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Education or Distraction: Facebook in the Classroom Patty Sullivan Dennis Beck.

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Presentation on theme: "Education or Distraction: Facebook in the Classroom Patty Sullivan Dennis Beck."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education or Distraction: Facebook in the Classroom Patty Sullivan Dennis Beck

2 Facebook???? You’re kidding! Why? How?

3 Why Use Social Media?  Because everyone is doing it………..  More than 80 percent of college faculty are using social media, with more than half using these tools as part of their teaching, according to a recent survey, "Social Media in Higher Education.” May, 2010 –conducted by the Babson Survey Research Group in collaboration with New Marketing Labs and Pearson Education

4 More information from the survey  Nearly 1,000 faculty from across the nation participated in the survey. (me, too!)  Most faculty respondents (59%) have more than one social network account; nearly 25 percent have accounts on four or more social networks.  In order of frequency of use---------  Facebook YouTube Skype LinkedIn Twitter Pearson Survey

5 Really, everyone is doing it.  More than 30 percent use social networks to communicate with students and use social networks to communicate with peers.  Over half report using video, podcasts, blogs and wikis as part of their classes. Pearson survey

6 Surprised?  By a ratio of over four to one, faculty members report that social media has value for teaching. Pearson Survey

7 However…..  The survey indicates that social media are used mostly to convey information, not to communicate (passive use versus active use)  Only about 10% report active use such as tweets, posts, etc. Pearson survey

8 And more…..  Watching a video or listening to a podcast is the most common activity for both faculty personal use (72%) and for use within a class (46%).  Older faculty (those teaching more than 20 years) make substantial use of social networks; in fact, older faculty's use of social media is only slightly lower than that of their younger peers. Pearson Survey

9 So, if everyone is doing it, why should I? Ease of use Cost Flexibility

10 Caveat emptor  Something for nothing?  Privacy  Boundaries  Ease of cheating  And, remember, technology doesn’t equal learning.

11 Using Facebook in the Classroom We talked about who and why, Now on to how……

12 FaceBook: Best Practices











23 Best Apps - Links

24 Best Apps - Notes

25 Best Apps - Events

26 Best Apps - SlideShare

27 Best Apps - CiteMe

28 Best Apps - Bing

29 UARK Library

30 Social Media – The Future  Personal learning networks  Created by an individual learner  Specific to the learner’s needs  Extend relevant learning connections to like-interested people around the globe

31 Why PLN’s?  Overcomes isolation of online teachers/learners  Supports knowledge construction through distributed nodes/networks  Empowers learners to become self-led, independent knowledge seekers and creators  Allows customization of learning paths specific to individual interests or needs

32 5 ways to begin building your PLN 1. Join a professional social network  Classroom 2.0  EduBlogger World  Transforming Ed for the 21 st Century  Plurk  FriendFeed 2. Pick 5 blogs and read them  Identify – what’s out there?  Lurk – How do things work here?  Contribute – What can I offer?  Create – What can I construct?  Lead – How can I lead and mentor others?

33 6 ways to begin building your PLN 3. Set up iGoogle account 4. Subscribe to the blogs you selected - Google Reader 5. Become part of the conversation  Comment on the blogs you read

34 6 ways to begin building your PLN 6. Join Twitter  Start by selecting 5 microbloggers and follow them  Suggestions  WillRich45  Coolcatteacher  Stevehargadon  Acarvin  Penelopetrunk

35 Q & A

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