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Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007

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1 Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007
Sinaia, Romania, August 20th-31st, 2007 Mirror Nuclei: symmetry breaking and nuclear dynamics Silvia M. Lenzi Dipartimento di Fisica and INFN, Padova, Italy

2 Symmetries conservation laws good quantum numbers
Symmetries help to understand Nature Examination of fundamental symmetries: a key question in Physics conservation laws good quantum numbers In nuclear physics, conserved quantities imply underlying symmetries of the interactions and help to interpret nuclear structure features Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

3 Symmetries in nuclear physics
Isospin Symmetry: 1932 Heisenberg SU(2) Spin-Isospin Symmetry: 1936 Wigner SU(4) Seniority Pairing: 1943 Racah Spherical Symmetry: 1949 Mayer Nuclear Deformed Field (spontaneous symmetry breaking) Restore symm. rotational spectra: 1952 Bohr-Mottelson have let to deep insights in describing many facets of the atomic nucleus SU(3) Dynamical Symmetry: 1958 Elliott Interacting Boson Model (IBM dynamical symmetry): 1974 Arima and Iachello Critical point symm. E(5), X(5) …. 2000… F. Iachello Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

4 Outline What’s isospin symmetry? Why studying isospin symmetry?
How do we study it? Experimental methods Theoretical methods What do we learn from the data? Few illustrative recent examples Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

5 Bibliography Isospin in Nuclear Physics, Ed. D.H. Wilkinson, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1969. Review article on CDE: J.A. Nolen and J.P. Schafer, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci 19 (1969) 471; S. Shlomo, Rep. Prog. Phys.41 (1978) 66; N. Auerbach, Phys. Rep. 98 (1983) 273 Recent on CDE: J. Duflo and A.P. Zuker, Phys. Rev. C 66 (2002) (R) Theory on CED: A.P. Zuker, S.M. Lenzi, G. Martinez-Pinedo and A. Poves, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 (2002) ; Theory on CED: J.A. Sheikh, D.D. Warner and P. Van Isacker, Phys. Lett. B 443 (1998) 16 Shell model reviews: B.A. Brown, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys 47 (2001) 517; T. Otsuka, M. Honma, T. Mizusaki and N. Shimitzu, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys 47 (2001) 319; E. Caurier, G. Martinez-Pinedo, F. Nowacki, A.Poves, and A.P. Zuker, Rev. Mod. Phys. 77 (2005) 427 Review article on CED: M.A. Bentley and S.M. Lenzi, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. (2006). Review article on N~Z: D. D. Warner, M. A. Bentley, P. Van Isacker, Nature Physics 2, (2006) Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

6 The nucleus: a unique quantum laboratory
Composed by two types of fermions differing only on its charge Strong interaction: largely independent of the charge Proton – Neutron exchange symmetry Proton and neutron can be viewed as two alternative states of the same particle: the nucleon. The quantum number that distinguish the two charge states is the isospin This is in analogy to the two intrinsic spin states of an electron Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

7 Charge invariance and isospin
1932 Heisenberg applies the Pauli matrices to the new problem of labeling the two alternative charge states of the nucleon. 1937 Wigner: isotopic spin is a good quantum number to characterize isobaric multiplets. Isobaric analogue multiplets: States with the same J,T in nuclei with the same A=N+Z We define a z-axis in space by establishing a magnetic field B. The electron is a tiny magnet that precesses about the magnetic field. When we try to measure the projection of the electrons spin along the z axis we discover that we can only measure two values, either along B or anti parallel to B. These spin projections, +1/2 and -1/2 are commonly called spin up or spin down. The nucleon is a two state object. We define an abstract internal space called isospin. The spin one-half nucleon is said to have projections either along z ( the proton) or anti parallel to z ( the neutron). We must note that this picture of an abstract internal isospin space is a convenient mathematical device. Whatever we learn from the angular momentum algebra for electron spin we can apply to isospin. This picture does not explain the dynamical origins of isospin symmetry. It was not until the discovery of quarks that the cause of isospin symmetry was understood. It was discovered that the isospin properties of a pair of interacting nucleons influenced the reactions possible between them. The nucleus could be characterized by isospin quantum numbers which restricted the possible states in which the many nucleon system can exist. The strong nuclear force and the electromagnetic force "conserve" isospin. This means that the total isospin and its projection were constants of motion if these two forces were responsible for the dynamics of the system. The weak interaction does not conserve isospin. Nuclear interaction: π ν Charge Symmetry: Vpp=Vnn Charge Independence: Vpp=Vnn=Vpn Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

8 Two-nucleon system For a two-nucleon system
four different isospin states can exist: Triplet T=1 Singlet T=0 The isospin quantum number T directly couples together the two effects of charge symmetry/independence and the Pauli principle Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

9 Isobaric spin (isospin)
In the absence of Coulomb interactions between the protons, a perfectly charge-symmetric and charge-independent nuclear force would result in the binding energies of all these isobaric analogue nuclei being identical; that is, they would be structurally identical. We define a z-axis in space by establishing a magnetic field B. The electron is a tiny magnet that precesses about the magnetic field. When we try to measure the projection of the electrons spin along the z axis we discover that we can only measure two values, either along B or anti parallel to B. These spin projections, +1/2 and -1/2 are commonly called spin up or spin down. The nucleon is a two state object. We define an abstract internal space called isospin. The spin one-half nucleon is said to have projections either along z ( the proton) or anti parallel to z ( the neutron). We must note that this picture of an abstract internal isospin space is a convenient mathematical device. Whatever we learn from the angular momentum algebra for electron spin we can apply to isospin. This picture does not explain the dynamical origins of isospin symmetry. It was not until the discovery of quarks that the cause of isospin symmetry was understood. The strong nuclear force and the electromagnetic force "conserve" isospin. This means that the total isospin and its projection were constants of motion if these two forces were responsible for the dynamics of the system. The weak interaction does not conserve isospin. Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

10 Symmetry breaking… Isospin symmetry breakdown, mainly due to the Coulomb field, manifests when comparing mirror nuclei. This constitutes an efficient observatory for a direct insight into nuclear structure properties. Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

11 IMME and Coulomb Displacement Energies
Isobaric Multiplet Mass Equation a: isoscalar (~100 MeV) b: isovector (~10 MeV) c: isotensor (~300 keV) T=3/2 Jπ= 5/2+ CDE For a set of isobaric analogue states, the difference between the masses or BE of two neighbours defines the CDE Nolen-Schiffer anomaly: calculated CDE underestimate the data by 7% (100’s keV) Recent works show that this discrepancy can be reduced to the order of ~200 keV The understanding of Coulomb effects at the level of less than 100 keV seemed likely to be very difficult… Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

12 Excited analogue states
Normalize the ground state energies and look at the excited analogue states… Mirror nuclei with Tz = ±1/2 This is generally not the case for any set of IAS, where the isospin symmetry across a multiplet relies on both charge symmetry {\sl and} charge independence. Tests isospin symmetry Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

13 T=1 isobaric triplets Look at the isobaric triplet:
The nucleus can be characterized by isospin quantum numbers which restrict the possible states in which the many-nucleon system can exist. Look at the isobaric triplet: T=1 states low in energy in 22Mg and 22Ne T=0 and T=1 states in 22Na (N=Z) Tests isospin independence We expect: MeV MeV 5 5 4 4 4+ 4+ 4+ 3 3 2 0+ 2+ 2 2+ 2+ 1 1 0+ 0+ 0.693 4+ 3+ Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

14 T=3/2 Isobaric quadruplets: the spectra
Small differences in excitation energy due (mainly?) to Coulomb effects Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

15 Coulomb energy differences
(differences of excitation energies) Z N=Z Mirror Energy Differences (MED) N Tests the charge symmetry of the interaction Triplet Energy Differences (TED) Tests the charge independency of the interaction MED and TED are of the order of 10’s of keV Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

16 A classical example: MED in T=1/2 states
- bulk energy (100’s of MeV) - displacement energy (g.s.) CDE (10’s of MeV) - differences between excited states (10’s of keV) Coulomb effects in isobaric multiplets: 25Mn24 24Cr25 49 Mirror Energy Differences Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

17 Measuring the Isospin Symmetry Breaking
Can we reproduce such small energy differences? What can we learn from them? Interestingly they contain a richness of information about spin-dependent structural phenomena We measure nuclear structure features: How the nucleus generates its angular momentum Evolution of the radii (deformation) along a rotational band Learn about the configuration of the states Isospin non-conserving terms in the nuclear interaction Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

18 Mirror energy differences and alignment
j J probability distribution for the relative distance of two like particles in the f7/2 shell j J=6 ΔEC 8 2 4 6 8 MED angular momentum I=8 6 neutron align. 4 proton align. 2 j A(N,Z) A(Z,N) j J=0 Shifts between the excitation energies of the mirror pair at the back-bend indicate the type of nucleons that are aligning Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

19 Nucleon alignment at the backbending
J.A. Cameron et al., Phys. Lett. B 235, 239 (1990) C.D. O'Leary et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 4349 (1997) 49Mn 49Cr Experimental MED j J=6 Alignment MED are a probe of nuclear structure: reflect the way the nucleus generates its angular momentum Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

20 Coulomb energy differences: Experimental methods

21 Studying the f7/2 shell f7/2
The 1f7/2 shell is isolated in energy from other major orbits Wave functions dominated by (1f7/2)n configurations 41Ca 40Ca 43Sc 42Sc 41Sc 45Ti 44Ti 43Ti 42Ti 47V 46V 45V 44V 49Cr 48Cr 47Cr 46Cr 51Mn 50Mn 49Mn 48Mn 53Fe 52Fe 51Fe 50Fe 55Co 54Co 53Co 52Co 56Ni 55Ni 54Ni 44Ca 43Ca 42Ca 45Sc 44Sc 47Ti 46Ti 49V 48V 51Cr 50Cr 54Fe 53Mn 52Mn N=Z 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 proton number neutron High-spin states experimentally reachable f7/2 f5/2 d5/2 d3/2 s1/2 p3/2 p1/2 28 20 Experimental issue : proton-rich Tz< 0 isobars very weakly populated Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

22 Experimental requirements
High efficiency for γ detection Low cross section at high spin (small masses) High energy transitions High selectivity: particle detectors Many channels opened: high efficient charged-particle det. Kinematics reconstruction for Doppler broadening Mass spectrometers Neutron detectors to select proton rich channels Polarimeters and granularity (J, π, δ) Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

23 Gamma spectroscopy γ1 γ2 γ3 Anti-Compton gamma ray Ge crystal
Constructing a level scheme Gamma array γ1 γ2 γ3 156Dy Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

24 Gamma-ray spectrometers
Present Next future GASP GAMMASPHERE AGATA GRETA e ~ 10 — 5 % ( Mg=1 — Mg=30) e ~ 40 — 20 % ( Mg=1 — Mg=30) Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

25 Techniques for proton-rich spectroscopy
Three basic techniques for selecting proton-rich systems High efficiency & high granularity gamma-ray spectrometer (e.g. Euroball, Gammasphere) - high fold gn (n  3) coincidence spectroscopy Gamma-ray array + 0o recoil mass spectrometer + focal plane detectors - identify A,Z of recoiling nucleus  tag emitted gamma-rays Identify cleanly all emitted particles from reaction - needs a charged-particle detector (p, a) + high-efficiency & high granularity neutron detector array Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

26 1. High fold gn (n > 3) coincidence spectroscopy
Rely on the power of the array: high-fold gamma ray coincidences high granularity… and on the similarity between the energy of the transitions with those of the known mirror nucleus Double-coincidence spectra after gating on 2 analogue transitions S.J. Williams et al., Phys. Rev. C 68 (2003) Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

27 2. Identification of A,Z of the recoiling nucleus
GS E.g.: Fragment Mass Analyser (FMA) at Argonne National Lab Combined electric and magnetic dipoles  beam rejection & A/q separation A/q identified by x-position at focal plane Z identified by energy loss (E-DE) in gas-filled ionisation chamber FMA information used to “tag” coincident gamma-rays at target Efficiency - up to ~ 15% Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

28 Z identification Example: No excited states known in 48Mn
 Z identification essential… E DE Ionisation Chamber Fe Mn Cr V Ti Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

29 γ-γ coincidence analysis
(A/q = 3, Z=25)-gated g-g coincidence analysis… M.A. Bentley et al., Phys.Rev. Lett. 97, (2006) Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

30 3. Measuring the evaporated particles
With this method we do not measure directly the final residue but the particles emitted from the compound nucleus neutrons charged particles We need high efficiency detectors for: Advantage: more flexible than recoil mass spectrometry  more channels can be measured! Disadvantage: not as clean as RMS and, if neutrons are needed, it can be much less efficient Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

31 Observation of excited states in 50Fe
50Fe sum of gates (*) counts 50Cr sum of gates (*) Fe 50 26 24 Cr 50 24 26 Eg (keV) σ(Fe)/ σ(Cr) ≈ 10-4 S. M. Lenzi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, (2001) Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

32 Coulomb energy differences: Theoretical methods

33 Cranked shell model and alignment
Approximations: one shell only fixed deformation no p-n pairing CSM: good qualitative description of the data J.A. Sheikh, P. Van Isacker, D.D. Warner and J.A. Cameron, Phys. Lett. B 252 (1990) 314 Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

34 Ingredients for the Shell Model calculations
1) an inert core 2) a valence space 3) an effective interaction that mocks up the general hamiltonian in the restricted basis s1/2 p1/2 p3/2 d3/2 d5/2 f7/2 f5/2 8 20 28 2 N or Z the valence space The choice is determined by the limits in computing time and memory: large dimension of the matrices to be diagonalised. inert core Current programs diagonalise matrices of dimension ~109 Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

35 Shell model and collective phenomena
Shell model calculations in the full fp shell give an excellent description of the structure of collective rotations in nuclei of the f7/2 shell Excitation energies Transition probabilities Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

36 D.D. Warner et al., Nature Physics 2 (2006) 311
Alignment in A=51 D.D. Warner et al., Nature Physics 2 (2006) 311 51Fe 51Mn Energy (MeV) Experiment Shell Model 6 25 21 17 13 9 5 MED Alignment 2J 3 100 keV MED (keV) M.A. Bentley et al, PRC 62 (2000) J.Ekman et al, EPJ A9 (2000) 13 Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

37 Improving the description of Coulomb effects
Can we do better? What is missing? Multipole term of the Coulomb energy VCM: Between valence protons only radial effect: radius changes with J Monopole term of the Coulomb energy Vcm interaction with the core change the single-particle energies A.P. Zuker Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

38 The radial term Coulomb energy of a charged sphere:
The difference between the energy of the ground states (CDE): J If RC changes as a function of the angular momentum… Radial contribution to the MED Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

39 Evidencing the monopole radial effect
Multipole (alignment) effects are cancelled out VCr radial term Most important contribution M.A. Bentley et al., PRL 97, (2006) The nucleus changes shape towards band termination Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

40 Electromagnetic single-particle effects: the ℓ·s term
50 times smaller than the nuclear spin-orbit term!!! Acts differently on protons and neutrons ΔEp ~ 220 keV s f7/2 j=l+½ f7/2 j=l+½ d3/2 j=l-½ d3/2 j=l-½ s p n Its contribution to the MED becomes significant for configurations with a pure single-nucleon excitation to the f7/2 shell: a proton excitation in one nucleus and a neutron excitation in its mirror Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

41 The T=1/2 mirror nuclei A=35
Large MED for the 13/2- state is found in A=35 35Ar 35Cl 23/2- 19/2- 19/2- F. Della Vedova et al., PRC 75, (2007) 15/2-2 15/2-1 15/2-2 15/2-1 >300 keV!!! 13/2- 11/2-2 13/2- 11/2-2 J. Ekman et al., PRL 92 (2004) Negative parity The two 11/2 states have very different configurations Measured very large MED values for all high spin states! 13/2- Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

42 MED in the sd shell: the EMSO
The mirror pair 35Ar – 35Cl Calculations in the sdfp space Large and similar contributions from the multipole Coulomb and the electromagnetic spin-orbit terms Exp. data: Th. Andersson et al., EPJA 6, 5 (1999) F. Della Vedova et al., PRC 75, (2007) The mirror pair 39Ca – 39K Small effects due to the orbital term Puzzling results… deformation effects? Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

43 EMSO effect in the fp and f7/2 shell
The mirror pair 61Ga – 61Zn VCM VCM+ls VCM+ls+ll VCM+ls+ll+VCr Exp Data: L-L. Andersson et al., PRC (2005) The mirror pair 48Mn – 48V M.A. Bentley et al., PRL 97, (2006) Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

44 Are Coulomb corrections enough?
sum of Coulomb terms Another term of nuclear nature is needed, but it has to be big! Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

45 Looking for an empirical interaction
In the single f7/2 shell, an interaction V can be defined by two-body matrix elements written in the proton-neutron formalism : We can recast them in terms of isoscalar, isovector and isotensor contributions ππ πν νν We assume that the configurations of these states are pure (f7/2)2 Mirrors Isovector Isotensor Triplet If the energy differences are due only to VC one expects very small numbers for all J couplings for VB 42Ti 42Sc 42Ca A. P. Zuker et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, (2002) Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

46 Learning from MED and TED in A=42
From the yrast spectra of the T=1 triplet 42Ti, 42Sc, 42Ca we deduce: J=0 J=2 J=4 J=6 VC 81 24 6 -11 MED-VC 5 93 -48 TED-VC 117 3 -42 Calculated estimate VBf7/2 (1) estimate VBf7/2 (2) This suggests that the role of the isospin non conserving nuclear force is at least as important as the Coulomb potential in the observed MED and TED J=2 anomaly Simple ansatz for the application to nuclei in the pf shell: A. P. Zuker et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, (2002) Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

47 Evidence of ISB of the nuclear interaction
Very good quantitative agreement between theory and data The multipole Coulomb contribution gives information on the nucleon alignment MED (keV) A=49 The monopole Coulomb contribution gives information on changes in the nuclear radius (deformation) Important contribution from the “nuclear” ISB term, of the same order as the Coulomb contributions!!!!! Now, without changing the parametrization, see how the rest of the MED for nuclei along the f7/2 shell are described by the calculations… A. P. Zuker et al., PRL 89, (2002) Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

48 Coulomb energy differences (CED): Results

49 MED and TED in the shell model framework
Good quantitative description of data without free parameters A = 48 A = 47 A = 54 A = 53 A = 51 M.A. Bentley and S.M. Lenzi, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. (2006) in press Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

50 Rotational T=1/2 analogue states A=47/49
7 particles/holes in the f7/2 shell Band termination state: Deformed nuclei  Rotational bands All terms contribute significantly to the MED Monopole effects: Cr Multipole effects: CM and VB Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

51 T=1 A=54/42 triplet: MED and TED
J=2 anomaly A=54 A=42 no collectivity: only multipole effects: smooth recoupling and J=2 anomaly 2 particles / holes A=54 A=42 A.Gadea et al., PRL 97, (2006) Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

52 More results of MED measurements
P.E. Garrett et al., PRC 75, (2007) Rising and GANIL: T=2 mirror in A=36 P. Doorneball et al., Phys.Lett. B 647, 237 (2007) F. Azaiez et al., to be published Rising stopped-beam campaign: J=8,10 in A=54 D. Rudolph et al., to be published Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

53 along a rotational band
Summary and outlook These studies allow to learn about: Mechanism of nucleon alignment at the backbending Evolution of the radii along a rotational band Importance of the single-particle effects: - test interactions and basis - information on the configurations Evidence of isospin-non-conserving terms in the nuclear interaction J=2 anomaly Other interesting facets can be, and are being, studied in isobaric multiplets: - lifetimes and decay probabilities - magnetic and giromagnetic moments - isospin mixing ….. These investigations will improve with the advent of intense stable and radioactive beams and the next generation gamma-arrays and ancilaries Much effort has to be put in the development of theoretical methods Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

54 Thanks to… Theory: A.P. Zuker, F. Nowacki (Strasbourg) Experiments:
M. A. Bentley (York) N. Marginean, A. Gadea, F. Della Vedova, (LNL and Padova) J. Ekman, D. Rudolph (Lund) P.E. Garrett (Guelph) Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

55 Monopole Coulomb single-particle effects: 2) the ℓ2 (orbital) term
J. Duflo and A.P. Zuker, Phys. Rev. C 66 (2002) (R) The monopole Coulomb term accounts for shell effects. It changes the single-particle energy of the protons proportionally to the square of the orbital angular momentum. For a proton in a main shell N above a closed shell Zcs is: Eg. in the fp shell: proton s.p. relative energy is increased by 150 keV p3/2 150 keV f7/2 Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

56 Alignment and shell model
Define the operator 51Fe-51Mn “Counts” the number of protons coupled to J=6 Calculate the difference of the expectation value in both mirror as a function of the angular momentum 1/2 3/2 5/2 7/2 p n 51Fe 51Mn In 51Fe (51Mn) a pair of protons (neutrons) align first and at higher frequency align the neutrons (protons) M.A.Bentley et al. Phys Rev. C62 (2000) Silvia Lenzi, Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2007, Sinaia, Romania, 20 August 2007

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