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Types of Sentences.

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Sentences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Sentences

2 Essential Questions How are simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences alike, and how are they different? Why is it important to write using different types of sentences?

3 Let’s Pop!! clauses

4 4 Types of Sentences Simple Compound Complex Compound - Complex

5 To Do: 1. Get out a sheet of paper. 2. Turn it horizontally. 3
To Do: Get out a sheet of paper. 2. Turn it horizontally. 3. Make ONLY the parts of the tree map below.

6 2nd Row of Map We are getting ready to make our 2nd row of our tree map. NOTE: I have found it easier to draw my boxes AFTER I have written my information.

7 Definitions Simple Sentence: Has 1 independent clause Can stand alone
Does NOT mean it is simple or easy

8 Definitions Compound Sentence:
Has 2 or more independent clauses (ones that can stand alone) Sentences combined with a conjunction

9 Definitions Complex Sentence: Has 1 independent clause (stand alone)
Has 1 or more dependent clauses (a part that cannot stand alone)

10 Definitions Compound-Complex Sentence:
Has 2 or more independent clauses (stand alone) AND Has 1 or more dependent clauses (a part that cannot stand alone)

11 Examples of Sentences LET’S USE OUR DEFINITIONS, TO
FIGURE OUT WHAT TYPE OF SENTENCES THESE ARE. 1. Because I am an English teacher, some people expect me to speak perfectly, and other people expect me to write perfectly. 2. Clauses are cool! 3. Because Sally kissed me, I fainted. The burrito gave me heartburn, but my brother felt fine.

12 ANSWERS Independent clauses Dependent clauses
1. Because I am an English teacher, some people expect me to speak perfectly, and other people expect me to write perfectly. COMPOUND-COMPLEX 2. Clauses are cool! SIMPLE 3. Because Sally kissed me, I fainted. COMPLEX The burrito gave me heartburn, but my brother felt fine. COMPOUND Record info. on your map!

13 4th Row of Tree Map – More Examples w/ Partner
Which type of sentence am I? Will Patricia pause to place poached pickles on Paula’s pretty plate? Do all of your homework, before you go out to play. I went to the movie theatre on Saturday, and the movie “Dinosaurs” was great! Although I like to go camping, I haven't had the time to go lately, and I haven't found anyone with whom to go.

14 Answers Independent clauses Dependent clauses
Will Patricia pause to place poached pickles on Paula’s pretty plate? SIMPLE Do all of your homework, before you go out to play. COMPLEX I went to the movie theatre on Saturday, and the movie “Dinosaurs” was great! COMPOUND Although I like to go camping, I haven't had the time to go lately, and I haven't found anyone with whom to go. COMPOUND - COMPLEX Record info. on your map!

15 Extend your learning! Write ORIGINAL simple, compound, complex, compound – complex sentences. Be creative where you place your examples on your tree map!

16 Works Cited Atteberry, Phil. "Atteberry Homepage." Phil Atteberry. Web. 12 Mar < "Think Technology: Graphic Organizers." Thinkport: Think Education. Think Maryland. Maryland Public Television & John Hopkins Center for Technology, Web. 12 Mar <

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