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TNO Milieu, Energie en Procesinnovatie CO2 emissions Inland Traffic and Bunkers Netherlands.

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Presentation on theme: "TNO Milieu, Energie en Procesinnovatie CO2 emissions Inland Traffic and Bunkers Netherlands."— Presentation transcript:

1 TNO Milieu, Energie en Procesinnovatie CO2 emissions Inland Traffic and Bunkers Netherlands

2 Apeldoorn, donderdag 13 mei 2004 2 Presentation overview Introduction Present situation in the Netherlands Differences between methods Recent developments Conclusions

3 Apeldoorn, donderdag 13 mei 2004 3 Introduction The Netherlands is small industrialised country (200x300 km) with dense population Most active seaport in the world (Rotterdam) strongly connected to European continent by inland waterways Airport that acts as a major hub (Schiphol) in international aviation network

4 Apeldoorn, donderdag 13 mei 2004 4 CO2 from bunkers Energy statistics

5 Apeldoorn, donderdag 13 mei 2004 5 CO2 National Traffic cf. UN-FCCC

6 Apeldoorn, donderdag 13 mei 2004 6 CO2 National Traffic National territory method

7 Apeldoorn, donderdag 13 mei 2004 7 Differences between methods Transport Mode UN- FCCC Equal ? National Territory Bunkers involved Remark on UN-FCC-method Road TrafficF ≠ ANo Off RoadF=FNo Inland shippingA=AYesFuelbased not possible Seashipping- ≠ AYesAll international traffic Fishingn.a. ≠ AYesFuelbased not possible Rail TrafficF=FNo AviationA ≠ AYes Acitivity data not easy available F= Fuelbased A=Traffic based

8 Apeldoorn, donderdag 13 mei 2004 8 Some remarks As a consequence fuel tax harmonisation bunker fuel figures of inland shipping in energy statistics are not reflecting inland traffic As fishing is a very small sector in the Netherlands bunker market fuel based inventory is very difficult As the Netherlands is a very small country assessment of inland aviation is disproportional to the relevance of the emission

9 Apeldoorn, donderdag 13 mei 2004 9 Recent developments Activity based emission modelling of all shipping modes (finished) Inland aviation put on a low (but still too high) default emission value (consideration) Inclusion of Sea fishing and Military emissions in UN-FCCC emission inventory (ongoing) General QA/QC-procedures (ISO-9001) are applied, upgrading to international requirements is started

10 Apeldoorn, donderdag 13 mei 2004 10 Conclusions Proper discrimination between inland / intra EU and international bunkers seems not to be possible in national energy statistics Activity (=traffic) based emission inventories could deliver flexible solutions to many problems Correction of bunker statistics with activity based data is probably not advisable because loss of the independent control function of bunker statistics Yearly traffic data are not readily available for all transport modes (aviation) but the consequences for emission data of the Netherlands are very limited

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