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Side effects of brand lighting Light & Symbols – Carolina Marquezim, Naomi Nishi.

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Presentation on theme: "Side effects of brand lighting Light & Symbols – Carolina Marquezim, Naomi Nishi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Side effects of brand lighting Light & Symbols – Carolina Marquezim, Naomi Nishi

2 Summary: Introduction Light pollution Light Trespass Analysis Next Steps Questions Light & Symbols – Carolina Marquezim, Naomi Nishi Introduction “Side effects of brand lighting “ What´s the difference between good brand lighting and powerfull brand lighting? Strategy: The intention is to analyze with urban views from different cities of the world and to come up with case studies such as: 1. Very good corporate lighting, 2. Very negative effects, 3. A moderate solution. Cluster the effects in groups like e.g. commercial, sustainability, tourism, cultural aspects.

3 Summary: Introduction Light pollution. Light Trespass Analysis Next Steps Questions Light & Symbols – Carolina Marquezim, Naomi Nishi Light Pollution Light pollution, also known as photopollution or luminous pollution, is excessive or obtrusive artificial light. It obscures the stars in the night sky for city dwellers, interferes with astronomical observatories, and, like any other form of pollution. Light Trespass Light trespass occurs when unwanted light enters one's property, for instance, by shining over a neighbor's fence. A common light trespass problem occurs when a strong light enters the window of one's home from the outside, causing problems such as sleep deprivation or the blocking of an evening view.

4 Summary: Introduction Light pollution Light Trespass Analysis Next Steps Questions Light & Symbols – Carolina Marquezim, Naomi Nishi Analysis Very negative effect: Can you to identify which kind of building is it?. It is so much information that’s difficult to recognize the brand of the place. This Hotel Riviera (or amusement park?) is located on a major avenue in London, the environment behind the building is totally dark and I believe to sleep in a place near to this building is quite difficult. London UK.

5 Summary: Introduction Light pollution Light Trespass Analysis Next Steps Questions Light & Symbols – Carolina Marquezim, Naomi Nishi Analysis Very good corporate lighting: The Urban view in light aspect is comfortable; There is light enough to identify the brand and it is not disturbing the people who walk in the street. Above the stores are residential houses and a lot of stores with “powerfull light” could bother. Downtown, London UK. In this case the light is soft and is used to lit the facade, but not necessarily is part of the brand, is a complement.

6 Somar: Introdution Light pollution. Light Trespass Analysis Next Steps Questions Light & Symbols – Carolina Marquezim, Naomi Nishi Analysis Moderate solution: The Urban view in general is comfortable; there are big buildings fully illuminated, but it is possible to identify each company, there is not a visual pollution with brands everywhere even that being an avenue just with commercial buildings. Just for curiosity….Nowadays in São Paulo city there is a new law about advertisements the name is “Clean City”, the establishments can not put big outdoors in the street or big brands in front of the façade, every company needs to follow a model, with the same size proportional with the size of the establishment. Even that law is not relation directly with light, the result of this is less light, less brightness in the facades Paulista Avenue, São Paulo BR.

7 Summary: Introduction Light pollution. Light Trespass Analysis Next Steps Questions Light & Symbols – Carolina Marquezim, Naomi Nishi Next steps: In the next steps we will work in the same language dividing the views in different groups, how it was mentioned before. After that we will also work with the views in photoshop to simulate how could be different without too much light and in a opposite, in 20, 30 or 40 years if nothing changes how it will look like. e.g: Tokio, Japan.


9 Summary: Introduction Light pollution. Light Trespass Analysis Next Steps Questions Light & Symbols – Carolina Marquezim, Naomi Nishi Questions Can you feel the side effects of brand lighting in your hometown? In your oppinion is it real? How to be different and to project a good lighting design, save energy, not disturb……… into the light chaos, without loosing quality?

10 Light & Symbols – Carolina Marquezim, Naomi Nishi Thank you!!!

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