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Be a “Star Canvasser” Fundraising: Making a difference 1 Engagement (2014)

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Presentation on theme: "Be a “Star Canvasser” Fundraising: Making a difference 1 Engagement (2014)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Be a “Star Canvasser” Fundraising: Making a difference 1 Engagement (2014)

2 Objectives In less than 15 minutes, you will learn more about:  The GCWCC  Your role as a canvasser  How to engage and canvass your colleagues  How to assist people in making their donations 2

3 The Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign The GCWCC is: An EMPLOYEE campaign: it is YOUR campaign The largest workplace campaign in Canada A donor choice campaign: Individuals can support – United Way – HealthPartners – All Canadian registered charities 3 Did you know… In 1997, Treasury Board selected United Way as manager of the GCWCC. Did you know… In 1997, Treasury Board selected United Way as manager of the GCWCC.

4 True Stories How donations help make a difference (click on the images for more info!) 4

5 Making a Difference: LiveWorkPlay Only 43% of people with a disability in Ottawa participate in the workforce, compared with 70% of our general population. Jeremy found a job, a mentor and a meaningful life with help from LiveWorkPlay, a United Way Ottawa priority goal partner that is helping people with disabilities find meaningful employment. 5

6 Making a Difference: Parkinson Society Canada Parkinson Society Canada is one of 16 national health charities that make up Healthpartners. It provides education, support, and advocacy on behalf of over 100,000 Canadians living with Parkinson’s, and funds innovative research to help expand knowledge on prevention, diagnosis and treatment in the hope of ultimately finding a cure. 6 Herb Durant: “I can be miserable and have Parkinson’s or I can be happy and have Parkinson’s — I’m still going to have Parkinson’s. I never used to have a positive outlook. In a way, Parkinson’s turned me into an optimist.”

7 Making a Difference: Centre d’intervention en abus sexuels pour la famille (CIASF) While Annie still doesn’t speak since the day she told her mom, with therapy, she’s started singing. The CIASF, a Centraide Outaouais funded agency, provides assistance and support to families and individuals confronted with child sexual abuse problems. – With a gift of $40 per pay ($1,040 per year), you can help the CIASF host five group meetings for eight children and teens victims of sexual abuse. 7

8 As a canvasser, you are… the link between the donor and charities the face of your department/agency’s fundraising efforts giving people the opportunity to invest in their own community enabling people to donate 8 Did you know… Canvassing accounts for 92% of funds raised in the GCWCC. That means that in 2013, canvassers like you helped raise approximately $19 million in the NCR and $34 million nationally! Did you know… Canvassing accounts for 92% of funds raised in the GCWCC. That means that in 2013, canvassers like you helped raise approximately $19 million in the NCR and $34 million nationally!

9 Benefits of being a canvasser... This is what other public servants have said: 9 I enjoy the opportunity to meet and get to know people I don’t usually work with — Karine Spuehler, Service Canada I gained knowledge about the needs — and the services — in my community — Sophie Chevalier-Forget, RCMP I got to work on a departmen tal - wide “ project ” with a team of interesti ng people from across the organizat ion — Farrah-May Gendron, Mint I love being a campaign volunteer, helping people in our community — Nanci Laroche, CNSC I better understand the difference between the GCWCC and the United Way, and the complexity of the donation process – Eric Beauchamp, CIEC I was able to build on my skills and use them to benefit the greater community – Elida Persic, CRA

10 So, how do I go about canvassing?  Prepare …in 3 easy steps  Canvass…in 3 easy steps  Helping donors make their donation  Follow Up 10 Did you know… The #1 reason people don’t give: They haven’t been asked!!! Did you know… The #1 reason people don’t give: They haven’t been asked!!!

11 Preparing yourself 1.Obtain your canvass list and your collaterals - From your department’s GCWCC team 2. Introduce yourself to the people you will be canvassing - Send an introductory email in advance of the face-to face visit (view sample email in the Canvasser Toolbox)Canvasser Toolbox 3. Schedule a two minute face-to face “canvassing” meeting with them 11

12 Canvassing…in 3 steps 1.Have a face-to-face meeting with your colleague --- Remember to bring a copy of the Donor Information Sheet (DIS)Donor Information Sheet 2.Ask if they would like to take this opportunity to donate through the GCWCC and answer questions that may come up – If you are unsure of technical questions, let them know that you’ll find out and get back to them 3.Talk about the DIS and book a follow up visit to confirm the pledge was made and to deliver the GCWCC calendar 12 Remember! Donors can give through Payroll Deduction, cash, cheque, credit card & PayPal (online only) Remember! Donors can give through Payroll Deduction, cash, cheque, credit card & PayPal (online only)

13 Four approaches to consider before your “canvass” meeting Benefits to the donor Charitable needs Uniqueness of the GCWCC Your customized approach 13 Remember: Listen to cues - different circumstances warrant different “approaches”

14 Approach: Benefits to the donor THE FOCUS: What's in it for the donor Include information about: – The personal tax benefit for giving* – The benefits of Payroll Deduction – The benefits of consolidated giving – How the GCWCC protects the privacy of donors 14 * Refer to the Charitable donation tax credit estimatorCharitable donation tax credit estimator Did you know… The GCWCC can advise your charity of your donation, upon request. Did you know… The GCWCC can advise your charity of your donation, upon request.

15 Approach: Benefits to the donor The canvass could sound like one — or more —of the following… 15 Giving through the GCWCC is a one-stop shop for all you charitable giving! You can give to all your charities in one place, at one time AND get a single tax receipt for all those donations. With Payroll Deduction, there are no lost receipts! Your giving is included on your T4. And with the donations spread out over the year, from each pay, its actually easier for budgeting. Charitable giving reduces your taxable income! The Canada Revenue Agency’s Charitable donation tax credit estimator can help you know how much!Charitable donation tax credit estimator The GCWCC protects your privacy: there will be no direct mailing to your home and the donor lists are not shared.

16 Approach: Charitable needs THE FOCUS: Emotional Connection This would involve sharing true stories on Social justice: homelessness, poverty, domestic violence, abuse, hunger Health and well being: mental illness, disease prevention, research, integrated health, rehabilitation programs Community building: food bank, community centers, homework clubs, integrating immigrants, supporting seniors Your own experience 16 The Canvass: “I give because” … I made use of the [services/programs] (give examples of how you or someone you know have benefited from organizations supported by the GCWCC); or It’s important to me to help others like [Share a true story from a charity you support.]; or On average, 1 in 3 persons benefits from organizations supported by the GCWCC. That means that we all know someone that has benefited from a charitable organization or health charity: it could be your mother, brother, cousin, neighbour, friend, or the clerk at the coffee shop. I give because I want those services available to them…and to me.

17 Approach: Uniqueness of the GCWCC THE FOCUS: the pride of giving Include facts about the scope and impact of the GCWCC Consider that in 2014, we raised – $37 million nationally – $20.8 million in the NCR; and – The average donation in the NCR was $365 Your campaign team will have specific information regarding your department/agency’s 2014 results The canvass could sound like… “Did you know that the GCWCC is the largest employee charitable campaign in Canada, and that federal public servants raised $37 M for charities last year? In our department, employees raised $XXX. I’m proud to be a part of this effort, because it means that, together, we’ve helped… “ Give examples like –fund school breakfast programs –fund cancer research and –help seniors stay in their home 17

18 Approach: Your Customized Approach THE FOCUS : comfortable for you, and relevant to your donor “Keep it real” Use a unique blend of any of these 3 approaches, or Modify your approach to make it resonate with your donor 18 Did you know… That an ideal canvass is a Face-to-Face conversation. Did you know… That an ideal canvass is a Face-to-Face conversation. What would I like to hear?

19 Three Possible Responses Your colleague will respond in one of three ways… 1.Yes : Offer to assist the donor in completing their pledge – Explain the Donor Information Sheet, follow up to confirm pledge was made and deliver GCWCC calendar – If Yes, but “not right now”, follow up is required 2.No decision : Can I think about it? / Come back later… – It is important to Follow up and Follow through 3.No: Respect their decision — it is a donor choice campaign – Thank them for their time 19

20 Following Up – Following Through Give everyone a chance to give – It’s important to get an answer from everyone, either a yes or a no. Tips: – Track all your canvassing responses Revisit all “unanswered” or maybes on your list – Ensure that all questions have been answered 20 Important! If your colleague said “yes”, verify that they have completed and submitted their donation within your campaign timelines. Important! If your colleague said “yes”, verify that they have completed and submitted their donation within your campaign timelines.

21 How can I assist people in making their donations? Read our other reference modules and watch the training videos! They can be found in your Canvasser ToolboxCanvasser Toolbox – They will provide you with information on how people can make their donations, and your role in helping them Make your donation first – That way, you know how it works! 21

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