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Filing Proofs or Affidavits 2010 Utah Water Users Workshop March 16, 2010 Jared Manning Division of Water Rights.

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Presentation on theme: "Filing Proofs or Affidavits 2010 Utah Water Users Workshop March 16, 2010 Jared Manning Division of Water Rights."— Presentation transcript:

1 Filing Proofs or Affidavits 2010 Utah Water Users Workshop March 16, 2010 Jared Manning Division of Water Rights

2 Topics Overview of proofs and certificates Affidavits of Beneficial Use Municipal Proofs

3 Appropriations Process Water right owner files an Application with the State Engineer’s Office Application is approved and a date set for submitting Proof of Beneficial Use Applicant can file for Extensions if development is not complete Proof is filed when development is complete and water has been put to beneficial use Certificate of Beneficial Use is issued to the applicant

4 Purpose of Proofs To show that water has been developed and placed to a beneficial use: –Describes the works constructed –Describes the beneficial use To quantify the water right –Distribution purposes –Helps when ownership becomes divided To establish appurtenance to land

5 Purpose of Certificates Finalizes the application process Establishes a public record of a water right and its characteristics –Nature of use –Water source and diversion location –Place of use –Water quantities (flow and/or volume)

6 Affidavit “as Proof” H.B. 389 – Effective May 12, 2009 Allows an applicant to submit an affidavit instead of hiring a proof professional Affidavit must be for “a small amount of water” associated with a residence Some permanently lapsed applications can be revived

7 Reasons for Affidavits Provide applicants with an affordable alternative to hiring a proof professional Provide a way to revive some permanently lapsed small domestic applications Reduce the workload of Division Staff

8 Small Amount of Water 1 Residence A quarter acre or less of irrigation 10 livestock or less Affidavits must be associated with a home –Home may be on a separate water right or on a municipal system No other uses are permitted on an affidavit

9 Affidavit Requirements 1.Affidavit form signed by all owners 2.Map of beneficial use 3.Plat map 4.Certificate of Occupancy or Tax Notice

10 Affidavit Statistics 488 Proofs submitted (since May 12, 2009) 109 Affidavits 23 Lapsed applications revived Oldest revived application (so far) lapsed in 1981 Approximately 40% of those eligible have submitted affidavits

11 Municipal Water Rights Municipalities typically have several water rights and sources Municipal water rights have historically been certificated for a flow rate (cfs) only Current practice is to certificate for a flow rate (cfs) AND VOLUME (ac-ft)

12 Why is Volume (ac-ft) Required on Municipal Proofs? A flow rate (cfs) by itself doesn’t describe the demand curve of municipal water use A volume limitation (ac-ft) in addition to a flow rate (cfs) helps provide order and certainty in groundwater management and administration Salt Lake Valley Groundwater Management Plan Roosevelt City case

13 Filing Proof on Municipal Rights Perfected water rights –Identify and quantify (cfs and ac-ft) each perfected water right owned by the municipality –Calculate total quantity (cfs and ac-ft) Historical water use –Determine maximum annual use (cfs and ac-ft) Compare perfected water rights to historical water use –If water use < perfected water rights then there is no use that can be proved up on –If water use > perfected water rights then a municipality can prove up on the difference between the two

14 Water Use Vs. Water Rights Example Number 1 cfs

15 A Closer Look at Example #1 Flow Rate –2.0 cfs base flow –12.4 cfs perfected water rights –12.4 cfs peak flow Volume –9,000 ac-ft per year perfected water rights –2,600 ac-ft per year use Options: File extension(s)

16 Water Use Vs. Water Rights Example Number 2 cfs

17 A Closer Look at Example #2 Flow Rate –0 cfs base flow –8.0 cfs perfected water rights –15.0 cfs peak flow Quantity –3,000 ac-ft per year use –5,800 ac-ft per year perfected water rights –900 ac-ft per year use above perfected rights Options –Prove up on up to 7 cfs, 900 ac-ft –File extension(s)

18 Water Use Vs. Water Rights Example Number 3 cfs

19 A Closer Look at Example #3 Flow Rate –10.0 cfs base flow –6.0 cfs perfected water rights –30.0 cfs peak flow Quantity –4,300 ac-ft per year perfected water rights –9,700 ac-ft per year use –5,400 ac-ft per year use above perfected rights Options –Prove up on up to 24 cfs, 5,400 ac-ft –Prove up on 4 cfs, 2,900 ac-ft –File extension(s)

20 Extension Requests The holding of an approved application by a public water supplier constitutes due diligence for up to 50 years after approval Extensions beyond 50 years shall be granted to public water suppliers if: –Substantial expenditures have been made to construct the works, and –The water will be needed in the next 40 years

21 Some Common Proof Problems Filing a late or incomplete proof – the application lapses but may be reinstated with a later priority To be complete a proof must have: –Ownership records current –Signatures of all owners of record –All signatures notarized –Proof professional’s stamp and signature Proofs on “other” uses (industrial, gravel-washing, commercial, etc.) must have water volume measurements (ac-ft)

22 What’s Next for Proofs? Update Administrative Mapping Rules –May apply to application maps, title maps, diligence claim maps and proof maps –Address the use of new technology (GPS) –Address appurtenance issues Continue proof professionals training Continue to reduce proof backlog (40% reduction in last 1 ½ years)

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