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Avoir / être – remplis les blancs avoirto have J’aiI have Tu asyou have Il/elle/on ahe/she/one has Nous avonswe have Vous avezyou have Ils/elles ontthey.

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Presentation on theme: "Avoir / être – remplis les blancs avoirto have J’aiI have Tu asyou have Il/elle/on ahe/she/one has Nous avonswe have Vous avezyou have Ils/elles ontthey."— Presentation transcript:

1 avoir / être – remplis les blancs avoirto have J’aiI have Tu asyou have Il/elle/on ahe/she/one has Nous avonswe have Vous avezyou have Ils/elles ontthey have êtreto be Je suisI am Tu esyou are Il/elle/on esthe/she/one is Nous sommeswe are Vous êtesyou are Ils/elles sontthey are as avez sommesa ont suis es êtes avons aisontest ©George Spencer Foundation School & Technology College 2010

2 Objectives – ????? Understand the structure and meaning of the perfect (past) tense (C) Make correct past participles from infinitives (C/B) Know which verbs conjugate with avoir / être (B) Apply rules and knowledge to form correct perfect tense (A/A*) ©George Spencer Foundation School & Technology College 2010

3 Le passé composé The perfect (past) tense Example 1 J’ai regardé What is the meaning? What 3 parts do you have? ©George Spencer Foundation School & Technology College 2010

4 Le passé composé The perfect (past) tense Example Je suis allé(e) What is the meaning? What 3 parts do you have? ©George Spencer Foundation School & Technology College 2010

5 Third part – the past participle Can you match the infinitives to the past participles? infinitivePast participle Jouer (to play) Regarder (to watch) Aller (to go) Finir (to finish) Choisir (to choose) Sortir (to go out) Vendre (to sell) Perdre (to lose) Faire (to do) Venir (to come) Boire (to drink) Lire (to read) Ecrire (to write) Voir (to see) Mettre (to put) Prendre (to take) bu vendu vu regardé allé fini joué écrit choisi pris sorti perdu fait venu lu mis ©George Spencer Foundation School & Technology College 2010

6 What are the rule for forming past participles? -er verbse.g jouer Replace –er with éjoué ir verbs e.g finir Knock off the rfini -re verbs e.g vendre Replace -re with uvendu Verbs with irregular past participles e.g lire Could be anything – you have to learn them! ©George Spencer Foundation School & Technology College 2010

7 Quiz-quiz trade Find a partner Show them your infinitive They must work out and give you the past participle Check the back of the card to see if they are right Swap over Swap cards Move on to a new partner ©George Spencer Foundation School & Technology College 2010

8 Avoir or être? How do you know whether to conjugate the verb with avoir (j’ai) or être (je suis)? With your partner, try to sort the past participles in your envelope into two categories – avoir or être Be ready to explain how you reached your decision ©George Spencer Foundation School & Technology College 2010

9 Être – to be Je suis Tu es Il / elle / on est Nous sommes Vous êtes Ils / elles sont Avoir – to have J’ai Tu as Il / elle /on a Nous avons Vous avez Ils / elles ont allé(e)(s)bu parti (e) (s)vendu sorti (e) (s)vu venu (e) (s)regardé descendu (e) (s)fini monté (e) (s)joué entré (e) (s)écrit rentré (e) (s)choisi né (e) (s)pris mort (e) (s)mis arrivé (e) (s)perdu retourné (e) (s)fait tombé (e) (s)lu resté (e) (s)perdu ©George Spencer Foundation School & Technology College 2010

10 Show what you know Complete as much of the worksheet as you can – there are easy, medium and hard sections!! Finish for homework (deadline Monday) ©George Spencer Foundation School & Technology College 2010

11 What have you learned? 5 questions for partner A 1) What is the meaning of the perfect (past) tense) Did / have done 2) What is the past participle of manger? mangé 3) Monter (to go up) – avoir or être? Être – it’s a verb of motion 4) What is the past participle of prendre? pris 5) How would you say – I finished? J’ai fini ©George Spencer Foundation School & Technology College 2010

12 What have you learned? 5 questions for partner B 1) How many parts to the perfect (past) tense) 3 (person, avoir/être, past participle) 2) What is the past participle of regarder? regardé 3) descendre (to go down) – avoir or être? Être – it’s a verb of motion 4) What is the past participle of mettre? mis 5) How would you say – I listened? J’ai écouté ©George Spencer Foundation School & Technology College 2010

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