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Haiti Glimpse into whose Utopia?. Haiti The political economy of disaster The politics of earthquakes.

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Presentation on theme: "Haiti Glimpse into whose Utopia?. Haiti The political economy of disaster The politics of earthquakes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Haiti Glimpse into whose Utopia?

2 Haiti The political economy of disaster The politics of earthquakes

3 Haiti Interim Haiti Recovery Commission Project # 4: Rebuilding the Education Sector $ 4.2b over 5 years “unique opportunity to work with a clean slate”

4 Haiti GOAL Provide universal free or nearly free education for KG through 12 th grades in accredited schools with eventual government financing. The full transformation is expected to take 20 years (NYT, 16.8.10) 1 st phase: 625 new primary schools Retrain 90% of the 50,000 teachers (and 2,500 new teachers a year)


6 Pre-Earthquake 55% of school-aged children are out of school (500,000 children) 81% of children without secondary education 20% of children in public schools (only 8% according to others) 9% government expenditure on education

7 Pre-Earthquake 1.5% GDP on Education 80% of primary school teachers have no formal training; 25% had not finished high school 75% of non-public schools operate without government license or regulation

8 Haiti and New Orleans Part I The last things Milton Friedman had to say: Most New Orleans schools are in ruins, as are the homes of the children who have attended them. The children are now scattered all over the country. This is a tragedy. It is also an opportunity to radically reform the educational system.

9 Friedman Wall Street Journal 5.12.05 New Orleans schools were failing for the same reason that schools are failing in other large cities, because the schools are owned and operated by the government. Rather than simply rebuild the destroyed schools, Louisiana, which has taken over the New Orleans school system, should take this opportunity to empower the consumers, i.e., the students, by providing parents with vouchers… Whatever the promise of vouchers for the education of New Orleans children, the reform will be opposed by the teachers unions and the educational administrators. They now control a monopoly school system. They are determined to preserve that control, and will go to almost any lengths to do so.

10 Friedman If, by a political miracle, Louisiana could overcome the opposition of the unions and enact universal vouchers, it would not only serve itself, it would also render a service to the rest of the country by providing a large scale example of what the market can do for education when permitted to operate.

11 And in Haiti… The gvt, with int’l help will provide generous subsidies to parents who choose to send their children to schools that accept: New layers of oversight and accountability Gvt accreditation Modernised national curriculum Teacher retraining Certified and structurally sound school buildings

12 New Orleans and Haiti Part II Enter Paul Vallas brought ambitious school reforms to Chicago and post-Katrina New Orleans approach is based on charter schools, educational entrepreneurs, competition and parental choice (private sector take-over of public schools)

13 Vallas Para-teachers Guest workers UNIONS? Remember Friedman? Turned New Orleans into America’s

14 Submission to the United Nations Universal Periodic Review LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE PROMOTION AND PROTECTION OF THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION Universal free primary education is a right protected by Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Moreover, Haiti has ratified or acceded to the following human rights treaties and conventions that contain protections for the right to education: the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (Article 5); the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Articles 23, 24, 28, and 32); and the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (Article 10). The Haitian Constitution also provides individuals with the specific right to education.2 According to Article 32-1, “Education is the responsibility of the State and its territorial divisions. They must make schooling available to all, free of charge, and ensure that public and private sector teachers are properly trained.” Art. 32-3 further declares, “Primary schooling is compulsory under penalties to be prescribed by law. Classroom facilities and teaching materials shall be provided by the State to elementary school students free of charge.”

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