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Published bySofia McBride Modified over 11 years ago
Twelve Points that Show Christianity is True 1. Truth about reality is knowable. 2. The opposite of true is false. 3. It is true that the theistic God exists. 4. If God exists then miracles are possible. 5. Miracles can be used to confirm a message from God. 6. The New Testament is historically reliable. 7. The New Testament says Jesus claimed to be God. 8. Jesus claim to be God was miraculously confirmed by: a. His fulfillment of many prophecies about Himself; a. His fulfillment of many prophecies about Himself; b. His sinless and miraculous life; b. His sinless and miraculous life; c. His prediction and accomplishment of His resurrection c. His prediction and accomplishment of His resurrection 9. Therefore, Jesus is God. 10. Whatever Jesus (who is God) teaches is true. 11. Jesus taught that the Bible is the Word of God. 12. Therefore, it is true that the Bible is the Word of God (and anything opposed to it is false).
TRUTH Absolute or Relative? Copyright Norman Geisler 2010
Christianity Affirms Christianity Affirms The Culture Affirms The Problem of Truth
Christianity Affirms Christianity Affirms Truth Can be Known Christianity Affirms Christianity Affirms Truth Can be Known The Culture Affirms Truth Cant be Known The Culture Affirms Truth Cant be Known The Problem of Truth
Christianity Affirms Christianity Affirms Truth Can be Known Truth is Absolute Christianity Affirms Christianity Affirms Truth Can be Known Truth is Absolute The Culture Affirms Truth Cant be Known Truth is Relative The Culture Affirms Truth Cant be Known Truth is Relative The Problem of Truth
Christianity Affirms Christianity Affirms Truth Can be Known Truth is Absolute Not Every View is True Christianity Affirms Christianity Affirms Truth Can be Known Truth is Absolute Not Every View is True The Culture Affirms Truth Cant be Known Truth is Relative Every View is True The Culture Affirms Truth Cant be Known Truth is Relative Every View is True The Problem of Truth
Christianity Affirms Christianity Affirms Truth Can be Known Truth is Absolute Not Every View is True Christ is the Only Way Christianity Affirms Christianity Affirms Truth Can be Known Truth is Absolute Not Every View is True Christ is the Only Way The Culture Affirms Truth Cant be Known Truth is Relative Every View is True Christ isnt the Only Way The Culture Affirms Truth Cant be Known Truth is Relative Every View is True Christ isnt the Only Way The Problem of Truth
Various Views Denying Truth I. Relativismdenies absolute truth II. Agnosticismdenies all truth III. Skepticismdoubts all truth IV. Post-Modernismaffirms no truth V. Pluralismaffirms all `truths (even opposites)
Relativism: All Truth is Relative (No absolute truth is knowable) Alfred. N. Whitehead I. Reality has no unchanging forms. II. All truth is in process and is never final. III. All truth is relative and changing.
A Response to Relativism Relativism fails to deny absolutism because: It either affirms that relativism is absolutely true (which is self- defeating). Or else its claim is just another relative statement (and hence is unsuccessful). Or else its claim is just another relative statement (and hence is unsuccessful). Note: The Progress of truth cant be measured unless there is an absolute standard of truth by which to measure it.
Agnosticism: Reality is Unknowable Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) I. Emmanuel Kant I. He affirmed we can not know truth about reality. II. We can only know appearance, not reality. III. We can not know the thing in itself, only the thing to us. IV. We must remain agnostic.
A Response to Agnosticism I. Agnosticism Fails because : It is either self-defeating (by claiming to know the truth that we cannot know any truth). Or else, it begs the issue by claiming it knows the only truth that can be known (which is dogmatism). Or else, it begs the issue by claiming it knows the only truth that can be known (which is dogmatism).
Skepticism: Doubt all Truth Claims I. David Hume (d. 1776) We should doubt everything about reality. We can only know sense data. We should suspend judgment on all truth claims about reality.
The Skeptic David Hume Said: I. We only know things true by definition or from sense experience. II. But this statement is from neither of these. III. Hence, it is unknowable. I. We only know things true by definition or from sense experience. II. But this statement is from neither of these. III. Hence, it is unknowable.
A Response to Skepticism I. Skepticism Fails Because: Either it is self-defeating (by claiming we should doubt everything including skepticism). Or, it begs the question by claiming skepticism is the only view that should not be doubted. Or, it begs the question by claiming skepticism is the only view that should not be doubted.
Post-Modernism: Deconstruct Truth Claims I. Jacque Derrida I. We must deconstruct all truth claims. II. We can reconstruct as many views as possible. III. No reconstruction is objectively true; it is merely new.
A Response to Post- Modernism I. Post-Modernism Fails Because: Either it makes a claim that it is true (and is thereby self-defeating). Or else it makes no truth claim (and is not even in the ball game of truth. Or else it makes no truth claim (and is not even in the ball game of truth. Ignoring the facts and truth does not make them go away! Failing to raise the question of truth does not make the question disappear.
Comparing Various Views I. RelativismDenies absolute truth (by not using its head) II. AgnosticismDenies all truth (by isolating its head) III. SkepticismDoubts all truth (by shaking it head) IV. Post-ModernismIgnores all truth (by turning its head) V. PluralismAffirms all truth (by nodding its head) I. But the facts are still there! II. And either our views correspond to them or they do not (whether we express them or not).
TRUTH Absolute or Relative?
Truth: Absolute or Relative? I. W hat is Truth? II. A Defense of Absolute Truth III. S erious Problems with Relativism IV. A nswering Some Objections
I.What is Truth? A. The Nature of Truth B. What Truth is NOT C. What Truth IS D. What Absolute Truth Is
I.What is Truth? Pilates age- old question rings through the centuries and millennia, and represents one of mans most basic quests. What IS Truth?
The Nature of Truth Truth can be understood both from what it is and from what it is not. There are many views of truth, and some believe there is no truth at all.
The Nature of Truth The Agnostic: The Agnostic: We cant know anything. The Problem: How can he know that?
What Truth is NOT The nature of truth (its definition) (its definition) is often confused with certain tests for truth (its defense).
Truth is not what works. Simply because something works doesnt make it true (e.g., lies) What Truth is NOT
Finally convicted on Apr. 2, 1992 of crimes that included murder, extortion, and obstruction of justice, John Gotti, the infamous Teflon Don had previously been acquitted in 3 trials by manipulating truth in the courtroom. What Truth is NOT John Gotti, The Teflon Don
Truth is not what is cohesive or internally consistent. Lies can be internally consistent, but they are false. What Truth is NOT
Although a chain and a web are cohesive, they cannot hang in empty space. They must be anchored to something. What Truth is NOT
Truth is not what is comprehensive. One can have a comprehensive view of falsity or an incomplete view of truth. What Truth is NOT
Nazism is a comprehensive governmental system and fascist philosophy is still alive today.… What Truth is NOT But IS IT TRUE?
Truth is not what feels good. What feels good to one may feel bad to another. What Truth is NOT Truth can produce bad feelings; Error can produce good feelings
A bad report card may feel bad, but it represents the truth. What Truth is NOT F
What Truth IS A true statement matches its object I. This object is a table.
What Truth IS Truth is: 1. That which corresponds to the facts 2. What matches its object 3. Telling it like it is. Even those who deny this assume their view corresponds to reality! Lessons from Winnie the Pooh
Truth corresponds to the facts Winnie called out: "Is anybody at home?" "Nobody!" said a voice. Winnie pondered: "There must be somebody there, otherwise he could not have said 'Nobody is there."
Truth is telling it like it is. Why, whats happened to your tail? Pooh said in surprise. What has happened to it? said Eeyore. It isnt there! Are you sure? Well, either a tail is there or it isnt there. And yours isnt there!
Definition of Relative Truth Relative Truth is: Something true For SOME people, not for ALL people Or in SOME places, not ALL places or at SOME times, or at SOME times, not at ALL times not at ALL times
Definition of Absolute Truth Absolute Truth is: Something true For ALL people in ALL places and at ALL times and at ALL times
Truth: Absolute or Relative? I. W hat is Truth? II. A Defense of Absolute Truth III. S erious Problems with Relativism IV. A nswering Some Objections
II.A Defense of Absolute Truth A. True only for some people? B. True only in some places? C. True only at some times?
True only in some places? It is true everywhere that it is cold at the North Pole and hot in Egypt. Different geographical conditions do not change the truth.
True Only at Some Times? Was the world once square? No! It was always round. Truth didnt change; our views did!
True Only for Some People? That the one on the left is cold, and the one on the right is hot is true for everyone, everywhere.
Truth: Absolute or Relative? I. W hat is Truth? II. A Defense of Absolute Truth III. S erious Problems with Relativism IV. A nswering Some Objections
Serious Problems with Relativism Like an old apple, relativism may look good on the surface, but it is rotten at the core!
Serious Problems with Relativism I. They cant to be absolutely certain of relativism
Serious Problems with Relativism I. They cant to be absolutely certain of relativism II. The world would be full of contradictions
Serious Problems with RelativismSerious Problems with Relativism I. They cant to be absolutely certain of relativism II. The world would be full of contradictions III. No one would ever be wrong about anything
I. They cant be absolutely certain of relativism Relativists believe that truth is relative for EVERYONE. But if its true for EVERYONE, then it is no longer a RELATIVE truth, but an ABSOLUTE truth. The Relativist who thinks Relativism is true for everyone is really an Absolutist. Relativism is self-defeating.
I. They cant be absolutely certain of relativism If all truth is relative, then a relative truth can only be relatively true for an individual. In other words, a relativist cannot even trust his own truth, because it, too, is relative! Relativism is self-defeating.
I. They cant be absolutely certain of Relativism If all truth is only relatively true, and this applies to everyone, then relativism may be false for me. Why then should I accept it as true? Relativism is self-defeating.
II. The world would be full of contradictions If something is true for me but false for you, then opposite conditions exist. But, THATS NOT POSSIBLE!
II. The world would be full of contradictions Theres milk in the frig. There is NOT milk in the frig. There is NOT milk in the frig.
II. The world would be full of contradictions They cant BOTH be true! Rev. Billy Graham – God Exists! Madalyn OHair – God Does NOT Exist!
III. No one would ever be wrong about anything If truth is always relative, then I can never be wrong. If someone claims Im wrong, then I can just say, its wrong for THEM not for ME.
III. No one would ever be wrong about anything If I can never be wrong, then I can never learn anything, for learning is moving from a false belief to a true one.
Truth: Absolute or Relative? I. W hat is Truth? II. A Defense of Absolute Truth III. S erious Problems with Relativism IV. A nswering Some Objections
Absolute Evidence for Absolute Truth A. Objection: We dont have absolute truth since: We dont know things absolutely; We dont know things absolutely; We have only probabilities We have only probabilities
No Absolute Evidence for Absolute Truth A. Response: We can be absolutely sure of some things: 1. I exist because I cant deny I exist, unless I exist to deny it. 2. I cannot exist and not exist simultaneously. 3. There are no square circles, circular triangles, etc. 4. 3+2=5; a triangle has 3 sides, etc.
There is no Absolute Evidence for Absolute Truth A. Response: Something can be absolutely true even if we do not have absolute evidence for it. Remember flat earth?
No Absolute Evidence for Absolute Truth A. Response: Evidence, or the lack of evidence, does not change a fact. The truth doesnt change just because we have more or less evidence for it!
Relative Comparisons B. Objection: Comparisons between things are an examples of relative truths, because they change depending on what objects are being compared. For example, short and tall, warmer and colder, better or worse….
B. Response: That Wilt Chamberlain is taller compared to Willie Shoemaker will always be true everywhere and all the time. The same thing is true of all other comparisons. Relative Comparisons
Can there be New Absolute Truth? C. Objection: If truth never changes, then there can never be new truths. But, we DO find new truths, in science and in history.
Can there be New Absolute Truth? C. Response: There are two types of new truth: 1. New to us 2. New in time Lets look at both.
Can there be New Truth? 1. New to us-- The Law of Gravity existed long before Newton discovered it.
Can there be New Truth? 2. New in time-- New truths come into existence as time passes. On 1/20/01 G. W. Bush became president. Before that it was not true After that it is true for everyone
Does Truth Change As We Grow? A. Objection: Truth is not absolute because we grow in truth. What is true today may be false tomorrow. The progress of science is proof that truth is constantly changing.
Does Truth Change As We Grow? B.Response This objection fails to recognize that it is our understanding of the truth that changes, not the truth itself. We change from error to truth, But truth does not change.
Does Truth Change As We Grow? Remember the theory of Spontaneous Generation? Jan Baptista van Helmonts recipe for mice: a dirty rag, an open pot of wheat, and 21 days.
Absolute Truth is too Narrow B. Response: Truth is by its very nature narrow. It wouldn't be truth if it were not! It wouldn't be truth if it were not! 4+4=8 and ONLY 8! (not 7, 9, 10, etc.) Thats narrow, but its TRUE.
Absolute Truth is too Narrow B. Response: Christians and non-Christians who claim that their view is true are BOTH equally narrow. Thats the way truth IS. Christianity is no more narrow than anything else that claims to be true (atheism, pantheism, skepticism, etc.).
Absolute Truth is too Narrow C. Examples: 1. If A is true, then all non-A is false. 2. If P is true, then all non-P is false. 3. If C is true, then all non-C is false. All these views are equally narrow! All these views are equally narrow!AAtheismPPantheismC--Christianity
Absolute Truth is Dogmatic A. Objection: Absolute truth is too dogmatic. It claims to be the ONLY truth on the matter!
Absolute Truth is Dogmatic B. Response: B. Response: An important difference: All truth claims are dogmatic But not all truth-claimers are dogmatic Even a relativist can be dogmatic about his relativism.
Absolute Truth is Dogmatic B. Response: It is important to understand that: The truth itself is different from-- The manner in which it is conveyed It is important to remember that: Truth is truth, even if it is held in the wrong manner (viz., dogmatically). Error is error, even if it is held in the right manner (viz., humbly).
All truth is absolute, even the claim to be for relative truth. Truth does not change, but our understanding of it does. Hence, truth is dogmatic, but we should be humble about it. Hence, truth is dogmatic, but we should be humble about it. The Truth About Truth The Truth About Truth
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