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How did Unión Bíblica (Scripture Union) start?. A little bit of history…

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Presentation on theme: "How did Unión Bíblica (Scripture Union) start?. A little bit of history…"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did Unión Bíblica (Scripture Union) start?

2 A little bit of history…

3 In 1867, a Christian called Josiah Spiers decided to lead meetings for children. His style was lively, informal and participative as he taught them the Word of God and how to enjoy a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This marked the beginning of the movement.

4 Camps for children & young people were organized in different countries. (Today, Unión Bíblica is present in over 130 countries.) England El Salvador Peru

5 …and in 1887 explanatory “notes” were edited for the Scripture references on the cards. Cards were published for daily Bible reading…

6 …and although the Spanish version of these ‘Notes’ were distributed for a number of years previously, the official birth of Unión Bíblica in Spain took place on 14 March 1953 with the creation of a National Committee.

7 One of the aims of Unión Bíblica is to promote the reading and meditation of the Bible amongst people of all ages in order to encourage personal discipleship, Christian community and social responsibility.

8 Why should we read the Bible?

9 One of the Bible’s assertions is that… We ought to read the Bible because it is the channel by which God brings his message to human beings.

10 God needed to communicate clearly with human beings. The Scriptures are a necessary and adequate means of communication.

11 How should we read the Bible?

12 The Bible Bible is not an easy book to understand which can be read like a novel. We ought to read it with the desire to meet with God. So, when you open the Bible…

13 …first of all, ask God’s help to understand his Word. After praying, read a portion of the Bible every day with attention and reverence.

14 You will be aware of how God speaks to you in a personal way.

15 Unión Bíblica helps you to read the Bible. We publish materials which help you get the most out of your Bible reading.


17 Principally: “Mi encuentro diario con Dios” “Mi encuentro diario con Dios” (My daily encounter with God) a scheme for reading the whole Bible in 8 years. “Esta mañana con Dios” “Esta mañana con Dios” (This morning with God) – 4 volumes which help you dig deeper in your knowledge of the Scriptures based on the reading of entire books.


19 Amongst others… “La Biblia y su mensaje” (The Bible & its Message) with undated portions so that you can dig deeper into the Scriptures by studying whole books of the Bible.

20 “¿Cómo llegó la Biblia hasta nosotros?”(How did the Bible reach us?) - a study of themes such as the Canon, reliability, translations and theological content of the Scriptures. “¿Cómo estudiar la Biblia?” (How to study the Bible?) – a starter course in Bible reading and study.


22 “¡Descubre! Los tesoros de la Biblia” (Discover the treasures of the Bible) - enjoyable and effective devotional booklets for children between 8-12 years of age. For daily Bible engagement. Godly Play ®, - an imaginative approach to presenting Bible stories to children. A method which supports, challenges, nurtures and guides children’s spiritual quest.

23 “ En marcha” (Starting out) – a booklet for 7-12 year olds which aims to guide them into becoming followers of Jesus. “¿Te gustaría conocer a Jesús?” (Would you like to know Jesus?) - a booklet which explains clearly and simply to young children how they can get to know Jesus and become friends of his for ever.

24 Unión Bíblica and children’s work

25 Training Devotional literature Camps Conferences Seminars on child spirituality We offer services to Sunday school teachers, group leaders and churches in Spain, which include…

26 ¿Are you familiar with Godly Play ® ?

27 Godly Play is a method of teaching Bible stories, which David Pritchard has introduced to Spain.

28 Through storytelling, wondering and hands-on play materials, the Bible stories are presented to children in an enjoyable and imaginative way.

29 We offer you the opportunity of taking part in practical workshops in order to learn the techniques of this challenging teaching method.

30 For the past 140 years, Scripture Union (Unión Bíblica) has been helping God’s people everywhere to grow spiritually.

31 Some of of Unión Bíblica’s family members…

32 Daniel Martínez President Pedro Puigvert General Secretary David Pritchard Children’s worker Jaime Ardiaca Council member David Vergara Vice-president Bernardo Sánchez Council member Alberto Arjona Council member Orlando Enríquez Council member

33 If you wish to learn more about Unión Bíblica, we encourage you to visit our website:

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