committee Clinton 1 and Clinton 2 Both terms set records for monthly growth in new jobs. 242,000 in the first term and 235,000 in the second. An all time record! The Republicans would have you believe that this was because of policies that President Reagan put in place. If that were the case, what happened to Bush Sr.? Job Growth by President (Average Monthly Growth in Employment During Presidency)

17 Certainly our current President has had some difficult issues to deal with, 911 not the least of them. He, like his father, and unlike any of the other modern Presidents, has been unable or unwilling to grow this economy. After 911 he immediately appropriated money to assist the Insurance companies to cover their losses. He immediately found money for the Airlines, although most of it hasn’t been released and many are failing. We are still waiting for the go ahead on the 767 tanker while thousands of Boeing workers go out the door. Since being selected as President GW has not created one single new job! In fact he has lost 69,000 per month! Source Minority Staff office House Appropriations Committee Now let’s look at Bush Jr.

18 Bush Jr. He has lost 2,000,000 jobs to date since assuming his office. 108,000 jobs lost in the first 2 weeks of the war began with Iraq. Where did they go? Haven’t we always preached to Buy Made in the USA? Why do you think that is?

19 What can you do? Write or email your Congressperson Write or email your Senators Write or email the President Demand Jobs! Buy Made In The USA!

20 Jobs! Worth Fighting For!

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