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1 Tema(s): Is life better for teens now? Disciplina: Inglês Ano: 9º Aula nº 10 Pergunta-desafio: Would you like to travel through the time to know young.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Tema(s): Is life better for teens now? Disciplina: Inglês Ano: 9º Aula nº 10 Pergunta-desafio: Would you like to travel through the time to know young."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Tema(s): Is life better for teens now? Disciplina: Inglês Ano: 9º Aula nº 10 Pergunta-desafio: Would you like to travel through the time to know young people from the past? Produtor da aula:Márcia Cristina Neves Reis Validador: Valeria Cristina de Abreu Vale Caetano Coordenadora de disciplina: Leila Carvalho Mendes

2 2 ATIVIDADE 1: Is life better for teens now? Last class we saw the teen life around the world. Now, we will see the teen life through the time. Can you imagine the teen life on generation before yours?

3 3 ATIVIDADE 2: Evolution of Communication You know that technology advanced a lot, since ours grandparents were young. Let’s see a video that shows the evolution of means of communication.

4 4 ATIVIDADE 3a: You are a century XXI teen. Do you think modern life is better then life in the past ? Do you think now life is easier than before ? How about the problems from the modern life? Violence, stress,cyber bullying... Do you think teens nowadays run more risks than in the past? Let’s hear two friends talking about this. Listen to the conversation and try to identify some words you already know. and take note.Click on the picture. Ouça com atenção a conversa entre dois amigos sobre as facilidades da vida moderna para os adolescentes e algumas desvantagens dos hábitos atuais. Tente identificar palavras que você já conhece..

5 Mark: Well, these kind of, these kind of debates or these kind of issues, I feel like there is no better or worse, it's just different, you know. Mike: How do you think it's different? Mark: Well, in obvious ways, like the technology now. Like I can remember the first, my first microwave and my family's first VCR, and those were, you know, pretty exciting moments, yeah, absolutely. Mike: How's about going to the library to have to get research. Mark: Yeah! That's interesting, but people don't do that much anymore and I don't even realize that, but yeah the technology is definitely better now, but it's more addictive. I mean kids don't play outside. They just play video games all day and you know, I wasn't allowed to stay inside so much when I was a kid. Mark: Well, these kind of, these kind of debates or these kind of issues, I feel like there is no better or worse, it's just different, you know. Mike: How do you think it's different? Mark: Well, in obvious ways, like the technology now. Like I can remember the first, my first microwave and my family's first VCR, and those were, you know, pretty exciting moments, yeah, absolutely. Mike: How's about going to the library to have to get research. Mark: Yeah! That's interesting, but people don't do that much anymore and I don't even realize that, but yeah the technology is definitely better now, but it's more addictive. I mean kids don't play outside. They just play video games all day and you know, I wasn't allowed to stay inside so much when I was a kid. 5 ATIVIDADE 3b: Now you will read the dialogue. You can do it with a classmate. One of you represents Mark and the other one represents Mike. Pay attention to pronounciation.

6 6 ATIVIDADE 4: Grammar time Comparison of Adjectives Maybe you think life was as good in the past as it is now, but is possible your mother think time was better in the past. Or not. Let’s see how to compare using adjectives in English: Positive Form Use the positive form of the adjective if the comparison contains one of the following expressions: as … as Example: Time now is as good as it was in the past for teen life. not as … as / not so … as Example: Time now is not a good as it was in the past for teen life. Comparative Form and Superlative Form (-er/-est) one-syllable adjectives (clean, new, cheap) two-syllable adjectives ending in -y or -er (easy, happy, pretty, dirty, clever)

7 Exceptions in spelling when adding -er / -est *silent ‘e’ is dropped. Example: late-later-latest *final ‘y’ after a consonant becomes. Example: easy-easier-easiest *final consonant after short, stressed vowel is doubled. Example: hot-hotter-hottest Exceptions in spelling when adding -er / -est *silent ‘e’ is dropped. Example: late-later-latest *final ‘y’ after a consonant becomes. Example: easy-easier-easiest *final consonant after short, stressed vowel is doubled. Example: hot-hotter-hottest 7 : Positive formComparative formSuperlative form cleanCleaner(the ) cleanest

8 Fonte: 8 Comparative Form and Superlative Form (more/most) adjectives of three or more syllables (and two-syllable adjectives not ending in - y/-er) Comparative Form and Superlative Form (irregular comparisons) Positive formComparative formSuperlative form DifficultMore difficult(the) most difficult Positive formComparative formSuperlative form LittleLessLeast OldOlderOldest badWorseWorst GoodBetterBest Much/manyMoreMost

9 9 ATIVIDADE 5: Do the exercises clicking on the picture. You can check your answers and compare with a classmate’s answers. easier easiest easy Faça os exercícios clicando na figura. Confira as respostas ao final.

10 10 ATIVIDADE 6 Comparision of adverbs The comparision of adverbs is similar to the adjectives one. Click here Click here and learn more about it. Click on picture and do the exercises. Don’t forget to check your answers! Após visitar o site com a explicações sobre comparision of adverbs, faça os exercícios e confira as suas respostas!

11 11 ATIVIDADE 7: Time for music Young people always liked to hear songs. Click on the pictures below and hear a modern and a old popular teen songs. Feel the beat, compare the lyrics. Do you think the old lyric is apropriate for teens today? Compare as letras das músicas. Você acha que a letra de hoje faria sucesso no passado ou vice-versa? Por quê? Converse sobre isso com seus colegas e professor!

12 12 ATIVIDADE 8: Vocabulary Let’ review the vocabulary we learn today? Cell phone Violence Modern life Teenage Teen Fun Nowadays Cyber bullying Try to explain what each word or expression means. Then check your answers on dictionary. Explique o que você acha que significa cada uma das palavras e expressões acima.

13 That’s all! We could travel through the time, know the adolescence of other times in the past... We learned to do comparisions with adverbs and adjectives... To the next class, think and answer: Do you know how to take care of your body? That’s all! We could travel through the time, know the adolescence of other times in the past... We learned to do comparisions with adverbs and adjectives... To the next class, think and answer: Do you know how to take care of your body? 13

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