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ARU New Project Portfolio 2005 Martti Mäntylä HIIT/ARU.

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Presentation on theme: "ARU New Project Portfolio 2005 Martti Mäntylä HIIT/ARU."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARU New Project Portfolio 2005 Martti Mäntylä HIIT/ARU

2 HIIT Strategy Overview Mission: Competitiveness of Finnish society in the conditions of technological and societal paradigm shift Vision: HIIT is an internationally leading research centre in modern information technology and its interaction with individuals, business, sciences, and society Key principles: –End-to-end, white box, multidisciplinary research –Networking and internationalisation –Close link with interesting applications and users Challenges: Maintenance and upgrading technological and methodological competence, removal of various bottlenecks, funding instruments, researchers

3 Research Program Principles Focus, long-term vision, ownership –Core project, core group –Principal scientist, coordinator Critical mass, end-to-end –Competences of several research groups –Networking with partners Commitment of companies and funding organisations Flexible combination of instruments => Impact –Basic research, strategic research, applied research, innovation research –Testbeds, living labs, standardisation, … –Teaching

4 Project C Project B Project A Core Project Research Program Anatomy Core Group Principal Scientist (Coordinator) Researchers Visitors Group A Group Leader Researchers Group B Group Leader Researchers Group C Group Leader Researchers Partner X Partner Y Partner Z

5 Research Programs 2005-2010 Mobile Computing User Experience Semantic Computing Digital Content Communities Digital Economy Complex System Computation Future Internet Network Society Intelligent Systems

6 Fuego: Future Internet Focus: novel concepts, applications and key enablers for Internet of the future Prof. Kimmo Raatikainen, Prof. Martti Mäntylä, Prof. Eero Hyvönen, Dr. Ken Rimey, Dr. Pekka Nikander, Dr. Andrei Gurtov Several co-operating research groups/teams: –Mobile Computing (Kimmo Raatikainen + 7-10) –Digital Asset Management (Ken Rimey + 4-6) –Locator/Identifier Split (Pekka Nikander, Andrei Gurtov + 8-10) –Semantic Computing (Eero Hyvönen + 8-10) –User Experience (Timo Saari, Martti Mäntylä + 8)

7 Raatikainen Fuego Core 2005/2007 Future Mobile Middleware Fuego 2005 Mäntylä InfraHIP Infrastructure for HIP Rimey TMB Too Many Boxes: Personal digital asset mgt Mäntylä MobiLife New services for mobile life Rimey µXMLDB XML database for small devices Mäntylä and Toivonen Context Recognition Raatikainen Dynamos Dynamic mobile services Mäntylä FAMICI Multi-connected Internet Hyvönen Intelligent Web Services Semantic service catalogues Raatikainen S4ALL Services for all Saari UCRM Living Labs: User- Centric Research Methodology Mäntylä DRAMA Drama methods for UCPCD

8 Network Society Scope: Digital convergence in life management, identity building, governance, education, health care, security,... Present focus: Concepts, applications, and enablers for community-oriented digital services Prof. Martti Mäntylä, Prof. Jukka Kemppinen, Dr. Marko Turpeinen, Dr. Timo Saari, Dr. Pekka Nikander, Dr. Pekka Himanen, Prof. Mauri Kaipainen Three co-operating research groups: –Digital Content Communities (Marko Turpeinen + 8) –Digital Economy (Jukka Kemppinen + 10) –User Experience (Timo Saari, Martti Mäntylä + 8)

9 Network Society 2005 Turpeinen MC2 Mobile content communities Turpeinen RISE Rich semantic media Himanen Global Network Society Mäntylä MUPPET P2P trust and privacy Mäntylä P2PdigiTV Peer-to-peer enhanced digital TV Kemppinen “DE Core II” “Soft Law” on Future Internet Mäntylä (Jacucci) Pandora Community services for urban renewal Mäntylä WWS Services for large- scale events Kaipainen USED Urban space and experience design

10 Intelligent Systems Focus: computational issues related to adaptive systems Prof. Henry Tirri, Prof. Petri Myllymäki, Dr. Wray Buntine, Dr. Jorma Rissanen, Dr. Patrik Floréen MINOS (2002-2005): MDL in CS and statistics PRIMA (2003-2005): Proactive information retrieval PROSE (2003-2006): Probabilistic methods for next generation search engines WIRNE (2003-2004): Location-based user profiling SIB (2003-2005): Topic-specific search engines ALVIS (2004-2006): Superpeer search engine

11 Intelligent Systems 2005 Myllymäki (Tirri) SIB Search-ina-box: Next generation Internet search Tirri ALVIS Superpeer search engine Tirri MINOS Minimum description length modeling in computer science and statistics Tirri PROSE Probabilistic methods for next generation search engines Myllymäki PRIMA Proactive information retrieval Myllymäki OurWeb User roles in context aware community collaboration Myllymäki CIVI Cognitively inspired visual interfaces Myllymäki LAAWRTS Learning and adaptive agents in water resources and transportation systems

12 Opportunities TEKES open call, no firm deadline but preferably by end of 2004 CEC FP6 IST 4th call, March 2005? TEKES Fenix call, April 2005? Academy of Finland general call, May 2005 TEKES NETS follow-up program call? TEKES TULI call (if applicable)?

13 Fuego Core 2005/2007 Fuego Core 2005/7: Future Mobile Middleware Focus on middleware communication, mobile distributed event system, XML/RDF data access, and software configuration management. Also contribute to international standardization, particularly to W3C. Kimmo Raatikainen, Sasu Tarkoma Co-operation with UC Berkeley, Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan), possibly also Tshingua University (Beijing, China) TEKES open call Companies: –TBD

14 TMB TMB: Too Many Boxes –How will users manage their files on multiple handheld devices, computers, and home/car entertainment boxes? How to combine control with simplicity, rejecting both complete automation and complex graphical user interfaces? –Build on PDIS/PDOS results to enable user studies using engineering prototypes Ken Rimey TEKES open call Companies: –TBD

15 µXMLDB µXMLDB: An XML Data Base for Mobile Devices –Automatic index management; Query language; Representation of stored XML; Resource usage in mobile devices; Support for distributed databases –Deliverables: Open source C implementation for Unix and Symbian OS Kenneth Oksanen, Vilho Raatikka Co-operation with Laboratory of Information Processing Science TEKES open call Companies: –TBD

16 Living Labs: UCRM Living Labs: User-Centric Research Methodology –Investigate co-evolution of technology and human activities, overcoming lack of critical mass, insufficient test duration, poor instrumentation, and single-trial designs of conventional field studies. –Expose phenomena such as social innovations, domestication, appropriation, repurposing, … Timo Saari, Antti Oulasvirta, Esko Kurvinen Co-operation with CKIR, Helsinki School of Economics TEKES open call Companies: –TBD

17 MobiCust MobiCust: Customizing Mobile Knowledge Work –Study various scenarios team-based mobile knowledge work and investigate the facilitation of performance in selected work tasks by prototyping customized mobile technologies –Develop design guidelines and rules for customized services, applications and technologies Timo Saari, Giulio Iacucci, Petri Myllymäki Co-operation with CKIR, Helsinki School of Economics TEKES open call Companies: –TBD

18 OurWeb OurWeb: Detecting User Roles for Context Aware Collaborative Software Miikka Miettinen TEKES open call Companies: –TBD

19 GNS GNS: Global Network Society –Study the logic and dynamics of the network society at global level and its main challenges especially from the viewpoint of the development of China Pekka Himanen Co-operation with Prof. Manuel Castells (University of Southern California ) and Prof. Youtien Hsing (UC Berkeley/BCIS and CITRIS ) TEKES open call, aim at 100% strategic funding

20 P2PdigiTV P2PdigiTV: Peer-to-Peer Digital Television –How can copyrighted content be distributed so that its use can be controlled (and charged)? –How should the distribution be arranged to provide adequate facilities for search, metadata management, media conversions, etc.? –Which business models are feasible? Olli Pitkänen and Tommo Reti Co-operation with Prof. Petri Vuorimaa, TML laboratory TEKES open call Companies: –TBD

21 DE Core II DE Core II: Soft Law on the Future Internet –How can unconventional agents (communities, groups, …) act in various roles in digital economy? –Which conventions or rules characterise this? –Can these rules be accommodated in a legal framework to build trust, facilitate risk management, provide conflict resolution, and add transparency? Jukka Kemppinen TEKES open call Companies: –TBD

22 CEC Projects Move it! –Giulio Jacucci, NEST Pandora –Giulio Jacucci, IST FET FAMICI –Andrei Gurtov, Martti Mäntylä, IST FET

23 Eureka Projects Services for All –Kimmo Raatikainen

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