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2014 Annual Open Enrollment presentation for the employees of September 1, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Annual Open Enrollment presentation for the employees of September 1, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Annual Open Enrollment presentation for the employees of September 1, 2014

2 2014 Annual Open Enrollment First, a brief discussion of The Affordable Care Act (ACA) (aka “Obamacare”)

3 2014 Annual Open Enrollment Exchanges (Marketplaces) Premium Subsidies (tax credits) Cost-sharing Reductions New Terminology:

4 2014 Annual Open Enrollment Employer Plan Marketplace Plan Subsidy (PMG) No Subsidy!

5 2014 Annual Open Enrollment Benefit Changes Cost Changes So, what are the changes for 2014/15?

6 2014 Annual Open Enrollment Medical – Blue Cross/Blue Shield Dental – Delta Dental of NC FSA – UHC Benefit Services (Dependent Care Reimbursement only) HSA accounts – Benefit Wallet Basic Life – USAble Life Voluntary Life, STD and LTD – Principal All of the players are familiar:

7 2014 Annual Open Enrollment Current Group Medical Plan Dual Option: HSA-Qualified Plan1-2-3 Plan

8 2014 Annual Open Enrollment Initial Renewal Request 1-2-3 Copay Plan Semi-Monthly Employee Contributions Current Renewal Annual Copay Plan Copay Plan Difference Employee only $ 65.24 $138.54 $1,759.20 Employee/Spouse $254.10 $393.93 $3,355.92 Employee/Children $210.48 $334.75 $2,982.48 Employee/Family $410.14 $605.09 $4,678.80

9 2014 Annual Open Enrollment Initial Renewal Request HSA-Qualified Plan Semi-Monthly Employee Contributions Current Renewal Annual HSA Plan HSA Plan Difference Employee only $ 36.96 $ 98.84 $1,485.12 Employee/Spouse $191.33 $307.83 $2,795.88 Employee/Children $106.58 $193.11 $2,076.72 Employee/Family $337.69 $506.70 $4,056.36

10 2014 Annual Open Enrollment 2014/15 Group Medical Plan Single Option: HSA-Qualified Plan

11 2014 Annual Open Enrollment HSA-Qualified Plan $3,000 Plan Year Deductible (9/1 – 8/31) for “employee only” $6,000 Aggregate Plan Year Deductible for “employee plus dependents” Plan pays at 60% after the Deductible is met Plan pays at 100% after the $6,350 “employee only” or $12,700 “employee plus dependents” Out-of-pocket Limit is met No Copays for physician’s office visits or prescription drugs – all covered charges (except Preventive Care) help to meet the Plan Year Deductible and Out-of-pocket Limit Preventive Care is covered at 100% – does not count towards Deductible/Coinsurance

12 Health Savings Account Set aside money on a tax-free basis for “Qualified Medical Expenses” Benefit Wallet HSA is integrated with BCBS claims $3,300 Individual/$6,550 Family Maximum Contribution for 2014 Additional $1,000 “Catch-up” Contribution for employees age 55+ Flexible contribution options Easy access to funds: Debit Card, Paper Check, or electronic payment of claims 24/7 access to the entire HSA account balance (No Overdraft Protection!) Account balance earns interest and offers investment options starting at $1,000 Account goes with you upon termination of employment No “double-dipping” allowed – spouse cannot participate in FSA 2014 Annual Open Enrollment

13 Health Savings Account PMG Research, Inc. will contribute $50 per month ($600 annually) to employee’s HSA account for 2014/15!

14 2014 Annual Open Enrollment HSA-Qualified Plan Semi-Monthly Employee Contributions Current Current Core HSA Plan Buy-Up Copay Plan 2014/15 HSA Plan Employee only $ 36.96 $ 65.24 $ 44.35 Employee/Spouse $191.33 $254.10 $229.60 Employee/Children $106.58 $210.48 $127.89 Employee/Family $337.69 $410.14 $405.22

15 2014 Annual Open Enrollment



18 $50 Plan Year Deductible per individual ($150 per family) $1,500 Annual Maximum Benefit per individual Plan pays at 100% (no Deductible) for Preventive Services Plan pays at 80% after the Deductible for Basic Services Plan pays at 50% after the Deductible for Major Services Plan pays at 50% for Orthodontia, to $1,500 Lifetime Maximum Benefit

19 2014 Annual Open Enrollment Semi-monthly Employee Contributions Employee Only $0.00 Employee and Spouse $16.97 Employee and Child(ren) $33.92 Employee and Family $58.21

20 2014 Annual Open Enrollment Be sure to review your current elections for: Principal Voluntary STD Principal Voluntary Life

21 2014 Annual Open Enrollment Q & A

22 presented by Lou Pierce, President Cindy Connor, Director of Employee Benefits 6518 Airport Center Drive, Suite 101 Greensboro, NC 27409 P 336.292.9050 P 877.282.1099 F 336.292.4618 2014 Annual Open Enrollment

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