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Public Safety Related Applications Summary July, 2014 - DRAFT -

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1 Public Safety Related Applications Summary July, 2014 - DRAFT -

2 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 PSRA Applications Summary July, 2014 Application: Circuits that Monitor Railroad Crossings  Public Safety Sector Railroads and transportation systems  Current Provisioning Method Closed contact alarms provisioned over DS0 metallic circuits  Typical Characteristics Typically pole mounted/weatherized equipment monitoring grade crossing apparatus Isolated locations connected to centralized monitoring point Limited commercial power availability, in some cases  Major Stakeholder Organizations - To Be Inserted - 2

3 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 PSRA Applications Summary July, 2014 Roadmap: Circuits that Monitor Railroad Crossings  Transitional and Future Solutions (to be assessed) Ethernet-based remote alarming M2M monitoring service …  Best Practice Examples - To Be Inserted - 3

4 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 PSRA Applications Summary July, 2014 Application: Alarm Circuits to Local Fire and Police  Public Safety Sector Local fire departments and local/state/federal law enforcement  Current Provisioning Method DSO Voice Grade and Metallic circuits  Typical Characteristics Intrusion/fire alerts and burglary protection to high profile public & private buildings, out-of-hours open door alarms for schools, etc. Relies on tones delivered over voice grade circuits and closed contact alarms over metallic circuits Specialized subclass of alarm services directly connected to fire and police  Major Stakeholder Organizations - To Be Inserted - 4

5 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 PSRA Applications Summary July, 2014 Roadmap: Alarm Circuits to Local Fire and Police  Transitional and Future Solutions (to be assessed) Ethernet-based remote alarming Wireless-based solutions …  Best Practice Examples - To Be Inserted - 5

6 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 PSRA Applications Summary July, 2014 Application: Sensor Circuits for Gas and Power Companies  Public Safety Sector Gas, power, energy, water, waste and oil refining industries  Current Provisioning Method Digital Data Services, DS0 Voice Grade and Metallic circuits  Typical Characteristics Broad range of sensor devices reliant on tones, contact closures and low speed data circuits Frequently rely on SCADA systems for centralized supervisory control Fixed point sensors in remote/isolated locations; ruggedized equipment  Major Stakeholder Organizations - To Be Inserted - 6

7 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 PSRA Applications Summary July, 2014 Roadmap: Sensor Circuits for Gas and Power Companies  Transitional and Future Solutions (to be assessed) Ethernet-based remote telemetry and metering solutions M2M monitoring service …  Best Practice Examples - To Be Inserted - 7

8 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 PSRA Applications Summary July, 2014 Application: Meter & Alarm Circuits Related to Power Grid  Public Safety Sector Electrical utilities  Current Provisioning Method Protective relay application over metallic DSO circuits  Typical Characteristics Support control signals for high voltage power line circuit breakers Used to shut down power grid facilities during an event Relay operation commonly used to isolate equipment  Major Stakeholder Organizations - To Be Inserted - 8

9 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 PSRA Applications Summary July, 2014 Roadmap: Meter & Alarm Circuits Related to Power Grid  Transitional and Future Solutions (to be assessed) Ethernet-based LAN networking M2M technology at remote locations and cloud computing to analyze data …  Best Practice Examples - To Be Inserted - 9

10 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 PSRA Applications Summary July, 2014 Application: Circuits for Underground Communications  Public Safety Sector Transportation systems  Current Provisioning Method DSO metallic and voice grade circuits; Digital Data Services (DDS)  Typical Characteristics Extension of underground communications in subways and tunnels POS swipe machine in underground transportation systems Path loss challenges for radio solutions  Major Stakeholder Organizations - To Be Inserted - 10

11 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 PSRA Applications Summary July, 2014 Roadmap: Circuits for Underground Communications  Transitional and Future Solutions (to be assessed) Repeatered wireless solutions Emerging small cell technologies Ethernet-based solutions for voice and data  Best Practice Examples - To Be Inserted - 11

12 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 PSRA Applications Summary July, 2014 Application: FAA Circuits to Towers and Alarms  Public Safety Sector FAA and aviation related applications  Current Provisioning Method Digital Data Service (DDS) circuits  Typical Characteristics Remote monitoring towers connected to air traffic control Isolated locations connected to centralized monitoring point Security and low-latency TDM-based solutions  Major Stakeholder Organizations FAA 12

13 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 PSRA Applications Summary July, 2014 Roadmap: FAA Circuits to Towers and Alarms  Transitional and Future Solutions (to be assessed) TDMoIP – based solutions Low latency / secure mobile solutions …  Best Practice Examples - To Be Inserted - 13

14 ATIS Board of Directors’ Meeting October 20, 2011 PSRA Applications Summary July, 2014 Application: Other Circuits to be Assessed Telephony circuits between a dispatch device and an analog repeater (including inband signaling for control of the repeater) Circuit-based paging systems for public safety sector (e.g. volunteer fire departments and EMS) Public safety communications and alarms on campuses and other secure locations Alarms and communications on elevator systems Dispatch console to EMS, Fire, Police Firebar Conference Bridge Base Station Control to EMS, Fire and Police Private Line Automatic Ringdown circuits for EMS, Fire, Police 14

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