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By: FLORIDA STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION.  We’ve had ‘the problem’ in the past.  Harbour Cay Condominium  Turner Agricultural center  Berkman.

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Presentation on theme: "By: FLORIDA STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION.  We’ve had ‘the problem’ in the past.  Harbour Cay Condominium  Turner Agricultural center  Berkman."— Presentation transcript:


2  We’ve had ‘the problem’ in the past.  Harbour Cay Condominium  Turner Agricultural center  Berkman Plaza II  We have ‘the problem’ today.  We’ll continue to have ‘the problem’ in the future unless we do something.

3  Education  Experience  Examination  Ethics  Enforcement

4  Education  Emphasize structural classes  CEUs and PDHs – in the area of practice.  Experience  Require experience in the area of practice.  Examination  Required examination in the area of practice (S.E.).  Ethics  Must be taught and emphasized.  Enforcement  Define the qualifications of a structural engineer.  Add specific definitions to define ‘area of practice.’

5 EGO Structural Licensing isn’t about the individual engineer. It’s an aid to help us fulfill our ethical obligation to: “Hold paramount and safeguard the health, safety and welfare of the public.”

6  The Public  The Profession

7  Do buildings have to fall down and people die before we do something about an obvious and preventable problem?

8  By themselves, structural licensing and Practice Acts won’t fix all of the problems. We must actively seek to improve all 6 E’s.  But they’re ONE BIG step in the right direction.


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