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Hello - today it is The 27th of October – 2014 and the time is ten am – or 10 o’clock Today we shall talk about ”small talk”. But at first we’ll look back.

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Presentation on theme: "Hello - today it is The 27th of October – 2014 and the time is ten am – or 10 o’clock Today we shall talk about ”small talk”. But at first we’ll look back."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello - today it is The 27th of October – 2014 and the time is ten am – or 10 o’clock Today we shall talk about ”small talk”. But at first we’ll look back - and then hear [hiə] and read [ri:d] the conversation we heard [HƷ:D] and read [red] last we were together

2 What have we done so far? Word classes: Nouns / navneord Bøjning / inflection bestemtubestemt ental /singular thea (an) Foran vokal bruges ”an” flertal / plural The -s (es – ies) -s(es – ies) På engelsk danner man flertal ved at tilføje - s til entalsformen. Hvis entalsformen ender på en –s lyd, tilføjes dog - es. Navneord, der ender på -y efter en medlyd ændres som regel - y til -ies

3 Translate: Noun entalnavneordubest. Pl.(dansk)best. Pl.(dansk) Bed boot Day Enemy Glass

4 Verbs To be / at være Nutid: er Datid: var Førnutid: har været Førdatid: havde været Nutid / present tense I am You are He, she, it is ------- We are You are They are Datid / past tense Was Were Was ------ were Were were

5 Verbs To have Nutid: I have you have he, she, it has We have You have They have Datid: I You He, she. It We You they had


7 THE VERBS (uregelmæssige) TO HEAR infinitiv/ navnemåde/ ”at-form” AT HØRE – TO HEAR Nutid/present tense (hører) I HEAR [hiə] Datid/past tense (hørte) I HEARD [HƷ:D] TO READ infinitiv/ navnemåde/ ”at-form” AT LÆSE -TO READ Nutid/present tense (læser) I READ [ri:d] Datid/past tense (læste) I READ [red]

8 Hello - today it is The 27th of October – 2014 and the time is ten am – or 10 o’clock A conversation: Where do you come from? AHello? BHello? AHow are you? BI am fine thank you ………….and you? AI'm fine, thank you. B Where are you from? AI come from England

9 A conversation: BYou come from England! - Do you like Manchester United? AI don't (_I__ _do___ __not____) like football. BAah…you don't (__do__ ___not___) like football - hmm I see – why did you come here? AI came for vacation. BYou came for vacation! - are you having fun? AYes, I am having a great time. BOhh - what do you like the best about here? AWhat do I like the best? Well the people are very kind BYes - the people here are kind! Do you like the food? AYes, the food is great. BIs the food too spicy for you? ANo, I love spicy food. I could eat spicy food every day.

10 A conversation BHow much longer will you stay here? AI'll (___ ________) stay two more days Booh - then you'll go home? AYes, then I'll go home BWhere do you work? AI work for a big company BWhat kind of a company do you work for? AI work for an import company ………….and what about you? BI work in a bank AHm..are you a bank teller? (A teller is an employee of a bank who deals directly with most customers. In some places, this employee is known as a cashier) BNo I'm the owner AAh.

11 Small talk Talk about:

12 Small talk – what to talk about The latest films The One True Path to Eternal Life The local basketball team Cars A product you would like to sell to everyone The Death Penalty Your home town How much you make Your last holiday Your favorite movie-star The correct political party The weather Gardening Your health problems Your family

13 The 27th of October Making small talk Our daily routines Our teachers daily routine Udleveres udleveres

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