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It’s Time For... Pendulum Jeopardy!.

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Presentation on theme: "It’s Time For... Pendulum Jeopardy!."— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s Time For... Pendulum Jeopardy!

2 Jeopardy $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300
Frequency Period Cycles Energy Gravity $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

3 Topic 1 $100 The force that pulls the pendulum bob downward.
What is gravity ?

4 Topic 1 $200 Name given to the weight that swings at the end of the pendulum.
What is the bob ?

5 What is the rest position or equilibrium?
Topic 1 $300 The name given to the position the pendulum is in when it is not moving. What is the rest position or equilibrium?

6 Topic 1 $400 As the length of a pendulum increases the frequency does this.
What is decreases ?

7 Topic 1 $500 As the length of a pendulum increases the period does this.
What is increases?

8 Topic 2 $100 The point from which the pendulum hangs.
What is pivot point ?

9 Topic 2 $200 The height of the pendulum swing.
What is amplitude?

10 Topic 2 $300 The distance from the middle of the bob to the pivot point.
What is length ?

11 What is potential energy to kinetic energy?
Topic 2 $400 The pendulum is an excellent example of the conversion of these energies. What is potential energy to kinetic energy?

12 Topic 2 $500 The only variable that will affect the frequency and period of a pendulum.
What is length ?

13 Topic 3 $100 Name given to the round trip of the bob - over and back.
What is cycle or vibration ?

14 Topic 3 $200 The distance the pendulum is pulled back from the resting position.
What is displacement?

15 What is simple harmonic motion?
Topic 3 $300 Name given to the type of motion displayed by the pendulum. What is simple harmonic motion?

16 Topic 3 $400 The force that slows the pendulum down.
What is friction ?

17 Topic 3 $500 The Length you would use if you were making a pendulum for a clock.
What is .25m ?

18 Topic 4 $100 The scientist who originally worked on Pendulums.
Who was Galileo ?

19 Topic 4 $200 It’s the speed gravity accelerates objects on earth.
What is 9.8 meters per second squared ?

20 Topic 4 $300 The energy of all moving objects.
What is kinetic energy?

21 Topic 4 $400 If Pendulum A has a period of 4s
Topic 4 $400 If Pendulum A has a period of 4s. & Pendulum B has a period of 3 s. It’s the one that is longer. What is Pendulum A ?

22 Topic 4 $500 It’s what happens to the frequency of a pendulum if you make the length shorter.
What is increases ?

23 Topic 5 $100 The label given to frequency that means “cycles per second”.
What is Hertz ?

24 Topic 5 $200 A suitable label for the period of the pendulum.
What is seconds ?

25 Topic 5 $300 The way a pendulum stores potential energy.
What is by position ?

26 Topic 5 $400 It’s what happens to the period of a pendulum if you make the length shorter.
What is decreases ?

27 Topic 5 $500 An astronaut lands on a planet and finds a 2m pendulum with a frequency of 0.10hz. Is the planet larger or smaller than earth. What is smaller ?

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