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Electromagnetisme. Electric Fields Coulombs law: Electric potential: Gauss theorem:

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Presentation on theme: "Electromagnetisme. Electric Fields Coulombs law: Electric potential: Gauss theorem:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Electromagnetisme

2 Electric Fields Coulombs law: Electric potential: Gauss theorem:

3 Stokes theorem: Line integral: Gauss theorem:

4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ---------------------------- ---------------------------- + V Capacitor with dielectric d Field without dielectric: With dielectric we get polarization P in the material: D-feltet indføres som: For simple dielectrics (type 1: Electric susceptibility Electric permittivity -----”------ of vacuum Material parameters

5 Capacitor with dielectric ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ---------------------------- ---------------------------- +V 0

6 Magnetic fields Lorentz Force on particles: or in fluids: Find charges and currentsCalculate fields: E and B Calculate forces Magnetic field strenghMagnetic flux density permeabilty Vacuum field

7 Calculate magnetic fields Biot and Savarts law: Amperes law Plasma physics: Include all currents and use μ 0 : Magnetic materials: From currents find the H-field From material find B=B(H,t)

8 Maxwells ligninger Faradays lov Amperes lov - Poissons ligning Lorentzkraft

9 Plasma frequency

10 Plasma oscillations

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