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NNA Honors, Nightingale Tribute & Hall of Fame: Writing a Nomination or Tribute Sara Seemann Linda Lazure.

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Presentation on theme: "NNA Honors, Nightingale Tribute & Hall of Fame: Writing a Nomination or Tribute Sara Seemann Linda Lazure."— Presentation transcript:

1 NNA Honors, Nightingale Tribute & Hall of Fame: Writing a Nomination or Tribute Sara Seemann Linda Lazure

2 Nightingale Tribute Sara Seemann, APRN-CNS, ACNS-BC, ONC Saturday, October 18, 2014 0800 – 0900 Breakout Session

3 Nightingale Tribute Objective: Review purpose, history and process for utilizing the Nightingale Tribute

4 Nightingale Tribute Purpose: A tribute to any registered nurse or licensed practical nurse for their years of service, to be given during the nurse’s funeral by a nurse colleague or friend

5 Nightingale Tribute “Nursing is a calling, a way of life. Nursing is a service profession that cannot be lived in isolation. Nurses rely on each other for the synergistic effect of teamwork in our efforts of care giving. It is appropriate that we honor our colleagues not only during their careers, but also at the end of their life’s journey.”

6 Nightingale Tribute NNA Reference Proposal Adopted 2004 –NNA House of Delegates Developed by Kansas State Nurses Association in 2003 –Adopted by the American Nurses Association 2004 »Available to all nurses

7 Nightingale Tribute Accessing: The Nightingale Tribute Available on Nebraska Nurses Association website –

8 Nightingale Tribute Location: Members Benefits –Awards & Scholarships Nightingale Tribute No Sign In or Registration required

9 Nightingale Tribute

10 The Nightingale Tribute Program –pdf version

11 Nightingale Tribute

12 Components Short synopsis of career White rose(s) Creative Reading –SHE (He) WAS THERE

13 Nightingale Tribute Components Determined by family and loved ones –Collaboration Desires and/or wishes

14 Nightingale Tribute Short synopsis of career –Summary of nursing career Describe the individuals life as a nurse

15 Nightingale Tribute Short synopsis of career –Educational background Program or University

16 Nightingale Tribute Short synopsis of career –Practice environment Clinical –Medical Center –Public Health

17 Nightingale Tribute Short synopsis of career –Practice environment Academia –Primary focus Research –Area of study

18 Nightingale Tribute Short synopsis of career –Volunteer activities Organizations –Committees Nursing skill –Benefits

19 Nightingale Tribute Short synopsis of career –Passion Describe his/her love of nursing

20 Nightingale Tribute Short synopsis of career –Tell short stories Describe his/her impact on patients, families, students, colleagues and profession

21 Nightingale Tribute White Rose(s) –Honor and Appreciation Placed a single white rose with the nurse after reading –Invite nurse friends/colleagues to bring a white rose Present a bouquet of white roses –Make arrangements for bouquet of roses from nurses

22 Nightingale Tribute White Rose(s) “(Name)”, we honor you this day and give you a white rose ( or present these white roses) to symbolize our honor and appreciation for being our nursing colleague.”

23 Nightingale Tribute Creative Reading –Nursing is a calling, a lifestyle, a way of living. Nurses here today honor (Name) and his/her life as a nurse

24 Nightingale Tribute Creative Reading –(Name) is not remembered by his/her ____years as a nurse, but by the difference he/she made during those years by stepping into people’s lives... By special moments:

25 Nightingale Tribute Creative Reading –She (He) Was There Poem –Pronoun utilized as appropriate –2004 Duane Jaeger, RN, MSN (Kansas State Nurses Association

26 Nightingale Tribute The Nightingale Tribute: –Use any part or all –Modifications are encourage Reflect nurse’s life Desires of family Funeral service

27 Nightingale Tribute The Nightingale Tribute: –Schedule in the service In collaboration –Family –Funeral home –Place of Worship

28 Nightingale Tribute Memorial Contributions –May be suggested in care of The Nebraska Nurses Foundation To further the professional practice of nursing through educational offerings and opportunities

29 NNA’s Nightingale Tribute Annual Nightingale Tribute –NNA Tradition since 2005 During the assembly of the Nebraska Nurses Association House of Delegates

30 NNA’s Nightingale Tribute Location: –Members Benefits Awards & Scholarships –Nightingale Tribute No Sign In or Registration required

31 NNA’s Nightingale Tribute

32 Nightingale Tribute Celebration of life –Difficult time of saying goodbye –Fitting to support families

33 Nightingale Tribute Celebration of life –A Nurse’s family is part of ones career. Children of nurses grow up knowing about the long hours, the fatigue, the strain... and they grow up knowing about the special moments of serving others

34 Nightingale Tribute Celebration of life –The family is proud of the difference his/her mom or dad made in others’ lives. –Friends and colleagues also share in those times.

35 Nightingale Tribute NNA’s commitment: –Honoring our colleagues at the end of life’s journey

36 Nightingale Tribute Questions

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