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EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop1 An MDA-based Approach for Facilitating Adoption of Semantic Web Service Technology Dr. Gerald Gannod –

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Presentation on theme: "EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop1 An MDA-based Approach for Facilitating Adoption of Semantic Web Service Technology Dr. Gerald Gannod –"— Presentation transcript:

1 EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop1 An MDA-based Approach for Facilitating Adoption of Semantic Web Service Technology Dr. Gerald Gannod – Division of Computing Studies and Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering Arizona State University John T.E. Timm – Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering Arizona State University

2 EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop2 Introduction Semantic Web Services Semantic Web Service = Web Service + Semantic Description (service ontology) Enables better search, discovery, selection, composition and integration Steep learning curve and lack of tool support provide a barrier for widespread adoption

3 EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop3 Introduction Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) Centered on development of models rather than program code Primary goals include portability, interoperability and reusability Focuses on using standard widely- adopted languages (e.g. UML)

4 EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop4 Introduction Software Product Lines Share common, managed set of features Strategic reuse of core assets including: source code, requirement specifications, software architectures, design models, test cases and processes Benefits include: large-scale productivity gains, shorter time-to-market, higher product quality, increased customer satisfaction, decreased development and maintenance costs

5 EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop5 Introduction Previous Work Dynamic service integration using Jini Software specification using ACME Automatic generation of glue code Code generation using XMI and XSLT Current Work Uses similar approach Web services are assets within a product-line architecture Use MDA to enable OWL-S generation and product development

6 EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop6 Contributions Primary Development of an approach which facilitates the adoption of semantic web service technologies using MDA techniques Secondary Development of tools that generate semantic descriptions for web services Development of a framework for web service composition via the use of product line approaches

7 EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop7 Approach Philosophy Development of semantic descriptions for web services should not require knowledge beyond that of UML Requirements Use both standard web services and semantic web services Facilitate the composition of services to form applications

8 EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop8 Approach Process Product-line strategy to facilitate service composition Characterize a family of products within a product-line Variability in products must be configured to meet specific requirements

9 EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop9 Approach

10 EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop10 Approach E-Learning Domain Example Domain Expert and Software architect create a service ontology Architect creates a product-line architecture for the E-Learning domain Domain expert identifies potential services to populate the product-line architecture

11 EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop11 Approach E-Learning Domain Example Software developers create product-line framework for E-Learning (reusable core assets) Developers also create services which support operations such as test/quiz management and content delivery Finally, developers create the mediator which handles the mappings between the product-line architecture and specific service implementations using the service ontologies

12 EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop12 Approach Tools Our focus is on creating tools which support this process by creating semantic descriptions of the service collaborations using OWL-S We are looking at converting UML activity diagrams to OWL-S ServiceModel Software architect and domain expert can focus on models rather than code Have already built tools to perform lightweight syntactic matching of services

13 EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop13 Approach Once the product-line framework is in place, the domain expert can focus on creating new products by populating the framework with services This should not require programming knowledge on the part of the domain expert

14 EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop14 Discussion The use of ontologies to describe the domain enable mapping and interchangeability of services In order to avoid the learning curve and facilitate adoption of semantic web technologies, MDA-based techniques are utilized leveraging existing developer knowledge (UML)

15 EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop15 Conclusions and Further Investigations We are looking at alternative approaches (e.g. top-down versus bottom-up) Perform several case studies using these techniques in domains with varying sizes starting with E-Learning Look at alternatives to OWL-S for describing process semantics (e.g. BPEL)

16 EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop16 Questions?

17 EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop17 References The OWL Services Coalition. Owl-s: Semantic markup for web-services. [Online] Available, December 2003. Gerald C. Gannod, Sudhakiran V. Mudiam, and Timothy E. Lindquist. Automated Support for Service- Based Software Development and Integration. Journal of Software and Systems Special Issue on Automated Component-Based Software Engineering, 2004 (in press). David Garlan, Robert T. Monroe, and David Wile. Acme: An Architecture Description Interchange Language. In Proceedings of CASCON97, pages 169– 183, Toronto, Ontario, November 1997.

18 EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop18 References Joaquin Miller and Jishnu Mukerji et al. MDA Guide Version 1.0.1. Technical Report omg/2003-06-01, Object Management Group, June 2003. P. Clements and L. M. Northrop. Software Product Lines – Practices and Patterns. Addison-Wesley, 2002. Edmund W. Clarke and Jeannette M. Wing. Formal Methods: State of the Art and Future Directions. Technical Report CMU-CS-96-178, Carnegie Mellon University, August 1996. Group report from the Strategic Directions in Computing Research Formal Methods Working Group ACM Workshop.

19 EDOC 2004 - MDSW Workshop19 References Gerald C. Gannod and Sushant Bhatia. Facilitating automated search for web services. In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, July 2004. K. Sycara, M. Paolucci, A. Ankolekar, and N. Srinivasan. Automated discovery, interaction and composition of semantic web services. Journal of Web Semantics, 1(1), 2003

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