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Maximizing – Partnering For Success. 1. Getting together with other hotels through your hotel association. 2. Work closely with your tourist board through.

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Presentation on theme: "Maximizing – Partnering For Success. 1. Getting together with other hotels through your hotel association. 2. Work closely with your tourist board through."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maximizing – Partnering For Success

2 1. Getting together with other hotels through your hotel association. 2. Work closely with your tourist board through a task force to see which market/niche you want to target and how you want to target it. 3.Contact the publications or your islands Ad Agency/Media company and ask them for a coop proposal. 4.Tourist Offices usually cover 50-75% of the ad 5. Drive traffic to a website (or 800 number) in the ad. 6. Use minimal copy to describe your property

3 Coop print ads examples





8 Danki Dank U Merci Gracias Thank You

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