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Powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente Adult Bible Study Guide Jul Aug Sep 2009 Adult Bible Study Guide.

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1 powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente Adult Bible Study Guide Jul Aug Sep 2009 Adult Bible Study Guide Jul Aug Sep 2009

2 Dear User … This PowerPoint Show is freely shared to all who may find it beneficial. While intended primarily for personal use, some find it useful for teaching the lesson in church. There are those, however, who add illustrations, change background, adjust font size, etc. While their intention may be good, this is not right. Slide #1 says “designed by claro ruiz vicente.” For honest Christians, it is not necessary for another’s creation to be copyrighted in order to be respected. PLEASE USE AS IS. John’s Epistles An Appeal

3 Ekkehardt Mueller Principal Contributor

4 John’s Epistles Contents 1. Jesus and the Johannine Letters 2. Experiencing the Word of Life 3. Walking in the Light: Turning Away From Sin 4. Walking in the Light: Keeping His Commandments 5. Walking in the Light: Renouncing Worldliness 6. Walking in the Light: Rejecting Antichrists 7. Living as Children of God 8. Loving Brothers and Sisters 9. Believing in the Son of God 10. Confidence 11. Important Themes in 1 John 12. John’s Letter to the Chosen Lady 13. Power Struggle INTRODUCTION FIRST EPISTLE SECOND EPISTLE THIRD EPISTLE

5 John’s Epistles Our Goal {5} The three epistles of John speak to issues relevant for the church today. We would do well to listen to them, because ultimately, it is God who is speaking to us through John’s words, the God who has revealed to us truths about a greater and firmer foundation upon which we can rest: our Creator and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

6 John’s Epistles Lesson 7, August 15 John’s Epistles Lesson 7, August 15

7 Living as Children of God Key Text 1 John 3:1 NIV “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.”

8 Living as Children of God Initial Words {95} As God’s children, we are called to walk as children of light. The lesson point out two important implications of walking in the light: (1) to live in the hope of the Second Coming and (2) to live in full awareness of Satan’s deceptive ways to tempt you back to sin.

9 Living as Children of God Quick Look Being God’s Children: 1. The Privilege (1 John 3:1) 2. The Responsibility (1 John 3:2, 3) 3. The Result (1 John 3:6, 9)

10 Living as Children of God 1. The Privilege 1 John 3:1 NKJV “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.”

11 1.The Privilege Sons of God {86} First John 3:1 points to a spiritual birth; John 1:12 stresses the faith in Christ by which we become children of God. First John 3:1 stresses that believers are already God’s children. God has taken the initiative to do this for us. The new birth is His work, not ours. We can bring about neither our own birth nor our adoption as God’s children.

12 1.The Privilege Sons of God {86} Also, we do not need to worry about our status as children of God as long as we maintain our relationship with Him. This relationship is described as one between a father and a child; thus, it is very close. The ideal father takes care of us, loves us, and would give his life for us.

13 Living as Children of God 2. The Responsibility 1 John 3:2, 3 NKJV “Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has hope in Him purifies himself. Just as He is pure.”

14 2. The Responsibility Be Like God {88} Although Christians will be like God, they do not desire to take God’s place. They want to be like Him in loving others, in selfish service, in exhibiting purity of thought and righteousness of action. They respect the basic difference between Creator and creature and do not want to do away with it.

15 2. The Responsibility A Definition of Sin {88, 90} As a consequence of their relationship with God, believers live pure lives not under the dominion of sin. Our future depends on how we live now. This has nothing to do with righteousness by works. We are saved by grace alone, but our lives must reflect that we are saved.

16 2. The Responsibility A Definition of Sin {90, 92} In 1 John 3:4 sin is defined as “lawlessness” (NIV). This lawlessness is exhibited by the antichrists in 1 John, who fragrantly rebel against God and align themselves with Satan. Believers cannot have anything to do with sin. By making a common cause with sin, we are making a common cause with Satan and are rejecting Jesus.

17 1 John 3:6, 9 NKJV “Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him. Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in Him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.” Living as Children of God 3. The Result

18 No Sin! {94} Asserting that no one who lives in Jesus and no one who is born by God sins sounds quite absolute. Our present passage must be understood in the light of the previous discussion on the topic of sin. Christian stay away from sin, but if they sin, they confess their wrongdoing and accept divine forgiveness.

19 No Sin! First Explanation {94} John portrays the ideal in 1 John 3:6, 8, 9— which he also mentions in 1 John 2:1. The difference is that in 1 John 1:3 no qualifiers are added. A reason may be that John wants his hearers and readers to be clear about the issue of sin. Sin cannot be taken lightly. Followers of Christ cannot play with sin.

20 No Sin! Second Explanation {94} The verbs to sin and to do (sin) are found in the present tense, which oftentimes points to continuous actions. The meaning would be that disciples of Christ cannot continuously sin. They may fall here and there, but they have separated from sin and do not practice a life of sin. They are not dominated by sin.

21 Living as Children of God Final Words {96} “Let none deceive themselves with the belief that they can become holy while willfully violating one of God’s requirements. The commission of a known sin silences the witnessing voice of the Spirit and separates the soul from God. … And the claim to be without sin is, in itself, evidence that he who makes this claim is far from holy.” The Great Controversy 472, 473

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