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The Characteristics Of A Good Teacher

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1 The Characteristics Of A Good Teacher

2 Three Categories: Pedagogical Knowledge and Competency
Personal Attributes Professional Attributes

3 Pedagogical Knowledge and Competency
Knowledge of key concepts. Knowledge of governing curriculum. The teaching of relevant and engaging content. Knowledge of available resources and technologies. Awareness of different learning styles. Awareness of different pedagogical strategies.

4 Pedagogical Knowledge and Competency (Continued)
Encouragement of self-directed learning. Flexible and diverse teaching practice. Building student security and confidence. Challenge student abilities. Clear communication of tasks, goals and expectations. Application of effective classroom management strategies.

5 Personal Attributes Modelling student respect. Empathic understanding.
Nurturing. Passionate about learning. Personally committed to teaching as a vocation. Fair and non-authoritarian.

6 Personal Attributes (continued)
Personal authenticity. Effective interpersonal skills. Advanced communication skills. Confident teacher presence. Self-insight and self-control.

7 Professional Attributes
Reflective practice. Time management skills. Evidence based self-correction. Seeks feedback and constructive criticism. Ongoing development of current pedagogical thinking.

8 Professional Attributes (continued)
Participation and collaboration with school and wider community. Effective stress management. Appropriate modelling. Responsible behaviour (legal, ethical etc). Appropriate personal presentation.

9 References Atherton, J. S. (2005) Learning and Teaching: Cognitive Dissonance and learning, [online]. Available: [Accessed: 22 April 2009]. Azer, S. A. The qualities of a good teacher: how can they be acquired and sustained? [online] Available: [Accessed: 10 April 2009]. Dweck, C. S. (2007) ‘The Secret to Raising Smart Kids’ in Scientific American Mind, December Edition, [online] Available: [Accessed: 22 April 2009]. Hal, U. Good teachers share one special quality [online]. Available: [Accessed: 2 April 2009]. Rhem, J. (2007) ‘Responding to Student Relativism’ in The National Teaching and Learning Forum, vol.15 (4) [online] Available: [Accessed: 22 April 2009]. VIT (2005) Code of Conduct, Victorian Institute of Teaching, [online] Available at: [Accessed: 5 April 2009]. VIT (2005) Standards of professional practice for full registration, PDF Document, Victorian Institute of Teaching, [online] Available at: [Accessed: 5 April 2009].

10 References (Continued)
Cruickshank, D.R. & Haefele, D. (2001) ‘Good Teachers, Plural: What makes a teacher good? Looking at the ways we have answered that question in the past century may place the current evaluation craze in perspective’, Educational Leadership, February: Egan, G. (2007) The Skilled Helper, 8th Ed., California, USA: Thomson Brooks/Cole. Gardner, H. (2006) Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons, Revised Edition, New York : London :BasicBooks ; Perseus Running [distributor]. Korthagen, F.A.J. (2004) ‘In search of a good teacher: towards a more holistic approach in teacher education’. Teaching and Teacher Education, vol. 20: Slade, M. (2002) What makes a ‘Good Teacher’?: The Views of Boys, Conference paper presented at Challenging Futures? Changing Agendas in Teacher Education, Armidale, NSW, February 3-7, 2002: Snowman, J., Dobozy, E., Scevak J., Bryer, F. & Bartlett B. (2009) Psychology Applied to Teaching, Wiley. Westwood, R. (2006) ‘What do schools really want in a language teacher?’, Teacher, vol.168(April): Whitehead, K. L. F. & Rossetto, M. (2007) ‘Bridging past and present in the negotiation of prospective middle school teachers' identities’, Australian Journal of Middle Schooling, vol.7(1):

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