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About Mr. Delgado  I have been teaching for 8 years  I have an Associate of Arts from Lakeland Community College and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Integrated.

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Presentation on theme: "About Mr. Delgado  I have been teaching for 8 years  I have an Associate of Arts from Lakeland Community College and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Integrated."— Presentation transcript:

1 About Mr. Delgado  I have been teaching for 8 years  I have an Associate of Arts from Lakeland Community College and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Integrated Social Studies with an minor in Education from Cleveland State University  I’ve have taught in three different schools Richmond Heights Secondary School CASTLE High School (Cleveland) Telshe High School (Wickliffe)

2 MR. Delgado I have Two Children Delilah and Maximilian O I love animals and Have a pet dog and cat

3 Mr. Delgado O I’m a musician O I play guitar and bass guitar

4 Mr. Delgado O I’m a huge Cleveland sports fan and a Browns season ticket holder

5 Scuba Diver O I am a certified open water diver and even went on a shark dive!!!

6 WELCOME TO RM.125 Mr. Delgado

7 Classroom Rules O BE PROMPT! O Any unexcused tardy will result in a half hour after school detention that Friday O If you arrive late to class… If you have a pass place your pass on the file cabinet If you do not then sign the detention list and quietly return to your seat

8 Classroom rules O Be POLITE!!! O Treat everyone in the room the way you would like to be treated O Profanity will not be tolerated O Do not shout out. Raise your hand if you would like to ask a question

9 Classroom Rules O BE PREPARED!!! O Enter the classroom ready to work O Each day have your supplies O You need your notebooks, and a pen or pencil everyday!

10 Classroom Rules O No cell phones O No head phones

11 consequences O If you break any classroom rules there will be consequences O 1. The first time you will receive a verbal warning O 2. The second time I will call home and you will be issued a detention for that Friday O 3. The third violation will result in a disciplinary referral to the principal for further action

12 consequences O Any serious behavior that may be a danger to our classroom or are deemed unacceptable by the instructor may result in immediate removal from class and a referral to the office for further action

13 Procedures O 4 days a week you will have bell work O When the tardy bell rings you should be in your seat quietly working on the bell work question O You will have 5 minutes to address the bell work question

14 Procedures O Bell work- After you have answered the question on the board we will see a short video clip related to that topic or introducing a new topic O Depending on the length of the video clip you will be required to write down some important information O Bell work will be collected daily

15 procedures O Homework- Homework will be collected each day after bell work O Late work will be worth half credit O If you have an excused absence then your work will be accepted one week later for full credit

16 procedures O Notes- You are required to take notes in this class up to 3 days a week O Every Friday you will have an open note quiz over the notes from that week O Your notebook will be checked for completion at least every two weeks on Friday

17 Procedures O If I need the attention of the class O I will raise my hand O When you notice my hand being raised please give me your attention and stop talking O Once everyone has quieted down I can more easily give instructions

18 procedures O Passes- Passes to the restroom will only be given to one student at a time per my discretion O Passes to other classrooms will only be granted with written permission from that teacher

19 Procedures O Ask permission to leave your seat O If you need to sharpen your pencil, throw something away, get a tissue etc. raise your hand quietly and I will let you know when and if you may do so O Do not interrupt instruction for something that can wait till after class

20 procedures O When you’re finished with your assignment… O Work on Chapter Vocabulary words O Prepare a Current Event for extra credit O Read quietly O Work on an assignment for another class

21 Procedures O Dismissal- Class is not over until the teacher dismisses the class O We will have meaningful instruction from bell to bell O Please remain in your seats until I have dismissed the class

22 signature O Please sign this paper acknowledging you have read Mr. Delgado’s policies. O Have your parents read and sign this paper by Friday Sept. 5, 2014 O I have read and agree to the class procedures and consequences. O Student X ____________________________________ Parent/Guardian X______________________________

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