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Playing Phonographf cylinders with the technology of the XXI-st century. Contactless recordplayer DiFiLTON-ARC kft.

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Presentation on theme: "Playing Phonographf cylinders with the technology of the XXI-st century. Contactless recordplayer DiFiLTON-ARC kft."— Presentation transcript:


2 Playing Phonographf cylinders with the technology of the XXI-st century. Contactless recordplayer DiFiLTON-ARC kft.

3 Pál Sztano the late chief audio restorer of the MTA-ZTI Music and Folklore Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

4 Phonograph cylinders

5 The advantages of contactless reproduction ➢ The cylinders are not damaged. ➢ Even damaged or broken cylinders may be read. ➢ There are no reproduction problems caused by the contact of the pickup needle with the groove. ➢ The large number of samples read, enables us to better reconstruct the original recording during processing.

6 Traditional data acquisition  One sensor, one analogue reproduction chain  Optional digital phase: - A-D converter - Digital restoration

7 Multi-sensor data acquisition ➢ Many sensors, with as many analogue reproduction chains ➢ A-D converters for each analogue channel ➢ Digital preprocessing using digital data from each channel ➢ Optional digital restoration

8 The cross-section of the groove measured in pixels, 0,4 um

9 Groove cross-section

10 Surface view

11 Experimental player Experimental player

12 The first optical sound recorded by Béla Bartók in 1915


14 Autofocus

15 Automatic Groove tracking

16 Video picture of the groove cross-section

17 Image of a groove after preprocessing

18 Recognition of faulty parts

19 Reconstruction Parameters

20 The sound of a Berlin cylinder without filtering. A recording of the Orchester Bummelmarsch made in about 1905 (Needle Sztano1 Sztano2)

21 Main Data of the Recording Equipment ➢ 25 samples/sec PAL ➢ 20 rev/hour ➢ 480x time at 12kSps ➢ ~1 TB / cylinder of the Restoring System ➢ 20 samples/sec on Intel dual core Pentium 3 GHz ➢ 1200x time at 12kSps

22 Targets Recording ➢ 250 samples/sec ➢ Adjustable lighting ➢ 200 rev/hour ➢ 48x time at 12kSps ➢ ~0,05 TB/cylinder Restoring system ➢ 250 samples/sec on GRID system ➢ 48x time at 12kSps ➢ Enhancing the algorithm

23 The best procedure abroad  Reconstruction of Mechanically Recorded Sound from an Edison Cylinder using Three Dimensional Non- Contact Optical Surface Metrology  V.A. Fadeyev and Carl Haber  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

24 Thank you for your attention MTA-SZTAKI DiFiLTON-ARC kft. MTA-ZTI Manno Sándor Manno Sándor Gerencsér László Csetverikov Dmitrij Németh István Bisztray Frigyes Feketű József Méder István Torma Balázs Zalán Frigyes

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