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Citation Economy Be Damned: Research in the Internet Age and the Role of Graduate Student Governments Kelli Barr University of North Texas

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Presentation on theme: "Citation Economy Be Damned: Research in the Internet Age and the Role of Graduate Student Governments Kelli Barr University of North Texas"— Presentation transcript:

1 Citation Economy Be Damned: Research in the Internet Age and the Role of Graduate Student Governments Kelli Barr University of North Texas

2 Session Abstract One of the primary roles of graduate student governments – particularly those at current and emerging research universities – is to prepare the next generation of scholars to compete in tomorrow’s marketplace for employment, funding, and research opportunities. Currently, most research is evaluated according to aggregate indicators reflecting citation activity around particular research outputs, such as journal articles, books, and book chapters. Tomorrow’s scholars, however, must be prepared to adapt to the changing landscape of research evaluation in order to ensure that the fruits of our labor are appropriately recognized. Altmetrics have been posed as alternatives to, complementary improvements upon, or even replacements for, deficiencies identified in current citation- based metrics. Proponents of altmetrics argue that since scholars are increasingly using more and different venues for communicating online, measures attempting to capture the quality or impact of the content being communicated should be likewise multiple and diverse. Altmetrics offer a promising start to alternative ways of evaluating the reach of academic ideas, which is of particular use to young scholars.

3 So we live in a citation economy… H-Index, Journal Impact Factor Attribution  recognition, visibility “Quality”/”Impact” tied to publication venue

4 What’s the problem? The opportunities for creative activity afforded to young and early career scholars in the digital environment are vast and exciting; yet, such activities are routinely ignored or actively devalued by status quo indicators of “quality” or “high impact” scholarly work.

5 How can we respond? 1.Increasing specialization 2.Different kinds of research 3.Facilitate connections

6 How should we respond? 1.Increasing specialization unsustainable 2.Different kinds of research 3.Facilitate connections

7 What can grad student gov’ts do? Altmetrics! Gather tools and resources – ImpactStory, Host programs to build altmetric portfolios – Workshops/symposia – Partner with your institution’s library

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