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Income and life condition as predictors of young people cultural participation in Poland Statistical Office – Cracow Michał Chlebicki Seweryn Grodny Przemysław.

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Presentation on theme: "Income and life condition as predictors of young people cultural participation in Poland Statistical Office – Cracow Michał Chlebicki Seweryn Grodny Przemysław."— Presentation transcript:

1 Income and life condition as predictors of young people cultural participation in Poland Statistical Office – Cracow Michał Chlebicki Seweryn Grodny Przemysław Solecki

2 Presentation structure 1.Short information about analysed sample. 2.Three variables that could have influence on cultural participation: Household income Head of household education level Place of living 3.Does any others variables have influence on cultural participation? Line regression. 4.Conclusions

3 1. Short information about analysing sample  People between 15 and 24 years old  Average age was 19,27 and median was 19  52% of females vs. 48% of males  Average household income was 555,80 € per month

4 2.a. Income as predictor of cultural participation  Income per capita in household. Four groups of income (in Euro): 0 – 44 45 – 119 120 – 234 More than 234

5 2.a. Income as predictor of cultural participation of young Polish people – TV watching Crosstable

6 2.a. Income as predictor of cultural participation of young Polish people – Computer using Crosstable

7 2.a. Income as predictor of cultural participation of young Polish people – Cinema attendance Crosstable

8 2.a. Income as predictor of cultural participation of young Polish people – Theatre attendance Crosstable

9 2.a. Income as predictor of cultural participation of young Polish people – Concert attendance Crosstable

10 2.a. Income as predictor of cultural participation of young Polish people – Party with friends Crosstable

11 2.b. Head of household level of education as predictor of cultural participation of young Polish people  Householder education contain four levels : primary school and lower secondary school – technical secondary school - comprehensive school tertiary school

12 2.b. Head of household level of education as predictor of cultural participation of young Polish people – Reading in general Crosstable

13 2.b. Head of household level of education as predictor of cultural participation of young Polish people – Reading newspapers Crosstable

14 2.b. Head of household level of education as predictor of cultural participation of young Polish people – Reading magazines Crosstable

15 2.b. Head of household level of education as predictor of cultural participation of young Polish people – Opera attendance Crosstable

16 2.b. Head of household level of education as predictor of cultural participation of young Polish people – Philharmonic attendance Crosstable

17 2.c. Place of living as predictor of cultural participation of young Polish people  Place of living contain four levels : village less than 100 thou. citizens 100 - 500 thou. citizens more than 500 thou. citizens

18 2.c. Place of living as predictor of cultural participation of young Polish people – Internet using Crosstable

19 2.c. Place of living as predictor of cultural participation of young Polish people – Cinema attendance Crosstable

20 2.c. Place of living as predictor of cultural participation of young Polish people – Theatre attendance Crosstable

21 4. Conclusions  Income is important till some level. It gives means for cultural participation.  After this level,habitus become more important. We can defined habitus as group of habits, behaving, way of living. For example P. Bourdieu proved that people, whose grandparents and parents finished university are more likely to buy antique furniture than people whose only parents finished university.  If we collected data like above, then we would be able to explain more how people participate in different cultural activities.  All variable are correlated. That means that variable explain partly each other.

22 Thank You!

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