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Computer Aided Teaching

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1 Computer Aided Teaching
ABDUL IN THE GARDEN Subject: Environmental Studies Class : IV Presented by Mr. Shankar Prasad PRT KV CRPF Durgapur Computer Aided Teaching

2 Competencies Knowledge Understanding Skill APPLICATION

3 PARTS OF A PLANT and their functions

4 INTRODUCTION Plants need soil, water, air and sunlight to grow.
Most of the plants grow from seeds.

5 PARTS OF A PLANT A plant has many parts. It has 1)ROOTS 2)STEM

6 ASSIGNMENT Collect a small plant, observe , draw and label its different parts. Fill in the blanks:- Parts of a plant are _________,______, ________,_______,________,_________, __________.

7 ROOTS Functions of roots are:
The roots provide support by anchoring the plant to ground. They absorb water and nutrients needed for growth.

8 STEM Function of stem is :
Stems carry water and nutrients taken up by the roots to the leaves ,and then the food produced by the leaves moves to other parts of the plant.

9 BRANCHES It is a woody limb of a tree that grows out from a larger limb or from the trunk. It provides us wood that can be used for making homes, furniture etc.

10 LEAVES Leaves are the food making factories of the green plant.
Leaves come in many different shapes and sizes.


12 FLOWERS Flowers not only look pretty but, in fact, are very important in making seeds.


14 Evaluation sheet FILL IN THE BLANKS:
The ______ provide support by anchoring the plant to ground _________ carry water and nutrients taken up by the roots to the leaves ,and then the food produced by the leaves moves to other parts of the plant. _________ is a woody limb of a tree that grows out from a larger limb or from the trunk. ________ are the food making factories of the green plant. ________ not only look pretty but, in fact, are very important in making seeds.


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