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NOF TRAINING AT ECLIS Gilly Dennis Training Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "NOF TRAINING AT ECLIS Gilly Dennis Training Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOF TRAINING AT ECLIS Gilly Dennis Training Officer

2 BACKGROUND 1999 Talis / Upgrade of system Experience of having to train all staff in the new system 6 training suites with 6 computers across the town Training officer Mentors to train others

3 TENDER 400 Staff Face-to-face Library specific 3 hour learning chunks Flexible options due to outsourcing Majority of staff requiring training

4 PROGRAMME 10/11 week programme from a menu of 14 modules (3 library specific) Timetabled to accommodate different work patterns Grouped according to ability/needs Consolidation exercises Teamed with an Educator

5 EDUCATORS Staff with supervisory role Trained first Wider range of modules plus 2 days of Advanced training in Supporting the Library User and Training the IT Trainer More than originally identified

6 ADVANCED TRAINING Courses developed -Supporting the Library User -Training the IT Trainer -Internet -Presentation Techniques Course content modified to reflect staff needs - “running before walking”

7 CURRENT POSITION 49% of staff have been on the basic programme Database to track staff through the programme Certificates presented to staff completing programme and exercises

8 CURRENT POSITION 2 59 staff have attended Advanced Supporting Library User 63 staff have attended Train the IT Trainer 56 staff have attended Advanced Internet 9 staff have attended Powerpoint Presentation 2 staff have attended Web Design Training

9 OUTCOMES OF TRAINING greater confidence Excel for newspaper accounts, booking systems and ethnic language periodicals Access for a recent additions database, accounts Word for lists, indexes, contents lists, SVQ work

10 FURTHER OUTCOMES Production of links for children's websites Information concerning websites produced as newsletters e.g. artlink Bookmarks- e.g. Health, Food History sphere Internet sessions for over 60s T-shirt printing with scanner

11 ECDL PILOT Two groups of 6 staff -one entirely on-line -one face-to-face training/revision plus manual testing Over 3 month period Feedback from staff as to how to take forward

12 WHAT NEXT Needs analysis to plan future waves in order to incorporate all staff needs ECDL for all Educators and relevant staff Further advanced training planned Appropriate learning materials identified for life post NOF

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