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Principles and Practice of Marketing fourth edition

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1 Principles and Practice of Marketing fourth edition
DAVID JOBBER Chapter 20 Managing Marketing Implementation, Organisation and Control 1 1

2 The cycle of motivation
Marketing Strategy Affects Determines Marketing Implementation

3 Marketing strategy, implementation and performance
Appropriate Inappropriate Good Success Roulette Bad Trouble Failure Source; Bonoma,T.V. (1985) The Marketing Edge: Making Strategies Work

4 The transition curve Reaction to change Time Internationalisation
Denial and disbelief Self-doubt and emotion Adaptation and testing Construction and searching for meaning Numbness Acceptance and letting go Time Source: Wilson, G. (1993) Making Change Happen

5 The ladder of support Commitment Acceptance Compliance Resistance

6 Barriers to implementing the marketing concept
High cost solutions Unquantifiable benefits Personal ambitions M a r k e t i n g Reward systems Saying versus doing

7 Managing implementation
Objectives ‘would like’ objectives ‘must have’ objectives Strategy internal marketing Execution persuasion negotiation politics tactics Evaluation who wins? what can be learned?

8 Internal marketing Internal customers Internal market segmentation
Target group 1 (e.g. supporters) Target group 2 (e.g. neutrals) Target group 3 (e.g. opposers) Internal marketing mix 1 Internal marketing mix 2 Internal marketing mix 3 product price communications distribution product price communications distribution product price communications distribution

9 Tactics for implementing marketing plans
Marketing implementation Persuasion Negotiation Persuasion Time

10 Functional marketing organisations
Type 1 Managing director Sales manager Marketing manager Sales administrator Regional sales managers New product development manager Advertising and promotion manager Marketing research manager

11 Functional marketing organisations
Type 2 Managing director Sales director Marketing director Sales administrator Regional sales managers New product development manager Advertising and promotion manager Marketing research manager

12 Product-based organisation
Marketing director Sales manager Marketing manager Product manager 1 Product manager 2 New product development manager Marketing research manager Advertising and promotion manager Brand manager 1 Brand manager 2 Brand manager 3 Brand manager 4 Brand manager 5 Brand manager 6

13 Market-centered organisations
Marketing director Sales manager Marketing manager Sales manager financial services Marketing manager manufacturing Market manager financial services Advertising and promotions manager Sales manager manufacturing Sales manager education Marketing manager education Marketing research manager

14 Matrix organisation Product manager personal computers
Product manager mainframe computers Product manager printers Marketing manager manufacturing Marketing manager education Marketing manager financial services

15 The marketing control system
Decide marketing objectives Alter objectives Set performance standards Alter standards Locate responsibility Praise reward promote advise train punish Evaluate performance against standards Take corrective/ supportive action

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