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Yes, iTouch: a case study of the first Brazilian news media for tablets Prof. Ms. Soraia Herrador Costa Lima Professor at Centro Universitário Estácio.

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Presentation on theme: "Yes, iTouch: a case study of the first Brazilian news media for tablets Prof. Ms. Soraia Herrador Costa Lima Professor at Centro Universitário Estácio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yes, iTouch: a case study of the first Brazilian news media for tablets Prof. Ms. Soraia Herrador Costa Lima Professor at Centro Universitário Estácio Radial de São Paulo e Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial (SENAC) Brazil Paper submitted to the 13 th International Symposium for Online Journalism Austin, Texas / April 20-21, 2012

2 Yes, iTouch: a case study of the first Brazilian news media for tablets Brasil 247 Released on March, 13 th, 2011 Two daily editions News and articles about culture, politics, economy, technology, media, agriculture, celebrities, ecology, sports and trips. Website Social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter) Segmented newspapers in three states and Brasília, capital of Brazil (Bahia 247, Brasília 247, Rio 247 and Pernambuco 247). iPads, Android platform and mobile 40.000 downloads (apps) – iPad

3 Yes, iTouch: a case study of the first Brazilian news media for tablets Research questions RQ1: Why is Brasil 247 structured as a digital version of magazines, both in content and design? RQ2: What are the challenges for news vehicles for tablets in Brazil? RQ3: What are the differences and the similarities between online journalism and the journalism made for tablets?

4 Yes, iTouch: a case study of the first Brazilian news media for tablets Inside Brasil 247 The vehicle is guidelined by four standards: interactivity, plurality, agility and democracy 40 people involved News agencies The content of the journal is hybrid and depends on the platform that the reader uses.

5 Yes, iTouch: a case study of the first Brazilian news media for tablets Content analysis Two daily editions: 6 a.m. / 8 p.m. Editorships: “Poder” (Power); “Brasil” (Brazil); “Mundo” (World); “Economia” (Economy); “Portfolio” (Portfolio); “Agro” (Agriculture); “Eco” (Ecology); “Cultura” (Culture); “Mídia & Tech” (Media & Technology); “Games & Apps”; “Esportes” (Sports); “Seu Dinheiro” (Your Money); “Motor” (Engine); “Oásis” (Oasis). Cover page Imagem (“Image”) Ajuda (“Help”)

6 Yes, iTouch: a case study of the first Brazilian news media for tablets Content analysis Bottom part  “Nova Edição” (New Edition); “Biblioteca” (Library); “Últimas Notícias” (Last News); “Conteúdo” (Content) Top part  Audio volume control; favorites news (“Favoritos”), index (“Índice”), back and forward icons; share

7 Yes, iTouch: a case study of the first Brazilian news media for tablets Content analysis Each edition (rough average)  23.9 news not signed (provided by news agencies or journalists not mentioned)  5.3 news with credits to journalists  2 articles (the articles appeared only in the two first months of the vehicle)  29.3 news, which had photos or videos

8 Yes, iTouch: a case study of the first Brazilian news media for tablets Content analysis Texts are always available on the left side, and images and videos on the right Texts amiable Language is clear, objective and simple Humor or incisive comments Two daily editions: the news aren't the same and issues are rarely repeated Problems

9 Yes, iTouch: a case study of the first Brazilian news media for tablets Interactivity, usability and navigability “Ajuda” (Help) 3G or Wi-Fi iOS or Android News feed (RSS) Facebook Twitter Contact

10 Yes, iTouch: a case study of the first Brazilian news media for tablets Advertising issues 5 advertisements in each edition (rough average) Interaction Government publicity (66,6%)

11 Yes, iTouch: a case study of the first Brazilian news media for tablets Conclusion Its structure has improved during its first year The publishers and journalists learned how to make a new vehicle for this technology, and readers are still dealing with how to use all the possibilities provided by tablets Journalist content is similar to online journalism Many images and videos to illustrate the news Advertisements are very interactive The vehicle still have problems with revision and it's hard to access the first issues  Since February, 2012 you can only access the latest issues (no more than three weeks)

12 Yes, iTouch: a case study of the first Brazilian news media for tablets Acknowlegments

13 Contacts Facebook: Soraia Lima Twitter: @soraialima

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