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The story behind the numbers 2013. GDP & GNP (Constant Prices - Seasonally Adjusted) Q1 2002 – Q4 2012 € Billion GDP GNP.

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Presentation on theme: "The story behind the numbers 2013. GDP & GNP (Constant Prices - Seasonally Adjusted) Q1 2002 – Q4 2012 € Billion GDP GNP."— Presentation transcript:

1 The story behind the numbers 2013

2 GDP & GNP (Constant Prices - Seasonally Adjusted) Q1 2002 – Q4 2012 € Billion GDP GNP

3 International Growth Rates (% GDP) for selected countries % change

4 Debt & Deficit

5 Imports, Exports &Trade Balance (2012) € billion

6 Importance of MNEs 2010 2009 Number of Enterprises Number of Persons Engaged Gross Value Added

7 Importance of Top 50 enterprises 2009 2010

8 Distortionary impact of MNEs

9 Foreign & Irish owned MNEs (2010)

10 Employment and Unemployment Rates (%) Unemployment rate Employment rate 2000 - 2012 % %

11 Labour Market – Current Situation

12 European Unemployment Rates (%) Q4 2007 vs Q4 2012 Q4 2007 Q4 2012

13 Enterprise births, deaths & impact on employment Deaths Births Jobs lost Jobs created Enterprises Persons Engaged

14 Enterprise survival Enterprises Born in 2006 Born in 2007 2008 2009 Persons Engaged

15 Retail Sector Retail Sales Index Seasonally Adjusted Volume (Base: Year 2005 = 100)

16 Residential Property & Rent Prices (Base: Jan 2005 = 100)

17 Household Investments & Savings € Billion

18 Household indebtedness € Billion

19 Impact on Well-being (Base: Year 2007 = 100)

20 Poverty, Deprivation & income inequality rates % % Consistent Poverty Deprivation At Risk of Poverty Gini coefficient

21 Overall Population Change

22 Components of Population Change

23 Births: 1970 - 2010

24 Migration: 1996 - 2012 000’s

25 Actual and Projected dependency ratios Projections based on M3F1 assumptions

26 Take a closer look

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