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gerund or infinitive Use the gerund (verb+ ing): after prepositions

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1 gerund or infinitive Use the gerund (verb+ ing): after prepositions
after certain verbs (e.g. like, love, hate, etc.) as the subject of a sentence What are you thinking of doing next summer? Ironing is one job I hate doing. Use to + infinitives: after adjectives after certain verbs (e.g. need, want, decide, etc.) to express purpose/reason Do you find it difficult to fall asleep? Do you want to go out tonight? I’m studying English to get a better job.

2 Common verbs that take the gerund (ing form):
Like, love, hate, enjoy, mind, finish, stop Common verbs that take the to + inifinitive: would like, want, need, decide, hope, expect, plan, forget, seem, try, promise, offer, refuse, learn, manage

3 verbs that take both the gerund and the infinitive
remember forget stop regret try I remember playing with my dog when I was a boy. She remembered to call before leaving the office. I’ll never forget meeting her for the first time. He forgot to bring his book to class. She stopped smoking. She stopped to smoke. I regret quitting my job. I regret to tell you that you haven’t passed the test. Try taking some aspirin, that should help. I tried to talk to him about it, but her refused to understand.

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