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MS. FITZ. MONDAYLabor Day TUESDAYGo over Power Point of Vocabulary Unit 2 in classhand out Fitz Passes *Hand out Archetypes Packet *Assign Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "MS. FITZ. MONDAYLabor Day TUESDAYGo over Power Point of Vocabulary Unit 2 in classhand out Fitz Passes *Hand out Archetypes Packet *Assign Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:


2 MONDAYLabor Day TUESDAYGo over Power Point of Vocabulary Unit 2 in classhand out Fitz Passes *Hand out Archetypes Packet *Assign Vocabulary Unit 2 StoryDue Friday *Vocabulary Unit 2 QuizFriday READING ASSIGNMENT: Read to pg 25 by Thursday *Reading Quiz –Intro/Prologue – page 25 on Thursday WEDNESDAYArchetypes Activity THURSDAYReading Quizcomplete Archetypes Activitynext reading assignment: pgs 25-71 due Monday, September 10Reading Quiz on MONDAY9/10/12 FRIDAYVocabulary Unit 2 Quiz *Vocabulary Unit 2 Story Due

3 (adj) –skillful, expert in the use of the hands or mind

4 (adj) peaceable, friendly

5 (adj) having a deep-seated distaste; opposed, unwilling

6 (adj) given to fighting; warlike; combative, aggressive; (n) one at war, one engaged in war

7 (adj) hasty; not thorough

8 (n) treachery; deceitfulness

9 (v) to praise extravagantly

10 (adj)possible, able to be done

11 (n) a wry face, facial distortion; (v) to make a wry face

12 (n) a large-scale destruction, especially by fire; a vast slaughter; a burnt offering

13 (adj) not affected or hurt by; admitting of no passage or entrance

14 (n) a moving force, impulse, stimulus

15 (n)danger

16 (adj) extremely careful; particular about details

17 (n) a longing for something past; homesickness

18 (n) the purest essence or form of something; the most typical example SYNONYM: paragon, exemplar

19 (v) to move backward; to return to an earlier condition

20 (v) to examine closely

21 (adj) lukewarm; unenthusiastic, marked by an absence of interest

22 Tuesdays Lecture (mini lecture) ARCHETYPES What is an archetype? By definitionan archetype is: (n) an original pattern or model; prototype Carl Jungcollective unconscioustheory that we all pull our stories from same bucket THREE CATEGORES OF ARCHETYPES: symbolic, situational and character


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