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Explain what is Municipal Solid Waste and how it should be processed 11720328 Yasufumi Tsuji.

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Presentation on theme: "Explain what is Municipal Solid Waste and how it should be processed 11720328 Yasufumi Tsuji."— Presentation transcript:

1 Explain what is Municipal Solid Waste and how it should be processed 11720328 Yasufumi Tsuji

2 Waste Problem Waste becomes the problem all over the world

3 Waste oil Waste oil Scrap metal Scrap metal Rubble Rubble etc etc Waste oil Waste oil Scrap metal Scrap metal Rubble Rubble etc etc Factory Waste What is unicipal olid aste(MSW) Waste Human waste MSW General Waste Garbage Garbage Recyclable garbage Recyclable garbage etc etc Garbage Garbage Recyclable garbage Recyclable garbage etc etc M W S

4 Waste disposal method (JAPAN)  Main method  Thermal disposal  Landfill disposal  New method  Waste power generation Garbage generation Assistance to thermal power generation more(may be) Make energy!! ・ Heavy Damage to environment ・ High cost, No return

5 Waste power generation The basic structure similar of thermal power generation energy Thermal power generation Waste power generation coal Move a power plant

6 Source of electrical energy in JAPAN 26%12% 23% 26% Waste ・・・ 0.6%

7 Summary MSW is waste drained from standard house MSW should be used for waste power generation The waste power generation is just began (have many problems) The waste power generation will progress from now on Expect in the future!!

8 Reference 01/tokushu/toku01.htm 01/tokushu/toku01.htm recycle20091119/future/index.html recycle20091119/future/index.html waste.htm waste.htm


10 Burn well Can make big energy Have trouble igniting Small energy

11 Shimane Fukuoka Tokyo Shizuoka Saitama


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