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12 G Vocab Week 9-8. Affinity Noun A preference My sister has an affinity for clothing with polka dots.

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Presentation on theme: "12 G Vocab Week 9-8. Affinity Noun A preference My sister has an affinity for clothing with polka dots."— Presentation transcript:

1 12 G Vocab Week 9-8

2 Affinity Noun A preference My sister has an affinity for clothing with polka dots.

3 fledgling Adjective New (usually person or animal) The momma robin that built a nest on our porch raised 3 little fledgling robins this summer.

4 hackneyed Adjective Worn-out The hackneyed greeting How are you? is heard so much people dont even really answer before replying How are you?

5 incessant Adjective Nonstop The only problem with this summer was the incessant rain.

6 opulence Noun Riches, treasures The opulence of the decorations for the wedding paled in comparison to her wedding dress.

7 proximity Noun Nearness Many citizens are concerned about the proximity of the gas drilling to their homes.

8 sagacious Adjective Intelligent The sagacious animals in Narnia helped defeat the evil White Witch.

9 supplant Verb To replace The experts generally agree that hearing aids cannot completely supplant sign languages.

10 unassailable Adjective cannot be successfully attacked, assaulted, or denied The walls around the city were unassailable by force until Odysseus thought of the Trojan Horse.

11 Voluminous Adjective Having great size or capacity The students paled when they saw the voluminous book they had to read during summer break.

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