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Thumbs-Up Marketing Presentation for Thumbs-Up Telemarketing, Inc. 13545 Barrett Parkway Suite 101 Ballwin, MO 63021 Bus: 314.821.8111 ext. 3016

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Presentation on theme: "Thumbs-Up Marketing Presentation for Thumbs-Up Telemarketing, Inc. 13545 Barrett Parkway Suite 101 Ballwin, MO 63021 Bus: 314.821.8111 ext. 3016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thumbs-Up Marketing Presentation for Thumbs-Up Telemarketing, Inc. 13545 Barrett Parkway Suite 101 Ballwin, MO 63021 Bus: 314.821.8111 ext. 3016 1

2 Overview Introduction – Contact Center Solutions Target Audience Call Content In-House vs. Outsourcing ROI Q & A 2

3 Contact Center Solutions Types of Contact Center Services Inbound Teleservices Outbound Teleservices Email Chat Skype Teleservices offers 2-way live voice communication Teleservices is non-static & highly trackable Our calls have memories – This is the key to being the R in Relationship Customer Lifecycle touchpoints 3

4 Contact Center Applications Telephone used for: Provide information/Broadcasting message Gather information Sell a product Sell a service Provide customer service Generate and qualify leads Customer Loyalty/Retention DELIGHT 4

5 Integrated Marketing can support branding through RPV Reputation Promise Vision 5

6 Teleservices Continuum ProspectNew Customer 6

7 Teleservices Continuum ProspectNew Customer Identify Decision Maker – Database Hygiene 7

8 Teleservices Continuum ProspectNew Customer Survey Identify Decision Maker – Database Hygiene 8

9 Teleservices Continuum ProspectNew Customer SurveyQualify Identify Decision Maker – Database Hygiene 9

10 Teleservices Continuum ProspectNew Customer SurveyQualify Identify Decision Maker – Database Hygiene Identify Need 10

11 Teleservices Continuum ProspectNew Customer SurveyQualify Identify Decision Maker – Database Hygiene Identify Need Generate Lead 11

12 Teleservices Continuum ProspectNew Customer SurveyQualify Identify Decision Maker – Database Hygiene Identify Need Generate Lead Gather Information/ Schedule Appointment 12

13 Teleservices Continuum ProspectNew Customer SurveyQualify Identify Decision Maker – Database Hygiene Identify Need Generate Lead Gather Information/ Schedule Appointment Close the Sale 13

14 Customer Delight Proactive Call Center Earning the business of a new customer is SIX to SEVEN times more expensive than retaining an existing one! Customer Acquisition Increase Lifetime value of existing customer Detractors in a Digital World 14

15 Who are you going to call? 15

16 Target Audience Success of the program is 50% dependent on your list! 16

17 Target Audience In-House Lists Current and/or past customers Direct Mail Web Digital External Lists Jigsaw Re-sellers Trigger Leads 17

18 What are you going to say? 18

19 Call Content Objective of Call Identifying Decision Maker / Database Hygiene Survey Qualify Identify Need Generate Lead Gather Information / Schedule Appointment Close the Sale 19

20 Call Content Objective of Call Identifying Decision Maker / Database Hygiene Survey Qualify Identify Need Generate Lead Gather Information / Schedule Appointment Close the Sale These services are NOT mutually exclusive! 20

21 Call Content Verbatim Followed Word-for-Word - Regulated Guided Conversation adjusted based on response Outline Bullet points Completely conversational & needs based selling 21

22 On-Going Management Staffing Time management Quality of calls Escalations On-going analysis 22

23 Tracking Campaign Name Start Date:To: Records Received:Co: Usable Records:From: Thumbs-Up DateProject Totals Hours: Contacts:/hr/hr Completes:/hr/hr Conversion Rate: Hot Leads: 0 0.00/hr0 0.00/hr Warm Leads: 0 0.00/hr0 0.00/hr Cold Leads: 0 0.00/hr0 0.00/hr ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Total Appointments:0 0.00/hr0 0.00/hr DNS Mail:00 DNS Phone and Mail:00 Business Number:00 Left Message:00 Deceased:00 Do Not Call:00 Wrong #:00 Disconnects:00 Call Manager:00 Spanish:00 Voice Mail:00 Reschedules:00 Reasons For Not Interested Hung-Up/Not Interested:00 Bad Experience:00 Picture Already Taken :00 Already Set Appt:00 Will Make Appt.Themselves:00 Too Busy:00 Sears Not Convenient :00 Too Expensive:00 Total Refusals:00 23

24 ROI Define Outcome Measure Results How many new accounts were closed? What was the revenue generated? What was your cost per sale? What is the Lifetime Value of new customer? 24

25 Q & A 25

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