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Bob Rupert, FHWA, Operations Office of Transportation Management July 27, 2005 511: Americas Travel Information Telephone Number.

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Presentation on theme: "Bob Rupert, FHWA, Operations Office of Transportation Management July 27, 2005 511: Americas Travel Information Telephone Number."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bob Rupert, FHWA, Operations Office of Transportation Management July 27, 2005 511: Americas Travel Information Telephone Number

2 2 511 History FCC Report and Order – July 21, 2000 –Designated 511 as the single travel information telephone number to be made available to states & local jurisdictions across the country –All implementation issues & schedules left to state & local agencies & telecommunications carriers –No Federal requirements or mandates First Launch June 2001 – Northern Kentucky / Cincinnati

3 3 511 Coalition American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) American Public Transportation Association ITS America USDOT

4 4

5 5 Costs from Deployment Assistance Report #1 Medium Metro Deployment / Operating Costs Data gathering*: $16.5 million / $970K Data processing: $465,000 / $15,000 Telephone/511: $120K-700K / $30-100K Large Metro Deployment / Operating Costs Data gathering*: $40.5 million / $2.4M Data processing: $485,000 / $24,000 Telephone / 511: $120K-700K / $30-100K * Assumes no existing data gathering infrastructure

6 6 Costs from I-95 Peer-to-Peer Sessions Kansas Deployment: $292K Operations: $611K/yr (incl. $400K phone) Washington State Initial Phase Deployment: $730K Phase 1B (double capacity): $350K Utah Old: $120K deployment + $600K/yr New: $350K develop + $108K/yr maint & Mgt. New Hampshire Development: $230K + $20K one-time switch Operations: $107K/yr (02-04), $77K/yr (04-06)

7 7 Costs from Case Studies [draft] Miami – SE Florida Development: $1.1 million Operations: $236,000 / year Tampa Bay Development: $1.3 million Operations: $1.1 million / year

8 8 Costs: Conclusions Vary greatly depending on existing capabilities – data, communications –Telecommunications costs evolving To date, no costs to end-user for 511 information –Follows Guidelines All costs –deployment & operating– eligible for Federal-aid participation (NHS, STP, CMAQ) –Generally, systems using local or State funding to operate; mixed bag for deployment

9 9 511 Deployment Status = 511 Operational (Live) = Planning Funding as of June 24, 2005 Alaska Hawaii Puerto Rico D.C. Accessible by 28% of Population Accessible by 44% of Population in 2005 = Expect 2005 Launch

10 10 511 Deployments Generally, Statewide implementations with initial / basic / available information –Exceptions: Cincinnati metro followed by KY Statewide; Florida, and California Incremental development –Start with what you have with vision to add content

11 11 Deployment Strategy 511 is just another mechanism for disseminating traveler information. Once data is consolidated, relatively easy to add distribution methods. –Standardized formats (e.g., XML) ease translation Many 511 systems have co-branded or other Traveler Information Web sites with same information as 511

12 12 511 Operations To date, relatively easy to geo-locate callers & direct calls to appropriate 511 service. –In Kentucky, Florida & California, calls answered by local system if available – otherwise, default to State system (only KY so far) –In other States, all calls answered by Statewide system To date, call transfers are most common way of handling border or jurisdiction issues –Data sharing used in New England

13 13 Contact Info Bob Rupert – FHWA Office of Transportation Management (202) 366-2194

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